Pacific Update

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The Pacific Update will not be held in 2024. We are currently in planning for a 2025 event.

The Australian National University is holding the State of The Pacific conference in September 2024. Visit the Department of Pacific Affairs website for more details.

2023 Pacific Update

13-15 June | Suva, Fiji
The University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Japan-Pacific ICT Centre

Co-hosted by the Development Policy Centre and the University of the South Pacific’s School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Pacific Update is the premier forum for discussion of economic, social, political, and environmental issues in the region.

The third day of Pacific Update focused on research and policy developments in migration and labour mobility, within and beyond the Pacific region.

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Conference Program
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Note: Conference Times are FJT
Bold text indicates the presenter/s where there is more than one paper author. If no names are in bold text all authors intend to present.

Tuesday 13 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Welcome and opening plenary
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Chair: Neelesh Gounder, University of the South Pacific

Welcome remarks
Professor Pal Ahluwalia, Vice Chancellor and President, University of the South Pacific

Keynote address
Hon Biman Prasad, Minister for Finance and Deputy Prime Minister, Government of Fiji
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Keynote address
Stuart Watts, Chargé d’affaires, Australian High Commission in Fiji

Keynote address
Andie Fong Toy, Head Subregional Office for the Pacific, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)

10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 1a: Gender and family violence
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Chair: Grant Walton, Australian National University

Pacific Aid Map: Examining trends in gender equality financing
Jessica Collins, Lowy Institute

Family size and domestic violence in a high-fertility society
Dyah Pritadrajati, Australian National University
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How can digital services empower and build the resilience of women and the socially excluded against climate disasters?
Akata Taito, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
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Panel 1b: Tourism and human development
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Madeleine Flint, Development Intelligence Lab

Does happiness come naturally to tourists? An assessment of tourist satisfaction in Fiji
Stephen Pratt, University of Central Florida, Amare Wondirad and Gurmeet Singh, University of the South Pacific
» view presentation

The case for tourism satellite account for the South Pacific islands
Semisi Taumoepeau, Auckland Institute of Studies, Kirstie Petrou, Griffith University, and Enitilina Fetu’u, Tonga Statistics Department
» view presentation

Can we persuade policy makers to focus on the life satisfaction of the people? Learnings from recent findings on Fiji
Kushneel Prakash, University of Melbourne
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Locally led youth development: Utilising ‘Talanoa’ to enable community change
Patricia Zani Samuel, Ola Fou Solomon Islands
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12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 2a: Foreign aid
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Chair: Thomas Wangi, Australian National University

Pacific Islands Aid Efficiency Index
Riley Duke, Lowy Institute
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Australia as an infrastructure partner with the Pacific
Melissa Conley Tyler, Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue (AP4D)
» view presentation

Shared perspectives: Critical issues facing Indo-Pacific international development strategy in a shifting environment
Madeleine Flint, Development Intelligence Lab, Isabelle Coleman, Development Intelligence Lab, Luke Levett Minihan, Independent Consultant, Bridi Rice, Development Intelligence Lab, and Richard Moore, Development Intelligence Lab
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Panel 2b: Gender transformative practice
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Pacific girl and Toksave: The success of gender transformative programs in the Pacific

Chair: Lanita Waleanisia, Pacific Women Lead, Pacific Community (SPC)

Tara Chetty, Pacific Women Lead, Pacific Community
Margaret Mishra, University of the South Pacific
Ana Malia Falemaka, Tongan Youth Mentor and Ambassador, Pacific Women Lead Governance Board member, former Pacific Girl participant
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3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm Panel 3a: Educational exchange
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Spotlighting international scholarships, the elephant in the Australian aid budget: Examining the effectiveness of educational exchange for sustainable development and public diplomacy in the Pacific region

Chair: Noa Seru, Australian Awards Alumni and Technical Consultant

Hazel Lang, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Daniel Edwards, Australian Council for Educational Research
Lorissa Hazelman, Alinea International (Fiji)
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Panel 3b: Climate change and environment
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Akata Taito, United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)

Resilient and sustainable economic transition in Pacific small island developing states: Blue economy and deep sea mining. The case of Fiji.
Viliame Kasanawaqa, University of Malta
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Assessing the health of aquatic ecosystems in the Cook Islands: A study of lagoon and stream water quality
Alvin Chand, University of the South Pacific, and Alvin Lal, University of Newcastle
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An assessment on mangrove conservation in Papua New Guinea: A case study on mangrove sustainability policy from 2012- 2016
Melin Wamas, University of Papua New Guinea
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Assessing the wantok system of the Solomon Islands as an adaptation strategy
Michael Ha’apio, Idea Connection Pacific, Ricardo Gonzalez, University of Chile, and Morgan Wairiu, Windrock International Solomon Islands
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5.00pm Close

5.30pm Cocktail reception
Japan-Pacific ICT Centre Marquee. Hosted by the Asia Foundation

Wednesday 14 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Keynote address
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Chair: Professor Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Denton Rarawa, Senior Advisor in Economics, Pacific Islands Forum (PIFS)

Women’s economic empowerment in the Pacific region
Ingrid Fitzgerald, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
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10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 4a: Politics and governance
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Chair: Gordon Nanau, University of the South Pacific

How effective are the anti-money laundering regimes in PNG and Fiji?
Michael Kabuni, Australian National University
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Bridging the humanitarian and development nexus in justice sector reform in the Pacific: Vanuatu
Alice McGrath, Vanuatu Australia Policing and Justice Program, and Jocelyn Loughman, Ministry of Justice and Community Services, Government of Vanuatu
» view presentation

Perceptions of corruption in seven small Pacific Island countries: Findings from the Global Corruption Barometer
Grant Walton, Australian National University
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Panel 4b: Private sector and economic development
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Jessica Collins, Lowy Institute

Small firms
Ryan Edwards, Australian National University, and Michelle Kempis, New York University
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Upscaling local and innovative private sector solutions to social and environmental issues is crucial to the region’s resilience
Sandra Mendez, Business Link Pacific
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Capital inflows and effectiveness of sterilization policy in PNG
Thomas Wangi, Australian National University

12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 5a: Fiji care economy
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Care economy: A case study for Fiji

Chair: Sandra Kraushaar, The Asia Foundation

Hon Sashi Kiran, Assistant Minister for Women, Social Welfare and Poverty Alleviation, Government of Fiji
Laisa Bulatale, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
Sainimili Tawake, Pacific Disability Forum
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Panel 5b: Economic resilience
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Increasing economic resilience in the handicraft and agribusiness sectors in Vanuatu

Chair: Fremden Yanhambath, Vanuatu Skills Partnership

Erinah Malres, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
Margaret Alilee, Vanuatu Department of Industry
Mark Vurobaravu, Vanuatu Department of Agriculture
Claud Vusilai, Ambaebulu School
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» view presentation
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3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm Panel 6a: Fiji economy
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» watch livestream replay
An updated Panel 6a livestream replay will be available soon

Chair: Ryan Edwards, Australian National University

Fiji’s economy post-2022 general elections
Janesh Sami, University of the South Pacific
» view presentation

Agri value chain financing: solution for scale limitations in Fiji
Lagi Fisher, Finacial Management Counsellors Association of Fiji (FMCAF)
» view presentation

Post COVID tourism recovery in Fiji
Fantasha Lockington, Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association (FHTA)
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Panel 6b: Indigenous community empowerment
Video Conference Room 1 (VCR1)

Chair: Vani Catanasiga, Fiji Council of Social Services

Indigenous innovations: Indigenous Agricultural Knowledge (IAK), resilience to the climate crisis
Suliasi Vunibola, University of Canterbury, Ilisoni Leweniqila, Fiji National University, and Kolaia Raisele, La Trobe University

Exploring the Tokatoka (Sub-Clan or Vuvale) Land-Trust Model to sustain the socio-economic livelihood of the Indigenous Fijian community
Paula Raqeukai, University of the South Pacific, and Kathryn Bicknell, Lincoln University
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Community empowerment from the ground up: Using Samoan indigenous methodologies to obtain equity, diversity and inclusion
Inez Fainga’a-Manu Sione, Griffith University, Vaoiva Ponton, Griffith University, Andrew Harvey, Griffith University, Naomi Pelitte, Village Connect, Ruta Aloalii, Village Connect, Manuia Aloalii, Village Connect, Matt Statham, Brisbane South PHN, and Deborah Perelini, Village Connect
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5.00pm Close

5.45pm Conference dinner
Japan-Pacific ICT Centre Marquee. Hosted by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Thursday 15 June – Pacific Migration Research Workshop

8.30am Registration
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9.00am Keynote address

Michael Clemens, Centre for Global Development
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9:35am Keynote address

Leasiolagi Malama Meleisea, National University of Samoa

10:10am Morning Tea

10:30am Panel 7: Economic impacts at home and abroad
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Chair: Neelesh Gounder, University of the South Pacific

The Pacific Labour Mobility Survey: key findings from the first wave
Ryan Edwards, Australian National University, and Dung Doan, World Bank
» view presentation

The labour market impacts of low-skilled temporary migration: evidence from the Seasonal Worker Program
Toan Nguyen, Australian National University, and Ryan Edwards, Australian National University
» view presentation

Temporary migration and household spending in the Pacific
Hiroshi Maeda, Australian National University and Ryan Edwards, Australian National University
» view presentation

12pm Lunch

1pm Panel 8: Reflections on the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility scheme
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Chair: Carolyn Jalal, Australia Pacific Training Coalition

Reflections and insights from the Pacific Labour Facility: 2018-2023
Lewis Brimblecombe, Pacific Labour Facility
» view presentation

Is Australia doing enough to ensure the safety and wellbeing of Pacific workers in Australia?
Lindy Kanan, University of the Sunshine Coast, and Judy Putt, Australian National University
» view presentation

Migrant-Diaspora Connections and Pacific Food Worker Wellbeing in Australia
Victoria Stead, Deakin University, Kirstie Petrou, Griffith University, and Makiko Nishitani, La Trobe University
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2:30pm Afternoon tea

2:45pm Panel 9: Australia’s Pacific Engagement Visa: Can it be strengthened to meet the Blue Pacific needs?
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Chair: Stephen Howes, Australian National University

Akka Rimon, Australian National University
Natasha Turia-Moka, Australian National University
Michael Kabuni, Australian National University
Jope Tarai, Australian National University
» view presentation

3:30pm Panel 10: Regional perspectives on labour mobility in the Pacific
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Chair: Alisi Holani, PACER Plus Implementation Unit

Emmanuel Murwisi, International Organization for Migration
Angelica Neville, International Labour Organization and Sabira Coelho, International Organization for Migration
Noah Kouback, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
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» view presentation
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5pm Workshop close

5pm Red Wave Retrospective Exhibition (optional), Oceania Centre for the Arts

2022 Pacific Update

28-30 June | Suva, Fiji
The University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Japan-Pacific ICT Centre

Supported by



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Conference times are FJT

Tuesday 28 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Welcome and opening plenary

Chair: Dr Neelesh Gounder, The University of the South Pacific

Welcome remarks
Professor Pal Ahluwalia, Vice-Chancellor, The University of the South Pacific (online)

Opening remarks
His Excellency Lionel Rouwen Aingimea, President of Nauru (online)
» read speech

Where is the Pacific as we near the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
Alison Culpin, Social Statistics Advisor (SDGs), Pacific Community
» view presentation

10.15am Morning tea

10.45am Keynote address

Hon Pat Conroy MP, Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Australian Government (online)
» read speech

11.30am Panel 1: Gender equality

Chair: Nalini Singh, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement

Reporting on violence against women and girls: A critical discourse analysis of Pacific-based newspaper reporting
Kate Power, The University of Queensland (online)
» view presentation

Tracking period poverty in Samoa – the case study of manufacture and distribution of reusable menstrual pads in Samoa
Doris Tulifau, Vineta Pisia, Ramona Boodoosingh, and Annika Lemisio, Brown Girl Woke
» view presentation

Balance of Power: Shifting gender norms through localised political economy analysis
Mereani Rokotuibau, Jennifer Kalpokas Doan (online), Wilson Toa, Epeli Tinivata, and Peni Tawake, Balance of Power

1.00pm Lunch

2.00pm Panel 2: Aid effectiveness

Chair: Sarah Boxall, Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on aid effectiveness: the case of Vanuatu
Morgane Rosier, University of Ottawa
» view presentation

Collaborative research to benefit industry and academia: reflections on building a project
Aidan Craney, La Trobe University and Mema Motusaga (online), Samoan Ministry for Women, Children and Social Development
» view presentation

Conducting impact assessments of foreign aid projects in the community: A perspective from Vava’u, Tonga
Edgar Haak and Naohiro Nakamura, The University of the South Pacific
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3.30pm Afternoon tea

4.00pm Panel 3: Fiji economy

Chair: Stephen Howes, Australian National University

Fiji’s debt crisis in the post COVID-19 recovery era
Sunil Kumar, Pacific Polytech, and Gyaneshwar Rao, The University of Fiji
» view presentation

Tourism and economic growth linkages: Economic responses and recovery in Fiji
Rukmani Gounder, Massey University
» view presentation

All in the same canoe: Impacts of cyclones on farmers’ and fishers’ livelihoods and income and strength of resilience in Vanua Levu, Fiji
Lau Viliamu Iese, The University of the South Pacific, Krishnan Narasimhan, Jennifer Cisse, Jennifer Philip, Elisabeth Holland, Giulio Masasso Paunga, Filipe Veisa, Jioje Fesaitu, Otto Navunicagi, Timoci Koliyavu, Rahul Prasad, Salote Nasalo, Anamaria Tagicakiverata, Ratu Tevita Rokolutu, Jyoti Mala, Adi Davila Talemaimaleya, Maluseu Tapaeko, Mesake Volau, Epeli Waqa, Sereana Rabalotu, Sioata Lota, Nasoni Roko, Christopher Ward, Isireli Qionimua
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5.30pm Close

5.45pm Cocktail and kava reception, and visual arts exhibition
Oceania Centre for the Arts. Hosted by The Asia Foundation

Wednesday 29 June

8.30am Registration

9.00am Keynote address

Chair: Associate Professor Sandra Tarte, Acting Head of School for Law and Social Sciences, The University of the South Pacific

Rethinking poverty and household finance
Professor Jonathan J Morduch, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University, Executive Director of the Financial Access Initiative (online)

The Pacific post-pandemic: an economic update
Professor Stephen Howes and Huiyuan Liu, Research Officer, Australian National University
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10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 4: Economic recovery

Chair: Rup Singh, The University of South Pacific

Financing for social protection: Strategic pathways to sustainable investment in the Pacific Island countries and Timor-Leste
Charles Knox-Vydmanov, independent consultant (online), Nikunj Soni, independent consultant, Sinta Satriana, Pacific Partnerships for Social Protection Program, and Stephen Kidd, Development Pathways
» view presentation

An investigation into differentiated disaster risk and discussion of potential implications for insurance solutions: A case study in Fiji
Alexandra Dudley, United Nations University, and Reginald Singh, United Nations Capital Development Fund
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Pacific Islands debt: financing post-COVID-19 recovery amid precarious sustainability
Roland Rajah and Alexandre Dayant, Lowy Institute
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12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 5: PNG economy

Chair: Alexandre Dayant, Lowy Institute

Financial inclusion in Papua New Guinea: neither a borrower nor a lender be
Laura Nettuno, Vanderbilt University, and Martin Davies, Washington and Lee University
» view presentation

The determinants of excess reserves in the banking system of Papua New Guinea
Thomas Wangi, Australian National University

Chinese companies’ engagement in PNG
Huiyuan Liu and Sandra Kraushaar, The Asia Foundation, and Nikunj Soni (online), independent consultant
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3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.45pm Panel 6: Social protection

Chair: Kirstie Petrou, The World Bank

Tonga Case Study on skills development for the tourism and hospitality sector
Semisi Taumoepeau, New Zealand Tourism Research Institute, and Anna Addison, Auckland Institute of Studies
» view presentation

Exploring the impacts of climate change: experiences of the vulnerable populations in Solomon Islands
Hensllyn Pwe’a-Boseto, Ecological Solutions Foundation (online)

Natural disasters, community, and giving
Emilia Tjernström, Monash University, and Pike Stahlmann-Brown, Manaaki Whenua – Landcare Research

5.00pm Close

6.00pm Conference dinner (by invitation only)
Japan-Pacific ICT Centre Marquee. Hosted by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung

Thursday 30 June – Pacific Migration Research Workshop

8.30am Registration

9.00am Opening plenary

Chair: Professor Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Future directions of the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme
Carli Shillito, Assistance Secretary, Pacific Labour Policy and Engagement Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australian Government
» view presentation

Mobile bodies in warming waters: climate futures for labour mobility in the Pacific
Associate Professor Yvonne Te Ruki-Rangi-O-Tangaroa Underhill-Sem, The University of Auckland
» view presentation

The future of labour mobility schemes in Vanuatu
Murielle Metsan Meltenoven, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Vanuatu (online), Gareth Priday, Action Foresight, and Anne-Sofie Gerhard and Marine Destrez, United Nations Development Programme Pacific
» view presentation

10.30am Morning tea

11.00am Panel 7: Labour mobility in a changing region

Chair: Yvonne Te Ruki-Rangi-O-Tangaroa Underhill-Sem, The University of Auckland

Seasonal worker schemes in the Pacific through the lens of international human rights and labour standards
Angelica Neville, Sanushka Mudaliar and Carmen Voigt-Graf, International Labour Organization
» view presentation

Climate change and labour mobility in the Pacific Islands – A Policy Brief
Carmen Voigt-Graf and Sabira Coelho, International Organization for Migration, and Angelica Neville, International Labour Organization
» view presentation

The role of youth migration in transforming food systems in the Pacific: current knowledge and critical gaps
Marisa Mitchell (1), Patrick Smallhorn-West (1, 2, 3), Jacqueline Lau (1, 2), Philippa Cohen (1, 2), Andrew Song (4), Tiffany Morrison (1) 1. James Cook University, 2. WorldFish, 3. Wildlife Conservation Society, 4. University of Technology Sydney
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12.30pm Lunch

1.30pm Panel 8: Maximising development impacts

Chair: Rochelle Bailey, Australian National University

The place premium: Evidence from three Pacific labour mobility schemes
Ryan Edwards (online) and Nguyen Truong Toan, Australian National University
» view presentation

The role of remittance sending in connection to culture for the diaspora community
Vaoiva Ponton and Nicola Fa’avale, MANA Pasifika
» view presentation

Constraints and opportunities of decentralisation in labour mobility: Reflections on Papua New Guinea
Natasha Turia-Moka, Australian National University
» view presentation

3.00pm Afternoon tea

3.30pm Panel 9: Understanding social impacts

Chair: Mereseini Cawaru, Pacific Labour Facility

What happens to the learning outcomes of children left behind when parents work overseas? Evidence from Tonga
Vu Thu Trang and Daniel Suryadarma, Asian Development Bank Institute
» view presentation

Lost in space (and time): Transnational family life in the PALM Scheme
Matt Withers, Australian National University
» view presentation

The gendered and social impacts of labour mobility in PICs
Kirstie Petrou, Ursula Casabonne, Matthew Dornan, and Dung Doan, The World Bank
» view presentation

5.00pm Conference close

2021 Pacific Update

22–24 September | Online

Hosted by the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre and The University of the South Pacific’s School of Accounting, Finance and Economics, Pacific Update is the premier forum for discussion of current economic, social, political, and environmental issues in the region.

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Day 1 – Wednesday 22 September


Pal Ahluwalia, Vice-Chancellor, The University of the South Pacific
» watch livestream replay

Politics and regionalism

» watch livestream replay

Chair: Terence Wood, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU

2022 PNG elections: Expectations, predictions, and concerns from participants
Michael Kabuni, Russel Kitau Jr, and Minetta Daniella Kakarere, The University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Fault lines for unrest in the Pacific: Youth, livelihoods and land rights in driving and mitigating conflict
Aidan Craney, La Trobe University
» view presentation

Declaration on preserving maritime zones in the face of climate change-related sea-level rise
Henry Puna, Secretary General and Filimon Manoni, Deputy Secretary General, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
» read speech

Arts Presentation from The University of the South Pacific’s Oceania Centre of Arts and Culture

Cultural industries : Contemporary art in small island nations
Lingikoni Vaka’uta, followed by a virtual exhibition
» watch livestream replay

Food security and supply chains

» watch livestream replay

Chair: Vijay Naidu, The University of the South Pacific

Understanding changing land use patterns in response to disaster on the peri-urban fringe of Port Vila
Andrew MacKenzie, The University of the South Pacific – Vanuatu Campusa
» view presentation

Factors affecting food choice and food environment during COVID-19 – A cross sectional study in Samoa
Ramona Boodoosingh, National University of Samoa, Sarah Burkhart and Dana Craven, Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research at University of the Sunshine Coast, Leslie Panapa, National University of Samoa
» view presentation

COVID-19, domestic agricultural supply chain and food security: The case of Fiji
Salesh Kumar, Fiji National University and Neelesh Gounder, The University of the South Pacific
» view presentation

Day 2 – Thursday 23 September

Welcome and keynote

» watch livestream replay

Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre

Building a secure, inclusive Pacific – addressing gender inequality in COVID-19 times
Fiona Hukula, Gender Specialist, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
» read speech


» watch livestream replay

Chair: Sandra Tarte, Acting Head, School of Law and Social Sciences, The University of the South Pacific

Voters’ perceptions of women as leaders in leadership in Tonga
Ungatea Kata, Tupou Tertiary Institute, Vanessa Lolohea, Tonga National Youth Congress, and Mereani Rokotuibau, Balance of Power
» view presentation

Leadership Matters: Benchmarking women’s business leadership in the Pacific
Sarah Boxall, Asian Development Bank, Pacific Private Sector Development Initiative
» view presentation
» download PDF report

Factors that instigate intimate partner violence in the National Capital District, PNG
Minetta Daniella Kakarere, The University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Arts Presentation from The University of the South Pacific’s Oceania Centre of Arts and Culture

Representations of artists from the islands versus Pacific artists in the diaspora
Lingikoni Vaka’uta, followed by a virtual exhibition
» watch livestream replay


» watch livestream replay

Chair: Ryan Edwards, Deputy Director and Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU

The private sector in a pandemic – a Vanuatu case study
Liz Pechan, International Finance Corporation
» view presentation

Reducing poverty through cash transfers in the Pacific
Christopher Hoy, World Bank

Fiji economy: Challenges and path to recovery
Janesh Sami, The University of the South Pacific
» view presentation

Day 3 – Friday 24 September

Welcome and keynote

» watch livestream replay (0:20–34:20)

Charlotte Blundell, Acting First Assistant Secretary, Pacific Economic and Development Division, Office of the Pacific, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

COVID-19 in the Pacific: where to from here?
Meru Sheel, Senior Research Fellow, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australian National University
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» watch livestream replay (34:55–1:39:05)

Chair: Charlotte Bedford, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU

Agri-food systems knowledge and skills exchange between Australia and the Pacific through circular migration: Experiences from Seasonal Worker Programme participants
Federico Davila, Institute for Sustainable Futures at University of Technology Sydney, Olivia Dun, The University of Melbourne, Carol Farbotko, CSIRO, Brent Jacobs, Institute for Sustainable Futures at University of Technology Sydney, and Natascha Klocker, University of Wollongong
» view presentation

Impact of COVID-19 on production and trade direction of high value ‘niche’ crop products in small Island countries: A case study of Fiji
Nandakumar M. Desai, Abdul Kader, Sonny Lameta, The University of the South Pacific – Samoa Campus, Vinod Naik, Central University of Himachal Pradesh, India, Leslie T. Ubaub and Irene R. Chand, The University of the South Pacific – Samoa Campus
» view presentation

Local coalitions for economic recovery and food security – experiences from Vanuatu
Ellis Silas and Jilda Shem, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
» view presentation

Arts Presentation from The University of the South Pacific’s Oceania Centre of Arts and Culture

What is the inspiration of creativity in the islands and the notion of quality
Lingikoni Vaka’uta, followed by a virtual exhibition
» watch livestream replay (1:39:05–1:55:45)

Health systems

» watch livestream replay

Chair: Colin Wiltshire, Research Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, ANU

Strengthening fragile health systems: The case of Fiji
Neil Sharma, Medical Practitioner, Suva
» view presentation

Shane Stockil and Natalie Gray, International SOS
» view presentation

Reversing the NCD trend in the Pacific: Promising results from a three-year pilot, testing behaviour science applications and ‘edutainment’ to address Pacific’s most intractable problem
Simona Achitei, DT Global, and Aya Vang, Busara Centre for Behaviour Economics
» view presentation

2020 Pacific Update

The 2020 Pacific Update was cancelled

Given the spread of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), the risk to public health, and uncertainty around the timeframe for government restrictions on international travel and public gatherings, we cancelled the 2020 Pacific Update.

2019 Pacific Update

The 2019 Pacific Update, hosted by the Development Policy Centre and the University of South Pacific’s School of Economics, was held from 3 to 5 July at The University of the South Pacific’s Laucala Campus in Suva, Fiji.

The 2019 program available here.
The 2019 Abstracts Book available here.
Watch selected recordings from the main auditorium here.
Scroll down to access speakers’ presentations.

For more information, please contact: or




Day One - Opening plenary

The Caribbean on the Edge: Regionalism and insights on the integration of the Pacific islands
Winston Dookeran, Professor of Practice at the University of the West Indies, and former Governor of the Central Bank and Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs of Trinidad and Tobago »view presentation

Panel 1A: The future of Pacific media in times of digital disruption, fake news and geopolitical tension

Samisoni Pareti, Managing Director, Front Page Limited, and Editor-in-Chief, Islands Business Magazine
Dorothy Wickham, Founder & Editor, Melanesian News Network
Makereta Komai, Editor-in-Chief, PACNEWS and Pacific Island News Association
Jemima Garrett, Freelance journalist and journalism trainer
Belinda Kora, Journalist and Secretary of the PNG Media Council
»view presentation

Panel 1B: Aid, China and debt
Analysing Pacific debt: how significant is China?
Rohan Fox, Research Officer, Development Policy Centre, ANU, and Matthew Dornan, Senior Social Protection and Jobs Specialist, World Bank »view presentation

Public policy processes: power, agency and translations in the Pacific
Suzanne O’Neill, PhD Candidate, Department of Pacific Affairs, ANU »view presentation

Improving aid by enhancing transparency – the Lowy Institute Pacific Aid Map
Jonathan Pryke, Director, and Alexandre Dayant, Research Fellow, Pacific Islands Program, Lowy Institute

Panel 1C: Ambitions beyond growth – investing in the 2030 development agenda
Halia Haddad, Deputy High Commissioner, New Zealand High Commission, Fiji
Iosefa Maiava, Head of United Nations ESCAP Pacific Office
Neelesh Gounder, Senior Lecturer, School of Economics, USP
»view presentation

Panel 2A: Development challenges in outer islands

Robert Utz, Lead Economist, World Bank »view presentation

Spatial analysis of socio-economic development in the PICs
Darian Naidoo, Economist, World Bank »view presentation

Political economy of spatial development in the PICs
David Craig, Consultant, World Bank »view presentation

Livelihoods on outer islands of the PICs
Kim Edwards, Senior Economist, World Bank »view presentation

Urbanisation in the PICs
Artessa Saldivar-Sali, Senior Municipal Engineer, World Bank

Internal migration in the PICs
Matthew Dornan, Senior Social Protection & Jobs Specialist, World Bank »view presentation

Panel 2B: Insuring yourself against climate risk

Krishnan Narasimhan, Deputy Programme Manager and Insurance Specialist, UNCDF Pacific Financial Inclusion Programme
Vilimaina Dakai, Chief Manager, Reserve Bank of Fiji
Vineil Narayan, Climate Finance Specialist, Climate Change and International Cooperation Division, Ministry of Economy, Government of Fiji
Caitlin Smith, Advisor, World Resources Institute, Fiji
Sarah-Jane Wild, GM/Head of Pacific Operations, Tower Insurance, Fiji
»view presentation

Panel 3A: Health

Policy options for specialised clinical services in Pacific island countries: the case of overseas medical referral
Andrea Boudville, Senior Technical Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne; Wayne Irava, Technical Officer – Health Financing, Division of Pacific Technical Support, World Health Organization; and Berlin Kafoa, Public Health Division, Pacific Community »view presentation

Is a sugar-sweetened beverages tax (SSB) an effective regulatory measure to address the childhood obesity crisis? A case study of Fiji, Nauru and Tonga
Daiana Buresova, Regional Coordinator – Pacific, McCabe Centre for Law and Cancer »view presentation

Non-communicable disease mortality in small Pacific island countries – estimating the loss of human capital resource
Shamal Chand, Graduate Assistant, and Baljeet Singh, Senior Lecturer, USP »view presentation

Access to medicine in the South Pacific: endogenous factors impeding the benefits of the WTO TRIPS agreement
Salvin Nand, Deputy Dean, School of Law, University of Fiji »view presentation

Panel 3B: Disasters, risk and financing

Transforming private sector engagement during disasters
Glen Craig, Chairperson, Vanuatu Business Resilience Council »view presentation

Pacific experiences in accessing climate change finance
Exsley Taloiburi, Climate Finance Adviser, Scott Hook, Economic Infrastructure Adviser, Aholotu Palu, Climate Finance & Public Management Adviser, Ledua Vakaloloma, Climate Finance Officer, and Susan Sulu, Climate Change Finance and Planning Officer, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat »view presentation

Cash transfers in the Pacific: adding to the evidence base
Kalua Salerua, Cash Transfer Programme Coordinator, Oxfam in Vanuatu »view presentation

Panel 3C: Gender

Using short films to stimulate conversation on gender issues in Samoa
Safua Akeli Amaama, Director, Centre for Samoan Studies, and Ramona Boodoosingh, Senior Lecturer, National University of Samoa »view presentation

Divergent or Insurgent? Lessons learnt from five years supporting gender mainstreaming
Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago-Elisara, Director, Social Development Programme (Gender, Culture & Youth), Pacific Community »view presentation

Dynamic, imperfect but astute? Informed policy and programming through Pacific Women’s research agenda
Milika Sobey, Consultant, member of Women in Fisheries Network – Fiji and Pacific Women Research Advisory Group »view presentation

Day Two - Keynote address

Gender in the Pacific
Leituala Kuiniselani Toelupe Tago-Elisara, Director, Social Development Programme (Gender, Culture & Youth), Pacific Community »read address

Overseas work: Labour mobility and the Blue Pacific
Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU »view presentation

Panel 4A: Locally-owned businesses on customary land in the South Pacific – key success factors

Litea Meo-Sewabu, School of Social Sciences, USP
Regina Scheyvens, Professor, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University
Suliasi Vunibola, Institute of Development Studies, Massey University
»view presentation

Understanding strategies for success
All presenters along with Dr Gordon Nanau, School of Government, Development & International Affairs, USP »view presentation

Panel 4B: Governance

Central agencies coordination in PNG
Robyn Ranu Tom-Ata, Acting Director, Department of Prime Minister and National Executive Council, Papua New Guinea »view presentation

Rethinking new public management: an inquiry into public service reforms and service delivery in Solomon Islands
Jerry Siota, Graduate Assistant and PhD Candidate, USP »view presentation

Economic management in microstates: the impact of the fisheries boom
James Webb, Senior Policy Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU »view presentation

Leadership and support for public sector reform in Papua New Guinea: evidence from experiments
Fiona Yap, Associate Professor, ANU and Anthony Swan, GAVI »view presentation

Panel 4C: Trade and resources

Predicting policy impact by looking at the past: a history of trade protection in PNG
Maholopa Laveil, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) »view presentation

Solomon Islands forestry – challenges and future directions
Andrew Piper, Consultant, NRE People, and Luke Kiddle, Lecturer, Victoria University of Wellington
»view presentation

Oceania trade regionalism: estimations from gravity equations
Laisa Ro’i, Associate Professor, University of New Caledonia »view presentation

Panel 5A: Issues in the Fijian economy

Informal sector and economic development: inclusiveness and gender equality throughout the tourism sector in the case of Fiji
Rukmani Gounder, Professor, Massey University »view presentation

Does Fiji’s growth story contradict with reality on the ground? A business perspective
Sunil Kumar, Senior Lecturer, USP »view presentation

Public debt, economic growth and fiscal sustainability in Fiji: status, challenges and the way forward
Janesh Sami, Assistant Lecturer, USP »view presentation

Alternative farming methods using technology to mitigate climate change
Adish Naidu, Farmer, Sigatoka

Panel 5B: PNG development issues

2019 PNG economic survey
Rohan Fox, Research Officer, and Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU; Maholopa Laveil, Lecturer, UPNG; Bao Nguyen, Lecturer, and Dek Sum, Associate Lecturer and Project Coordinator, Development Policy Centre, ANU and UPNG »view presentation

Do beliefs change? Sorcery accusation-related violence in migrant Simbu communities in Port Moresby: a case study of the 6 mile and 9 mile settlements
Geejay Milli, Lecturer, UPNG »view presentation

Papua New Guinea: Riding or Sinking from the Resource Boom? Evidence from Sectoral and Geographical Employment
Bao Nguyen, Lecturer, and Dek Sum, Associate Lecturer and Project Coordinator, Development Policy Centre, ANU and UPNG »view presentation

Panel 5C: Infrastructure

Increasing access to electricity in Solomon Islands – experience and lessons from an ongoing project
Renee Berthome, Energy Analyst, Isabel Neto, Senior Energy Specialist – East Asia and Pacific, Felix Taaffe, Environmental Safeguards Specialist, Joyce Onguglo, Social Development Specialist, and Kamlesh Khelawan, Senior Energy Specialist, World Bank »view presentation

On the road: lessons from Kiribati
Pierre Graftieaux, Program Leader for Infrastructure, Environment, Disaster Risk Management, Agriculture, Rural, Urban and Social Development, PNG & Pacific Islands, World Bank »view presentation

ICTs as enablers for transformational development in the Pacific region – what’s required to make this happen?
Bart Hogeveen, Head of Cyber Capacity Building, International Cyber Policy Centre, Australian Strategic Policy Institute »view presentation

Spread of information and communication technology and the economic growth of Pacific island countries: a panel study
Keshmeer Makun, Assistant Lecturer, USP, and TK Jayaraman, Research Professor, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman »view presentation

Panel 6A: Fiji humanitarian responses

Remote Fijian communities building back safer: an interrogation and promotion of local resources, technologies and supply chains for construction
Temily Baker, Research Coordinator, Mereoni Matalomani, Researcher, Losevati Naidike, Researcher, Salote Valentine, Researcher and Arieta Tupou, Researcher, Habitat for Humanity Fiji »view presentation

Bridging the divide between the humanitarian-development nexus: lessons of governance from TC Winston in Fiji
Anna Gero, Research Principal and Keren Winterford, Research Director, University of Technology Sydney »view presentation

A Fiji shelter handbook to localise disaster response
Doreen Narayan, Shelter Project Manager, Habitat for Humanity Fiji »view presentation

Panel 6B: Youth and development

The Pacific Early Age Readiness and Learning Program (PEARL) – learnings from an initiative to improve Pacific literacy
Sally Brinkman, Professor, Telethon Kids Institute, University of Western Australia; Bihn Thanh Vu, Senior Education Specialist, Kris McDonall, Consultant, and Kevin Macdonald, Consultant, World Bank; Wendy Jarvie, Adjunct Professor, School of Business, UNSW Canberra; Souhila Messaoud-Galusi, Consultant, World Bank; Myrna Machuca-Sierra, Consultant, World Bank; and Siosiana Tapueluelu, PEARL Project Coordinator – Tonga, World Bank. »view presentation

The political economy of youth in Fiji and Solomon Islands: to be seen but not heard
Aidan Craney, Lecturer, La Trobe University »view presentation

Empirical analysis of fertility: a cross-country study of the Pacific islands
Sumeet Lal, Graduate Assistant, and Rup Singh, Senior Lecturer and Head of School of Economics, USP »view presentation

Finding our voice: supporting adolescent girls in the Pacific region
Monica Waqanisau, Gender Coordinator, Pacific Women Support Unit »view presentation

Panel 6C: Private sector issues

Putting local leadership and culture at the centre of private sector growth in the tourism industry in Vanuatu
Adela Issachar Aru, CEO, Vanuatu Tourism Office

Nutrition enhancement: increasing fibre intake in Tarawa, Kiribati
Hsiang-Chi Chen, Nutrition Specialist, Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund
»view presentation

Facing food security risks: the rise and rise of the sweet potato in the Pacific islands
Viliamu Iese, Research Fellow, Elisabeth Holland, Director, and Morgan Wairiu, Deputy Director of PaCE-SD, USP; Robin Havea, Senior Lecturer, USP; Soane Patolo, National Programme Coordinator, Mainstreaming of Rural Development Innovation, Tonga Trust; Minoru Nishi, Managing Director, Nishi Trading, Tonga; Taniela Hoponoa, Programme Manager, Live and Learn Education and Environment, MORDI, Tonga Trust; Michael Bourke, Adjunct Senior Fellow, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific; Annika Dean, Senior Researcher, The Climate Council; and Logotonu Wagainabete, Curator, Centre for Pacific Crops and Trees, Pacific Community »view presentation

Mired in MIRAB
Stephen Pollard, Consultant Economist, and David Abbott, Manager – Data Analysis and Dissemination, Statistics for Development Division, Pacific Community »view presentation »view paper

Day Three - Pacific Labour Mobility Research Workshop

Pacific labour mobility – impacts and futures
John Connell, Professor, The University of Sydney, and Kirstie Petrou, Research Associate, The University of Adelaide »view presentation

Plenary: Sending-country governance

Sending country governance of labour mobility
Stephen Howes, Director, and Richard Curtain, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU
»view presentation

Matthew Gibbs, Labour Mobility Advisor, New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Murielle Metsan Meltenoven, Vanuatu Labour Commissioner »view presentation

Panel 7A: Skills

Identifying opportunities for APTC graduates from recent Australian immigration data
Richard Curtain, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU »view presentation

APTC and achieving a net skills gain for Pacific economies
Andie Fong Toy, Labour Mobility Adviser, APTC »view presentation

Can Fiji’s skill shortage be addressed through a more receptive labour immigration policy?
Sunil Kumar, Senior Lecturer, USP, and Sothea Oum, Asian Development Bank »view presentation

Brain drain and/or brain gain: what have we learnt thus far?
Satish Chand, Professor, University of New South Wales »view presentation

Panel 7B: Social impacts and dimensions

Longitudinal study of ni-Vanuatu seasonal workers participating in New Zealand’s RSE scheme
Rochelle Bailey, Research Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, ANU »view presentation

A comparative analysis of media coverage on labour mobility in the Pacific and Australia
Prashanth Pillay, Research Analyst and Vipul Khosla, Design and Evaluation Lead, ABC International Development »view presentation

‘There will also be bad sides’: Community Perspectives on Labour Mobility
Rachel Smith, Research Associate, Max Planck – Cambridge Centre for Ethics, Economy and Social Change »view presentation

Plenary: Research agenda brainstorming

Pacific Labour Mobility: Research and Analytical Work
Matthew Dornan, Senior Social Protection and Jobs Specialist, World Bank »view presentation

Pacific Labour Mobility: Research Program
Rochelle Ball, Senior Research Manager, Pacific Labour Facility »view presentation

Vilimone Baledrokadroka, Deputy Secretary Technical, Fijian Ministry of Employment, Productivity and Industrial Relations

Research Agenda Brainstorming
Meleoni Uera, Director, Matala Limited and former Head of Tonga Labour Sending Unit »view presentation

2018 Pacific Update

The 2018 Pacific Update, hosted by the Development Policy Centre and the University of South Pacific’s School of Economics, was held on 5-6 July at the University of the South Pacific’s Laucala Campus in Suva, Fiji.

View program.

View abstracts book.

For more information, please contact

The Pacific Update is supported by Australian Aid through the Pacific Research Program. The organisers also acknowledge contributions from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.

Day one - Thursday 5 July

»watch livestream replay of plenaries and PanelAs

Welcoming addresses and opening ceremony
Chair: Professor Arvind Patel, Acting Head of School of Economics, University of the South Pacific

Welcome remarks
Dr Giulio Masasso Tu’ikolongahau Paunga, Vice-President (Regional campuses property and facilities), University of the South Pacific

Opening remarks
Her Excellency Ms Amy Crago, Deputy Australian High Commissioner to Fiji and High Commissioner to Tuvalu

Keynote speaker
Hon. Dr Mahendra Reddy, Minister for Waterways, Fiji Government

Panel 1A: Climate change
Chair: Vijay Naidu, University of the South Pacific

Economic impacts and implications of climate change in the Pacific
Satish Chand, University of New South Wales
»view presentation

Challenges and opportunities for integrating funding for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific
Annika Dean, Climate Change Research Centre, University of New South Wales
»view presentation

The Pacific climate investment database
Kate Duggan and Matthew Bailey, Griffin National Resource Management
»view presentation

Panel 1B: Gender and social analysis
Chair: Nalini Singh, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement
» listen to the podcast

Child protection systems in the Pacific and opportunities and challenges of intersection with responses to violence against women
Shelley Casey, UNICEF Child Protection Expert; Brigitte Sonnois, UNICEF; and Nilesh Goundar, Australian High Commission, Fiji
»view presentation

Gender and politics: the Pacific Leadership program and CEDAW in Tonga
Mereani Rokotuibau, Independent Consultant; and Chris Roche, La Trobe University
»view presentation

Menstrual hygiene: the last taboo - the Fiji situation
Presented by Michael Sami on behalf of Lisa Natoli, International Planned Parenthood Federation, Burnett Institute, Water Aid
»view presentation

Panel 1C: Health
Chair: Neil Sharma, Former Minister for Health, Fiji Government
» listen to the podcast

Reorienting health systems towards people-centred integrated care in the Pacific
Aparnaa Somanathan, Shuo Zhang, Ajay Tandon and Aneesa Arur, World Bank
»view presentation

Knowledge translation for SDG implementation: the Pacific Health Governance Research Network
Tess Newton Cain, University of Queensland; Donald Wilson, Fiji National University
»view presentation

Food and nutrition security in Port Vila, Vanuatu
Sarah James, ANU
»view presentation

Spending better for health in the Pacific - a study of Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and Kiribati
Maude Ruest, World Bank; Robert Flanagan, Independent Consultant; Nicolas Rosemberg, Peter Wallace, Susan Ivatts and Xiaohui Hou, World Bank
»view presentation

Panel 2A: The urban opportunity (organised by UNESCAP)
Chair: Anna Naupa, UNESCAP

Resilience as a policy narrative in urban planning
Meg Keen, ANU Department of Pacific Affairs
»view presentation

Framework for Pacific resilience: urbanisation through a regional lens
Teea Tira, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
»view presentation

Joshua Wycliffe, Fiji Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Environment

Reflections on the Greater Honiara Urban Development Strategy and Action Plan and urban resilience
Stanley Waleanisia, Solomon Islands Ministry of Lands, Housing and Survey

Sanitation marketing in peri-urban Port Vila
Iva Koroisamanunu, Live & Learn Education

Panel 2B: Climate change (2)
Chair: Henrickson Malsokle, Vanuatu Ministry of Finance & Economic Management
» listen to the podcast

Are we sinking yet? Measuring the effectiveness of climate change adaptation at the community level in small island developing states
Viliamu Iese, Morgan Wairiu, Helen Jacot Des Combes and Elisabeth Holland, University of the South Pacific; Serena Heckler, UNESCO Office for the Pacific States
»view presentation

Human rights, climate justice movement and the neoliberal ecological modernisation framing of vulnerability and dispossession in climate change agenda
Kaushal Sharma, Fiji Women’s Rights Movement

Evaluating climate change relocation in Fiji: a case study of Vunidogoloa village
Tammy Tabe and Teresia Powell, Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Gender transformative climate change action
Keren Winterford and Tamara Megaw, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
»view presentation

Panel 2C: Business development, economic growth and security
Chair: Sandra Tarte, University of the South Pacific

New Zealand’s Pacific reset: navigating the sea change
Anna Powles, Massey University; Michael Powles, Victoria University
»view presentation

Security and vulnerability in the Pacific Islands: the political economy of transnational crime
Jose Sousa-Santos, Strategika Group Asia Pacific
»view presentation

Putting the ‘community in business facilitation
Adam Trau, World Vision Pacific & Timor-Leste
»view presentation

Integration, business and economic growth
Frank Yourn, Australia-PNG Business Council

Panel 3A: Labour mobility
Chair: Satish Chand, University of New South Wales
» listen to the podcast

Expanding labour mobility in the Pacific: new sectors and new markets
Ben Czapnik, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat

Sending country governance
Stephen Howes and Richard Curtain, Development Policy Centre, ANU
»view presentation

Labour mobility in the PACER Plus
Alisi Kautoke-Holani, Tonga Ministry of Commerce, Consumer, Trade, Innovation & Labour »view presentation

How many wins make a winner: seasonal labour mobility in the Pacific
Yvonne Underhill-Sem and Evelyn Masters, New Zealand Institute for Pacific Research
»view presentation

Panel 3B: Partnerships in urban disaster preparedness, emergency and recovery (organised by University of Melbourne)
Chair: Jennifer Day, University of Melbourne
» listen to the podcast

Margaretha Wewerinkle-Singh, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Mohammed Ziar, Ministry of Local Government, Housing & Environment, Department of Town & Country Planning
»view presentation

Robert Dodds, Country Cluster Support Team - Pacific, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

Tom Bamforth, International Federation of Red cross and Red Crescent Societies

Panel 3C: Climate change - student panel
Chair: Sanjesh Naidu, UNESCAP
» listen to the podcast

From sinking to syncing: negotiating a climate consensus and regional coalition behaviour of Pacific Island states
George Carter, ANU
»view presentation

Household net worth and its relation with household responses to climate change: a Solomon Islands case study
Michael Otoara Ha’apio, University of the South Pacific; Ricardo Gonzalez, Universidad de la Frontera; and Morgan Wairiu, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Assessing climate finance readiness in the Asia-Pacific region
Jale Samuwai and Jeremy Hills, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Day two - Friday 6 July

»watch livestream replay of plenaries and PanelAs

Plenary on the Fiji economy
Chair: Matthew Dornan, Development Policy Centre, ANU

Update on the Fiji economy: RBF perspective
Ariff Ali, Governor, Reserve Bank of Fiji
»view presentation

Update on the Fiji economy: academic perspective
Rup Singh, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Cost of doing business in Fiji
Himen Chandra, Immediate Past President, Fiji Commerce and Employers Federation
»view presentation

Rescuing Fiji’s sugar industry: an update on sugar industry reforms, performance and challenges
Janesh Sami, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Panel 4A: Data for development
Chair: Simil Johnson, Vanuatu National Statistics Office

Statistics for development in Pacific Island countries: state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities
Alessio Cangiano, Independent Researcher and UN Consultant
»view presentation

Baseline SDG data in the Pacific: what’s the story?
Alison Culpin, Pacific Community
»view presentation

Mapping foreign aid in the Pacific - improving effectiveness through enhanced transparency
Jonathan Pryke and Alexandre Dayant, Lowy Institute

Panel 4B: Tourism
Chair: Rukmani Gounder, Massey University
» listen to the podcast

Building an inclusive tourism sector in the Pacific - lessons from Vanuatu
Warren Gama, Vanuatu Skills Partnership; and Adela Issachar Aru, Vanuatu Tourism Office
»view presentation

Tourism-growth nexus in Pacific Island countries: a study on financial including and ICT as contingent factors
Keshmeer Makun, Fiji National University; and T K Jayaraman, University of Tunku Abdul Rahman
»view presentation

Social capital in the Pacific: a focus on a village, two tribes and a resort in Fiji
Apisalome Movono, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Tourism and the role of crafts/souvenirs in Vanuatu and Solomon Islands
Alexander Trupp, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Panel 4C: Education
Chair: Simon Flores, Pacific Aid Coordination and Effectiveness, Pacific Division, DFAT

The quality of physical education policy and curbing NCDs: the links
Margaret Eastgate, UNESCO
»view presentation

From baseline to policy: technology-enabled learning policy at the National University of Samoa
Ioana Tuugalei Vaai-Chan Mow, Edna Temese-Ualesi, Vaisualua Okesene, Mose N. Mose, Tara Patu-Fritz, Elisapeta Mauai, Ioana Sinclair, Joseph Namulauulu, Fiafaitupe Lafele, Misioka Tanileu, Foilagi Maua-Faamau, Vensall Chan, Tusipepa Malaga and Motiana Sua, National University of Samoa
»view presentation

Effectiveness of matific mathematics learning resources in selected primary schools in Fiji
Ravinesh Prasad, Fiji National University
»view presentation

Please can we talk about language and literacy?
Fiona Willans, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Panel 5A: Developments in PNG
Chair: Neelesh Gounder, University of the South Pacific

ANU-UPNG PNG economic survey 2017-18
Bao Nguyen, Development Policy Centre, ANU and University of PNG School of Business and Public Policy; Nelson Nema, University of PNG; Rohan Fox and Stephen Howes, Development Policy Centre, ANU
»view presentation

Does political stability make government less accountable? PNG case study 2012-17
Michael Kabuni, University of PNG
»view presentation

Closing the gender gap in PNG’s Parliament
Geejay Milli, University of PNG; and Maxine Newlands, James Cook University
»view presentation

Development challenges in PNG: insight through statistics
Manoj Pandey, Development Policy Centre, ANU and University of PNG School of Business and Public Policy
»view presentation

Panel 5B: Energy
Chair: Nathanial Clayville, Department of Commerce, American Samoa Government
» listen to the podcast

When international ‘best practice’ is not: power sector reform in small island states
Matthew Dornan, Development Policy Centre, ANU
»view presentation

How do renewable energy ambitions affect donor-funded rural electrification efforts in Pacific Island countries?
Ryohei Ikarii, ANU
»view presentation

Towards a sustainable energy future for Fiji
Ravita Prasad, Fiji National University; and Atul Raturi, University of the South Pacific
»view presentation

Panel 5C: Student panel
Chair: Sunil Kumar, University of the South Pacific

Price and competition regulation for Fijian economy
Nilesh Chand, Fijian Competition and Consumer Commission
»view presentation

Determinants of Fiji’s exports
Ronal Chand, Centre for Economic Policy and Modeling
»view presentation

CEDAW in Tonga: an analysis of the complex interplay of actors, ideas and interests in the policy-making process to achieve gender equality
Mele Fakatouato Mangisi, ANU
»view presentation
»read the paper

Trade heterogeneity and intra-regional exportability: a study of small island economies in the Caribbean and the South Pacific
Khushbu Rai, University of the South Pacific; and Dibyendu Maiti, Delhi University
»view presentation

Panel 6A: Service delivery in PNG
Chair: Gregoire Nimbtik, Ministry of the Prime Minister, Republic of Vanuatu

Solutions to poor service delivery in PNG
Ron Duncan, ANU; and Chris Banga, PNG National Research Institute
»view presentation

‘Together for education’ in PNG
Kym Simoncini and Hilary Smith, University of Canberra
»view presentation

Impact of facility readiness on service utilisation in PNG
Nicolas Rosemberg, Sudip Bhandari and Aneesa Arur, World Bank
»view presentation

Integrating formal and information institutions: the Bougainville Healthy Communities Program
Lhawang Ugyel, Development Policy Centre, ANU and University of PNG School of Business and Public Policy
»view presentation

Panel 6B: Environment
Chair: Ray Bojczuk, Australian High Commission, Fiji
» listen to the podcast

Pacific world heritage: under-representation, opportunity and challenges
Luke Kiddle, Independent Development Practitioner
»view presentation

Implementing the system of environmental-economic accounting for sustainable resource use and development in the Pacific
Sanjesh Naidu, UNESCAP
»view presentation

Compensation valuation approaches of ecosystem services and biodiversity of the customary land resources & iqoliqoli native customary fishing rights in Fiji
Paula Raqeukai, University of the South Pacific

2017 Pacific Update

2017 Pacific update was held on June 20-21, 2017, at the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji.

This conference was organised by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, and the University of the South Pacific (USP) School of Economics.

View program

Access abstracts and biographies

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Access presentations here

The Pacific Update Conference is the premier forum for discussing important issues of public policy in the Pacific. This annual event gathers policymakers, academics and researchers, business people, and development practitioners to present on and discuss economic, social and regional developments in the region. Perspectives from multiple disciplines were encouraged. Sessions of the two-day conference was oriented around three main themes of pressing importance to countries in the Pacific region:

  • Enhancing connectivity (e.g. regional cooperation, trade, infrastructure and ICT)
  • Blue-Green economy (including but not limited to climate change and disaster resilience)
  • Labour mobility, job creation, and labour market developments

Presenters and participants were also invited to submit papers to a special Pacific-focused issue of the Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies journal. Details are available here.

2016 Pacific Update

The 2016 Pacific Update was held on July 18-19, 2016, at the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji.

The Conference was organised by the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the ADB Institute (ADBI), the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, and the University of the South Pacific (USP).

» View Program
» View flyer
» View Abstracts - 2016 Pacific Update Conference
» View bios- 2016 Pacific Update Conference

Presentations - Day 1

Plenary Session 1

Welcome Address
Rajesh Chandra, Vice Chancellor and President, USP
» view address note
» view video

Plenary Session 2
Regional Economic Overview
Emma Veve, Director, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
» view presentation here

Plenary Session 3
Fiji Outlook and Launch of the Fiji Country Diagnostics Study
Barry Whiteside, Governor, Reserve Bank of Fiji
» view address here
» view presentation here

Fiji: Building Inclusive Institutions for Sustained Growth
Edimon Ginting, Director, ADB
» view presentation here

» view video - session 2 and 3

Parallel Session 1a: State-Owned Enterprises (SOE) Reform

Finding Balance 2016: Benchmarking SOE Performance in Island Economies
Chris Russell, SOE & Governance Expert, Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI)
» view presentation here

Reforming The Marshalls Energy Company
David Paul, Senator, Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI)
» view presentation here

Political Commitment and Governance: Two Drivers of SOE Reform in Tonga Sione ‘Akau’ola, CEO for Public Enterprises, Ministry of Public Enterprises, Tonga
» view presentation here

Kiribati SOE Reform Experience
Kietau Tabwebweiti, National SOE Reform Specialist, Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Kiribati
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 1b: Tourism and Agricultural Development

The Political Economy of Tourism Development in the South Pacific
Marcus Stephenson, Head of School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, USP
» view presentation here

Agriculture and Tourism: Leveraging the Synergies for Growth
Tim Martyn, Policy Officer, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation
» view presentation here

Coffee Supply Chain Development and Tourism in Timor-Leste
David Freedman, Country Economist for Timor-Leste, ADB
» view presentation here

Agrotourism and Policy for Linking Tourism and Agricultural Development Chetan Shah, Senior Lecturer, Fiji National University (FNU)
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 1c: Disaster Response and Resilience

The Role of Community Engagement in Building Resilience Against Disasters
Eci K. Nabalarua, Dean of College of Humanities and Education, FNU
» view presentation here

Climate Vulnerability, Tenure Security, and Resettlement Priorities in Lami Town, Fiji
Dan Orcherton, Director, Centre for Sustainable Technology & Development, FNU
» view presentation here

How Resilient are Poor Households in the Low‐lying Islands of Tuvalu to Disasters?
Tauisi Taupo, PhD Candidate, Victoria University of Wellington
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 2a: Climate Change and Disaster Response Financing

Regional Approaches to Disaster Risk Financing in the Pacific
Johannes Wolff, Economist (Public Finance), ADB
» view presentation here

Aid for Adaptation to Climate Change in Oceania
Carola Betzold, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Antwerp
» view presentation here

The Practicability and Applicability of Payment for Ecosystem Services in the Protection of Samoa’s Watershed Areas
Susana Taua’a, Head of Department of Social Sciences, National University of Samoa
» view presentation here

Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in Small Island Developing States
Stacy-ann Robinson, PhD Scholar (Climate Change Adaptation), ANU
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 2b: Private Sector Development

‘Through the Looking Glass’ on RMI’s Private Sector Development
Ellen Milne, President, Marshall Islands Chamber of Commerce
» view presentation here

Innovation and the Private Sector in Fiji
Malcolm Bossley, Country Team Coordinator for Fiji, Market Development Facility
» view presentation here

Building Better Government-Private Sector Policy Dialogue in Vanuatu
Anita Jowitt, Employer Representative, Vanuatu Tripartite Labor Advisory Council
» view presentation here

Managing ‘Wantok System’ Influence: Improving Solomon Islands’ Business Climate
Emmanuel Joseph Iyabora, Lecturer, University of Fiji
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 2c: Managing Resource Rich Economies

Resource Management and Economic Diversification in Timor-Leste
Filipe Nery Bernardo, Acting Coordinator, Petroleum Fund Administration Unit, Ministry of Finance, Timor-Leste
» view presentation here

Survey of Papua New Guinea’s (PNG) Economy
Win Nicholas and Nelson Atip, Lecturers, University of PNG
» view presentation here

Mitigating the Downside of PNG’s Natural Resource Dependency Jonathan Pryke, Research Fellow, Lowy Institute
» view presentation here

Clusters as a Tool for Economic Growth: The PNG Cluster Initiative
Paula Norris, International Development Consultant
» view presentation here

» view video

Plenary Session 4: Launch of ANU-World Bank Pacific Labor Mobility Study

Launch of ANU-World Bank Pacific Labor Mobility Study
Stephen Howes, Director of the Development Policy Centre, ANU; Richard Curtain, Fellow, DPC, ANU; Jesse Doyle, Labor Migration Specialist, World Bank and Matthew Dornan, Deputy Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation here

» view video

Plenary Session 5: Renewable Energy

How to Build Institutional Capacity for Green Energy
Bokhwan Yu, Deputy Dean, ADBI
» view presentation here

Path to 100% Renewable Energy Coverage in Rarotonga, Cook Islands
Dallas Young, Commercial Manager, Rarotonga Electricity Authority, Cook Islands
» view presentation here

Challenges with Moving to Higher Renewable Energy Penetration in Tuvalu
Mafalu Lotolua, General Manager, Tuvalu Electricity Corporation
» view presentation here

Renewable Energy Update in Vanuatu
Anthony Garae, Director of the Dept. of Energy, Ministry of Climate Change, Vanuatu
» view presentation here

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Presentations - Day 2

Parallel Session 3a: Labor Mobility and Migration

Sustainable Development Needed in the FSM to Prevent Migration
Gerson Jackson, Former Ambassador to Fiji, Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)
» view presentation here.

Socioeconomic Effects of Migration and Remittance Flows Among FSM Migrants
Michael J. Levin, Independent Consultant
» view presentation here

The Hidden Crime of Human Trafficking in the Pacific Islands Region
Patricia J. Kailola, A/CEO, Pacific Dialogue Limited
» view presentation here

The Effectiveness of Australia and New Zealand’s Seasonal Workers Schemes in Promoting Sustainable Economic Development in the Pacific
Macnos Mutano, Junior Economic Affairs Officer, Office of the Chief Trade Adviser
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 3b: Roads and Transport Infrastructure

Economic Spillovers of Infrastructure Spending (via videocon)
Naoyuki Yoshino, Dean, Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI)
» view presentation here

The Impact of Road Infrastructure Development on Household Welfare in PNG
Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, ADB
» view presentation here

Road Maintenance and Decentralization: The Case of PNG
Matthew Dornan, Deputy-Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation here

Improving PWD Accessibility in Transport Infrastructure in the Pacific Islands
Setareki Macanawai, CEO, Pacific Disability Forum
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 3c: Training the Next Generation of Leaders

Sustainable Value Creation though Networking
Lekshmi N. Pillai, Executive Dean, School of Business & Public Policy, University of PNG
» view presentation here

Challenges Faced by Future Entrepreneurs in Timor-Leste
Fernando Baptista Anuno, Dean of Faculty of Economics and Management, Timor-Leste National University (UNTL)
» view presentation here

Supporting Developmental Leadership Among Youth in the Pacific
Peni Tawake, Program Officer, Pacific Leadership Program and Tarusila Bradburgh, Secretariat Coordinator, Pacific Youth Council
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 4a: Governance

Where did our Renaissance Go? Challenges facing the Melanesian Spearhead Group
Tess Newton Cain, Principal, TNC Pacific Consulting
» view presentation here

Efficiency and Fairness in Government Expenditure
Wawan Juswanto, Senior Economist, ADBI
» view presentation here

Public Sector Asset Management in the Pacific Islands Josh Utoikamanu, Consultant and Former Director, PICPA
» view presentation here

» view video

Parallel Session 4b: Climate Change Adaptation and Education
Information Needs for Climate Change Adaptation among Farmers in Fiji
Hirdesh K. Sachan, Head of Department of Crop Production, FNU
» view presentation here

Quality Assured TVET Qualifications in Resilience for the Pacific Islands Region
Tess Martin, Senior Lecturer, USP
» view presentation here

Building Future Climate Leaders: Leadership & Communication Training for COP21
Morgan Wairiu, Deputy Director, Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development, USP
» view presentation here

Policy Initiatives to Promote Climate Smart Production Systems
Shipra Shah, Head of Department of Forestry, FNU
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 4c: Regional Trade and Export Competitiveness

Update on Bilateralism and Development: Emerging Trade Patterns in the Pacific
Veniana Qalo, Trade Policy Adviser, Pacific Island Forum Secretariat (PIFS)
» view presentation here

Marginalization Postponed? Trade Negotiations in the Pacific Islands Wesley Morgan, Lecturer, USP
» view presentation here

Evolving Trade and Economic Linkages between the Pacific and Asia
Benjamin Radoc, Advisor, ADB
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 5a: Fisheries

Community-based Approaches to Fisheries Management in Kiribati
Moses Amos, Director, Division of Fisheries, Aquaculture, and Marine Ecosystems, SPC
» view presentation here

Netting Billions: A Global Valuation of Tuna
Quentin Hanich, Fisheries Governance Program Leader, Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security
» view presentation here

Rising Fisheries License Revenues in the Pacific
Maria Carina Tinio, Associate Economics and Statistics Analyst, ADB
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 5b: Labor Market Development and Remittances

Alternative Perspectives on Labor Market Development in the Pacific
Andrew Parker, Principal Social Sector Economist, ADB
» view presentation here

The Impact of Aid and Remittances: Testing the Dutch Disease Hypothesis on Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu
T.K. Jayaraman, Professor, FNU
» view presentation here

Labor Market Constraints and Challenges in Fiji Sunil Kumar, Senior Lecturer, USP
» view presentation here

Remittances: De-risking and Its Impact on Pacific Island Forum Countries Raymond Prasad, Economic Advisers, PIFS

» view video

Parallel Session 5c: Sovereign Wealth and Public Trust Funds

Trust Funds in the Pacific: Update on Operations and Performance
Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, ADB
» view presentation here

The Status and Challenges of Trust Fund Management Facing the North Pacific
Gerard Cruz, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Asia Pacific Assoc. for Fiduciary Studies
» view presentation here

Raising Investment Governance in the Pacific to Global Standards
Ross Fowler, Chief Executive Officer, fi360 Pacific
» view presentation here

The New Nauru Trust Fund
Roland Rajah, Nauru Country Economist, ADB
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 6a: Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Role of ICT in Development
Rajesh Chandra, Vice Chancellor and President, USP
» view presentation here

Enhancing ICT in the Pacific: Becoming #connected
Emma Veve, Director, ADB
» view presentation here

Palau Telecomm Landscape and the Current Fiber Optic Project
Rhinehart Silas, Chairman, Palau National Telecommunications Commission
» view presentation here

Timor-Leste ‘s Unique Experience in Reforming the Telecommunication Sector
Inacio Moreira, Vice Minister, Public Works, Transport, & Communication, Timor-Leste
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 6b: Developments and Prospects in Fiji

Remittances and Household Consumption Behavior: Findings from Fiji
Rukmani Gounder, Professor, Massey University
» view presentation here

Fiji’s Macro-Economy in the Short to Medium Term
Rup Singh, Senior Lecturer, USP
» view presentation here

Exploring the Disparity in SME Market Offerings in Fiji
Asaeli T. Tuibeqa, Development Manager, FNU
» view presentation here

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Parallel Session 6c: Health and Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Outcomes of the Pacific NCD Summit
Paula Vivili, Director of Public Health Division, SPC
» view presentation here

A Systematic Review of Economic Analyses of Preventive Interventions for NCDs
Masoud Mohammadnezhad, Associate Professor, FNU
» view presentation here

A Policy Framework to Address NCDs and Food Security in the Pacific
Ravi Ram, Independent Health Evaluation Consultant and Former Principal Advisor, SPC
» view presentation here

A Snapshot of Disease Based Costing from Fiji Health Accounts
Wayne Irava, Associate Professor, FNU and Idrish Khan, National Health Accounts Coordinator, Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Fiji
» view presentation here

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Plenary Session 6: Closing Ceremony

Closing Address
Andie Fong Toy, Deputy Secretary General for Economic Governance and Security Programme, PIFS

Closing Statements from Co-sponsors
Emma Veve, Director, ADB; Bokhwan Yu, Deputy Dean, ADBI; Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU and Rajesh Chandra, Vice Chancellor and President, USP

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2015 Pacific Update

Organised by the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank Institute, the Development Policy Centre and the University of the South Pacific, the 2015 Pacific Update was held in Suva on July 15-16, 2015 at the University of the South Pacific Laucala Campus,Fiji.

This year, there were over 60 papers and 18 session on topics such as gender inequality, aid and development, trade, migration, tourism, education, disaster risk management, and macroeconomic and fiscal policy.

» View final program

Presentations - Day 1

Opening session
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Official launch: Pacific opportunities: leveraging Asia’s growth
Naoyuki Yoshino, Dean, ADBI & Emma Veve, Director, Pacific Department, ADB
» view presentation

Opening plenary session
Regional economic outlook
Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, Pacific Department, ADB
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Keynote presentation: Developments on Pacific labor mobility
Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Parallel Session 1a: Macroeconomic policy
Hard pegs versus intermediate currency arrangements in the Pacific
Naoyuki Yoshino, Dean, ADB; Matthias Helble, Research Fellow, ADBI & Ahmad Prasetyo, Lecturer, Bandung Institute of Technology
» view presentation

The role of Central Bank in supporting Fiji’s economic growth
Ariff Ali, Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Fiji
» view presentation

Policy Challenges and Responses in the Pacific: A PFTAC Perspective
Scott Roger, Project Coordinator, Pacific Financial and Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC), International Monetary Fund (IMF)
» view presentation

Key issues in banking and finance in the Pacific
Peter Dirou, Senior Financial Sector Expert, Private Sector Development Initiative, ADB
» view presentation

Parallel session 1b: agriculture and fisheries
What do you want to know about Pacific fisheries? lessons learnt
Transform Aqorau, CEO, Parties to the Nauru Agreement
» view presentation

The state of the tropics—what does it mean for the Pacific?
Ann Penny, Project Manager, State of the Tropics Project, James Cook University
» view presentation

Catalyzing opportunities in Pacific smallholder agriculture
Wesley Morgan, Pacific Policy Advisor, Oxfam Australia

Parallel session 1c: Gender inequality and development
Pacific leaders gender equality declaration: a political tool for addressing gender inequalities in the Pacific?
Seema Naidu, Gender Issues Officer, PIFS
» view presentation

Votes for women - increasing women’s political representation in Melanesia
Kerryn Baker, Postdoctoral Fellow, SSGM

Gender based violence: domestic Violence and its big bite on small island states- Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu Sivendra Micha, Charlotte Taylor, Assistant Lecturer, USP
» view presentation

Parallel Session 2a: development partnerships and assistance
Development assistance to the Pacific: trends and developments
Jonathan Pryke, Research Officer, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

Mapping Chinese aid in the Pacific
Phillippa Brant, Research Associate, Lowy Intitute

Relative effectiveness of external aid and foreign direct investment in the economic growth of Pacific Island Countries: a case study of Vanuatu
Markand Bhatt, Assistant Lecturer, USP
» view presentation

Reflections on aid to the Pacific
Siosiua (Josh) ‘Utoikamanu, Consultant and Former Governor, National Reserve Bank of Tonga and Minister of Finance, Tonga
» view presentation

Parallel session 2b: human capital development
Labor migration and human capital development in Timor-Leste
David Freedman, Country Economist, ADB Timor-Leste Resident Mission
» view presentation

Financing of Technical Education and Training (TVET) in the Pacific
Frank Thompson, First Secretary, Aid Program, Australian High Commission
» view presentation

Expanding TVET in the Pacific
Denise O’Brien, CEO, Australia-Pacific Technical College
» view presentation

Education and workforce skills in the Federated States of Micronesia
Paul Vandenberg, Senior Economist, ADBI
» view presentation

Parallel session 2c: export niche supply chains
Evolving supply linkages of Pacific DMC’s exports
Patricia Sourdin, Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University
» view presentations

The efficacy of export-led growth among six Pacific Island Countries
Sunil Kumar, Senior Lecturer, USP
» view presentation

Lessons from a succesfull niche product exporter: Pure Fiji
Austin Mafi & Dewani Lal, Pure Fiji

Presentations - Day 2

Parallel Session 3a: Tourism markets
Tourism Markets in the Pacific
Ilisoni Vuidreketi, CEO, South Pacific Tourism Organization
» view presentation

Achievements and challenges in Palau’s tourism development
Kaleb Udui, Jr., Co-Chairperson, Economic Advisory Group, Republic of Palau and Palau Chamber of Commerce
» view presentation

Observations on tourism developments in Micronesia: lessons for the greater Pacific region?
Jerry Finin, Resident Co-director, Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center
» view presentation

Major trends and priorities in Pacific tourism development
Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, ADB
» view presentation

Parallel session 3b: extractive industries and energy markets
Falling oil prices trigger initial economic gains for Pacific Dibyendu Maiti, Associate Professor, USP
» view presentation

Pacific Islands fuel pricing manual
Alan Bartmanovich, Petroleum Adviser, Economics Development Division, Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
» view presentation

The Pacific Appliance labelling and Standards (PALS) programme: importing efficiency instead of fuel
Makereta Lomaloma, Energy Efficiency Advisor, SPC
» view presentation

Solomon Islands: State-owned Enterprise financial management issues
Emmanuel Joseph Iyabora, Lecturer, University of Fiji
» view presentation

Parallel session 3c: disaster risk management and climate change
Vanuatu and Cyclone Pam: an update on fiscal, economic, and development impacts
Tess Newton Cain, Visiting Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

Towards a behavioral toolkit: assessment and disaster risk reduction through strategic partnerships in the South Pacific
Linda Brennan, Professor, RMIT University
» view presentation

Impact of foreign aid on natural disaster preparedness
Baljeet Singh, Lecturer, USP
» view presentation

Assessing poverty and the vulnerability of households in Tuvalu to disasters
Tauisi Taupo, PhD Candidate, Victoria University of Wellington
» view presentation

Parallel session 4b: health sector
Republic of Palau health care financing
Gregory Ngirmang, Minister of Health, Palau
» view presentation

Assessment of the overseas patient referral systems in four Pacific Islands Countries
Ronesh Prasad, Economist, Fiji National University
» view presentation

Practical policy solutions for ending preventable child deaths in the Pacific Timor-Leste region
Nancy Waites, Policy and Advocacy Manager, WorldVision
» view presentation

The economic costs of Non-Communicable Diseases in the Pacific: causes, crisis, and consequences
Ian Anderson, Director, Ian Anderson Economics
» view presentation

Parallel session 5b: regionalism and trade facilitation
WTO and regional institutions: complementary institutions for trade facilitation
Richard Pomfret, Adjunct Professor, Johns Hopkins University and Professor of Economics, University of Adelaide
» view presentation

Transport connectivity and its trade implications: the case of the Pacific
Matthias Helble, Research Fellow, ADBI
» view presentation

Foreign direct investment’s impacts on economic development in Pacific Island Countries: a revisit
Hong Chen, Senior Lecturer, USP
» view presentation

Closing plenary session
Drivers of Growth Spurts in Pacific Island Economies
Ronald Duncan, Emeritus Professor, ANU
» listen to podcast

2014 Pacific Update

The 2014 Pacific Update was held at The Australian National University on 16-17 June 2014

The 2014 Pacific Update consisted of two days of panel discussions, including country updates from around the Pacific and panel sessions on: aid to the Pacific; regionalism and the Pacific Plan Review; fisheries management; and skills and labour mobility.

The 2014 Pacific Update was presented by the Development Policy Centre at Crawford School of Public Policy, The Australian National University, and supported by the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Economic Management Technical Assistance and Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies Society.

It forms part of Pacific Perspectives week at ANU, and was followed by the State of the Pacific conference, organised by the State, Society and Governance in Melanesia program, ANU.

» view flyer
» view program

Presentations - Day 1

Opening keynote address
» listen to podcast

Yongzheng Yang, Resident Representative for Pacific Islands Countries, IMF
» view presentation

Regional economic update
Christopher Edmonds, Senior Economist, Pacific Department, ADB
» view presentation

Large and resource rich economies: managing the resource curse for inclusive growth
Papua New Guinea
Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre
» view presentation

Timor Leste
Helder Lopes, Coordinator and Advisor, National Directorate for Economic Policy, Ministry of Finance, Timor Leste
» view presentation

Fiji: waking the Pacific’s sleeping giant
Filimone Waqabaca, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, Fiji

Satish Chand, Professor, University of New South Wales
» view presentation

Relatively diversified economies: prospects for inclusive growth
Benjamin Pereira, Assistant Governor, Central bank of Samoa
» view presentation

Sione Ngongo Kioa, Governor, National Bank of Tonga
» view presentation

Aid dependent economies: prospects in the region’s smaller states
Atanteora Beiatau, Director’s advisor, ADB (Former Secretary of Finance, Kiribati
» view presentation

Letasi Iulai, Advisor to Executive Director, The World Bank
» view presentation

Presentations - Day 2

Parallel session 1a: Regionalism - responding to the Pacific Plan Review
Do many hands make light work? an assessment of pooled service delivery in the Pacific islands region
Tess Newton Cain, Visiting Fellow, Development Policy Centre and Non-Resident Fellow, Lowy Institute for International Policy
» view presentation

The Pacific Plan Review and the Forum Secretariat
Seini O’Connor, Pacific Plan Advisior, Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
» view presentation

Reflections on regionalism and the role of the private sector
Epa Tuioti, Former Vice Chair, Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation
» view presentation

Parallel session 1b: Skills and employment in the Pacific
Skills assessments in the Pacific
Richard Curtain, Visiting Fellow, Development Policy Centre
» view presentation

‘Well-being from work in Pacific island countries’report’
Tobias Haque, Economist, The World Bank
» view presentation

Realising Pacific job needs in the 21st Century
Andrew Parker, Principal Social Sector Economist, ADB
» view presentation

Parallel session 2a: The business/investment environment
The reality of trade and investment in the Pacific islands
Tim Martin, Executive Manager, Investment and Tourism, Pacific Islands Trade and Invest
» view presentation

Infrastructure development and the private sector
Sanjivi Rajasingham, Director, Pacific Region Infrastructure Facility
» view presentation

Parallel session 2b: labour mobility
New research on Australia’s seasonal worker program
Jesse Doyle, The World Bank
» view presentation

Migration in Micronesia
Michael Levin, Adjunct Fellow, East-West Center
» view presentation

On the rise: Pacific Islanders in Australia
Jonathan Pryke, Development Policy Centre
» view presentation

Keynote address: Reflections on constraints to growth in the Pacific
Ron Duncan, Emeritus Professor, Crawford School of Public Policy
» listen to podcast

Tuna fisheries management
Tuna fisheries in the Pacific
Glenn Hurry, Executive Director, Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC)
» view presentation

The vessel day scheme
Les Clark, Fisheries Specialist & Saangalofa Clark, policy Development Advisor, PNA Office
» view presentation

Managing aid:Pacific islands countries and the changing dynamics of development
Chinese development assistance in the Pacific
Matthew Dornan, Development Policy Centre
» view presentation

Aid for trade and the Pacific
Wesley Morgan, University of Melbourne
» view presentation

Compact trust funds in Micronesia
Michael Wulfsohn, Development Policy Centre
» view presentation


In search of a Pacific model of growth by Yongzheng Yang.

Reflections on constraints to growth in Pacific Island countries by Ron Duncan.

2013 Pacific and PNG Update

On 27-28 June 2013, we held the second Pacific and PNG Update. It consisted of two days of panel discussions: day one on the Pacific; and day two on Papua New Guinea. You can access the presentations from both days below.

» view 2013 Pacific perspectives conference program
» view program

Presentations - Day 1

Official Welcome
Tom Kompas, Director, Crawford School of Public Policy.

Christopher Edmonds- Regional overview and launch of the Pacific Economic Monitor (July 2013 issue)
» view video
» listen to podcast

Panel 1a - Melanesia and Timor-Leste
Satish Chand - Growth and inequality in Melanesia
» view presentation
» view video

Anthony Hughes - The economy in Solomon Islands
» view video

Biman Brasad - The economy in Fiji
» view presentation
» view video

Helder Lopes - The economy in Timor-Leste
» view presentation
» view video

Odo Tevi - The economy in Vanuatu
» view presentation
» view video

Panel 1b - Small island states
» listen to podcast

Tebao Awerica - The economy in Kiribati
» view video

Siosi C. Mafi - The economy in Tonga
» view presentation
» view video

Seve Paeniu - Common challenges in microstates: Nauru and Tuvalu
» view presentation
» view video

Noumea Simi - The economy in Samoa
» view presentation
» view video

Panel 2a - Regional trade, labour mobility and linkages
» listen to podcast

Wesley Morgan - PACER Plus
» view presentation
» view video

Emma Veve - Evolving linkages of Pacific economies
» view presentation
» view video

Richard Curtain - Regional employment and labour mobility
» view presentation
» view video

Panel 2b - Regional trade and integration
» listen to podcast

Seini O’Connor - The Pacific Plan and the future of Pacific regionalism
» view presentation
» view video
» view blog

Bob Warner - Lessons in regional integration from the Caribbean
» view presentation
» view video

Matthew Dornan - Pooled service delivery in the Pacific
» view presentation
» view video
» view blog

Pacific gender update
» listen to podcast

Peter Forau - Women’s disempowerment in Melanesia
» view presentation

Susan Ferguson - Australia’s Pacific gender initiative
» view presentation
» view video

Andrea Iffland - Economic empowerment of woman - experiences of the Private Sector Development Initiative
» view presentation
» view video

Amanda Jupp - Women’s economic empowerment: Pacific lessons from the Enterprise Challenge Fund
» view presentation
» view video

Public management and private sector development
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Matthew Dornan - Infrastructure maintenance
» view presentation
» view video

Tobias Haque - Public financial management
» view presentation
» view video

Presentations - Day 2

Welcome and Keynote address
Albert Mellam, Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation
» view video
» listen to podcast

PNG economic and political update
» listen to podcast

Tim Bulman - Economic update
» view presentation
» Watch video

Deni TuKunai - Political update
» view video
» view video

Issues in public service delivery
» listen to podcast

Stephen Howes - PNG budgetary trends and issues
» view presentation
» view video

Colin Wiltshire and Andrew Anton Mako - Public expenditure tracking
» view presentation
» view video

Economic policy challenges
» listen to podcast

Aaron Batten - PNG’s evolving trade and investment flows
» view presentation
» view video

Margaret Callan - The contribution of mining companies to PNG development
» view presentation
» view video
» read blog

Billy Manoka - Regulation of infraestructure SOEs
» view presentation
» view video

Gender-based violence
» listen to podcast

Jo Chandler - Violence and the media
» view presentation
» view video

Kamalini Lokuge - Integrated support for survivors
» view presentation
» view video
» read blog

Cathy Rimbao - A policing perspective
» view video

2012 Pacific Update: Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, Fiji, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Samoa and Tonga

On September 6 2012, we presented the first Pacific Update. It was held at Crawford School and consisted of three panel discussions on: PNG and Timor-Leste; Vanuatu, Tonga and Samoa; and Solomon Islands and Fiji.

» read more

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