PNG Update

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The 2024 PNG Update will be held at the University of PNG in Port Moresby on 21-22 August 2024.

This year’s theme is Securing a stable environment for growth and development.

You can now download the draft program now.

The Update is free for all presenters and attendees.

Travel support is available for a limited number of Papua New Guinean or Pacific Islands postgraduate students and early career researchers (who have commenced work in the academic sector within the last 5 years). Support is also available for a number of female Papua New Guinean researchers based in PNG.

Email enquiries to

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

The 2023 PNG Update was held at the University of Papua New Guinea Waigani campus on 17–18 August.

» download the full conference program and abstracts

The Update is free for all presenters and attendees.

*Session was livestreamed via the UPNG Facebook page.

Day one – Thursday 17 August

Welcome remarks and opening plenary*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

Opening prayer, national anthem and national pledge
Rev. Koloma Makewin, Chaplain, University of Papua New Guinea

Welcome remarks
Professor Frank Griffin, Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

Opening address
The Honourable Mr James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Reflections on UPNG-ANU Relationship
Professor Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University

UPNG-ANU MoA Signing

Plenary address His Excellency Mr Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to PNG

Morning Tea


Plenary session*

11.00am- 12.30pm
New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Professor Leo Marai

Plenary address
Mr Jeffrey Yabom, Acting Assistant Governor on behalf of Elizabeth Genia, Acting Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Book launch: Collaboration and Public Policy
Professor Helen Sullivan, Dean College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University
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Parallel Session 1


1A: Economic issues*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Albert Prabhakar

Can the adjustment of average personal and company income tax rates sustain government revenue and taxpayers’ welfare?
Solomon Kasingu, Researcher, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Macroeconomic Impact of budget deficits in Papua New Guinea
Diana Tuam, Senior Analyst, and Mark Ofoi, Senior Analyst, Economics Department, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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An econometric analysis of the determinants of foreign exchange reservesin PNG
Dr Modowa Trevor Gumoi, Lecturer in Economics, Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Dean and Senior Lecturer in Business Management, and Masidah Tonaim, Tutor in Economics, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
How much is too much? Inflation-Growth Threshold for Papua New Guinea
Meson Tumsok, Senior Research Analyst, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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1B: Gender and society

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Anna Joskin

An investigation into factors influencing female student dropout in the rural primary schools in Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
Janet Niningi, Tutor, University of Goroka; Joy Asiure, Lecturer/Director - Centre for Educational Research, University of Goroka
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Access and Gender Equity in Papua New Guinea: Where is it getting better or worse for girls?
Peter Michael Magury, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute

Evaluation of characteristics of helpline users and emerging issues: A case study of Papua New Guinea
Thea Joy-Jarvis, Program Manager, ChildFund PNG; Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Director of Research, National Research Institute; Henry Gorea, Data officer, ChildFund PNG; Kinime Daniel, Helpline Manager, ChildFund PNG
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1C: Agricultural commodities

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Wilson Thompson

Determinants of coffee production in Papua New Guinea: Evidence from three coffee-producing provinces
Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Deputy Director for Research, Papua New Guinea National Research Institute
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Assessment of the impact of downstream processing of agricultural commodities on PNG’s economy: A case of cocoa
Kenneth Baliwasa, Tutor, UPNG School of Business and Public Policy
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Partnership models in the agriculture sector in PNG
Dr Elly Kinkin, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea; John Simango, CEO, Grow PNG
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1D: Culture and development

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Linus Digim’rina

AWAGASI: Our market stories: Using visual creative methods to understand market vendors’ perspectives
Wilma Langa, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology; Verena Thomas, Professor, Edith Cowan University; Jackie Kauli, Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology; Laurie Buys, Professor, Australian Catholic University
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The presentation of academic identity at a Papua New Guinean University:Agency and liminality in postcolonial higher education
Peter Nasale, Lecturer, Western Pacific University; Jeanette Baird, Adjunct Professor, Divine Word University
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Samting i narakain: Reconceptualising change and resilience from the ground up
Glenn Banks, Professor, John Overton, Professor, Geography, Massey University; Gordon Nanau, Senior Lecturer, University of the South Pacific; Hennah Steven, Senior Lecturer, Clare Kokinai, Lecturer, Pacific Adventist University
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1E: Climate change impacts

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Dr Olive Bailoloi

Sustainable development through the blue economy in Papua New Guinea
Professor Chalapan Kaluwin, Discipline Head of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, School of Natural and Physical Science, University of Papua New Guinea
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Climate Proofing Port Moresby’s Urban Development: Reducing the Impact of Urban Heat Island Effect
Samuel Awayang, Research Project Officer, Papua New Guinea National Research Institute

1F: Primary and secondary education

MBA Suite

Chair: Professor Boe Lahui

Impacts of population growth on enrolment and transition rates in primary and secondary schools in Papua New Guinea
Peter Michael Magury, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute; Esther Kabura, Graduate Analyst, Logohu Capital

Factors affecting the implementation of standard-based curriculum in Papua New Guinea: A case study of three selected primary schools in Jiwaka Province
Samuel Vue, Tutor, University of Goroka
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Improving mathematical learning in PNG secondary classrooms using the worked example based instructional strategy
Alice Napasu, Program Manager, Research and Postgraduate Studies, Pacific Adventist University; Dr Elisapesi Manson, Education Lecturer, School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education, University of the South Pacific
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An investigation into factors affecting Grade 10 and 12 students’ mathematics performance in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Jerome Oko, Campus Administrator, Divine Word University-Port Moresby Campus
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Afternoon Tea


Parallel Session 2


2A: Gender, family and sexual violence*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Dora Aiyus

The role of women in addressing gender-based and sorcery accusation-related violence in Milne Bay and Simbu Provinces of Papua New Guinea
Sophie Naime, PhD Candidate; Bomai Witne, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology
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Addressing sorcery related violence through peacebuilding: The Yuri experience.
Bomai Witne, PhD student, Queensland University of Technology & University of Goroka
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Strategy for strengthening interventions to family violence using helplines in Papua New Guinea
Thea Joy-Jarvis, Program Manager, ChildFund PNG, Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Director of Research, PNG National Research Institute, Henry Gorea, Data officer, ChildFund PNG, Kinime Daniel, Helpline Manager, ChildFund PNG
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2B: Conflict dynamics in Papua New Guinea: Findings from a United States of Peace research project

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Gordon Peake

Findings from a United States of Peace research project
Camilla Pohle, Senior Program Specialist, Dr Gordon Peake, Senior Adviser, Zuabe Tinning, Program Manager, United States of Institute of Peace; Dennis Kuiai, Autonomous Bougainville Government; Dr Almah Tararia

2C: Public sector and governance

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Emmanuel Gorea

Analysis of ICT Competencies and Public Service Delivery: A Case of Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG)
Erwin Rayel, ICT Manager, Benny Lip, Online Training Coordinator and Trainer, Phil Kuso, Training Designer and Quality Analyst, Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance; Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of Department, Tourism and Hospitality, University of Papua New Guinea
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Enhancing Governance, Rule of Law, Peace and Development in Papua New Guinea through Local Institutions: The (unrealised) potential of the local-level government and the village court
Kyline Koroka, Dr Julienne Kuman, Shahar Shalom Yadin, Consultant/Educator, Kingku Village of Peace
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Financing the development of customary land in Papua New Guinea: Challenges and prospects
Logea Nao, Research Fellow, Joecy Kabiu, Project Officer, Samuel Awayang, Project Officer, Lindsay Kutan, Program Leader and Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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2D: Agricultural policy

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

The limitations and opportunities on key agricultural commodities in the PNG economy
Germaine Vigil, Senior Public Servant, Joseph Malabag, Public Servant, Treasury Department

The establishment of Provincial Didiman Centres (PDC’s) as agricultural hubs in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
Johannes Pakatul, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI Highlands Regional Centre, Aiyura; Stanley Amben, Research and Development Coordinator, Okrupa Mauro, Research Associate, Jeremiah Ahizo, Livestock Scientist, Jonah Anton, Research Associate, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Laurie Fooks, Program Director, NARI Head Office, Bubia, Lae
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Identification and response to agricultural risks in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
Stanley Amben, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Johannes Pakatul, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI Highlands Regional Centre, Aiyura; Jonah Anton, Research Associate Jeremiah Ahizo, Livestock Scientist, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Maima Sine; Laurie Fooks, Program Director, NARI Head Office, Bubia, Lae
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2E: Development and service delivery

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Professor Lekshmi N. Pillai

Health worker perceptions and attitudes to vaccines in PNG: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Josh Barlow, Research Officer, Caroline McGann, Project Director for the Media Development Initiative, Prashanth Pillay, Manager of Monitoring, Research and Evaluation, Lachlan Leeds, Research Assistant, Gaius Sabumei, PNG Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, ABC International Development
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Harnessing Facebook for online marketing in PNG: How does it transpire?
Geetha Rani Prakasam, ICCR Chair Professor, PNG University of Technology, Amanda Towi, Research Assistant and Tutor, PNG University of Technology
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Understanding domestic travel market in Papua New Guinea: An analysis of travel motivations, destination choice and tourism activities
Dr Joyce Jazmin Rayel, Head of Division and Senior Lecturer, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, Ronald Raka, Teaching Fellow, Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality Management Division, School of Business & Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Grace Guaigu
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2F: Development and change

MBA Suite

Chair: Dr Suresh Babu

Analysis of the tourism supply components of Port Moresby as an urban tourism destination of Papua New Guinea
Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer, Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of THM Division/Senior Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Analysis of smartphone usage among university students: Papua New Guinea experience
Panditha Bandara, Senior Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea
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Generative AI for education in Papua New Guinea: Opportunities and Challenges
Raymond Kamb John, Lecturer in HRM, University of Papua New Guinea



Day two – Friday 18 August

Plenary session*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Modowa T. Gumoi

Plenary address
Winnie Kiap CBE

Plenary address
The Honourable Kessy Sawang, Minister for Labour and Employment

Morning Tea


Plenary session: Panel – How rural and urban PNG people respond to major disasters*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Mike Bourke, Honorary Associate Professor, Australian National University
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Disruptions to supply chains and food supply in PNG caused by global issues
Matthew Kanua, Consultant
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Impact of the 2015-16 drought and 2018 earthquake on villagers in the remote Strickland Bosavi area of Western Province
Sally Lloyd, Director, Strickland Bosavi Foundation
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How communities responded to COVID-induced lockdowns in 2020
Brendan Jinks, Consultant; Dr Mike Bourke, Honorary Associate Professor, Australian National University
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Reducing the impact of tribal conflict in Hela Province
James Komengi, United Church, Hela Province, PNG
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Parallel Session 3


3A: Mining and development case studies

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Elly Kinkin

Estimating the impact of mining projects on local development in Papua New Guinea
Kelly Samof, Lecturer, Economics Department, University of Papua New Guinea

Indigenous people and the Mining Industry: A Case in Point of Papua New Guinea
Dr Londari Yamarak, Lecturer, PNG University of Technology; Kevin Parton, Professor, Charles Sturt University

Importance of National Oil and Gas Companies in Generating Sustainable Wealth For Papua New Guinea
Dr Glen Mola Pumuye, Research Assistant, Bond University
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3B: Panel – Review of the form and system of government: Election of the prime minister by the people

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.02)

Chair: Mr Patrick Kaiku

Michael Kabuni, PhD Student, Australian National University; Dr Mange Matui, Secretary, Xavier Winia, Deputy Director of Research, Constitutional Law Reform Commission of PNG; Russel Yangin, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea; Lucy Mathew, Constitutional Law Reform Commission

3C: Forestry and agriculture

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.07)

Chair: Professor Simon Saulei

Organic matter addition in composted mounds for sweet potato production can improve soil fertility and increase yield under climate change
Topas Peter, Masters Candidate, Patrick Michael, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture, PNG University of Technology
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Drones and Deep Learning (AI): A new approach to monitoring forest plantation health in PNG
Russel Tarutia, Drone Specialist, DroneTree Mapping and Solutions
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Deforestation and forest degradation: increasing concerns in the Pomio District of East New Britain Province
Joecy Kabiu, Research Project Officer, PNG National Research Institute

3D: Crime and corruption

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Mr Albert Aiyus

Youth unemployment of Morata Informal settlement, Port Moresby
Julian Melpa, Research Officer, Dr Francis Odhuno, Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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Abolition of the death penalty in Papua New Guinea: What’s the next step?
Moses Sakai, Researcher, Sharon Niaga, Lecturer, Rex Kupil, Lecturer, Kenneth Baliwasa, Tutor, University of Papua New Guinea
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City residents’ perceptions on crime and safety: A case of Port Moresby
Jack Assa, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea; Professor Leo Marai, Executive Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea; Shane Amanu, Leanne-Marie Aneisia, Joe Frank, Joel Kumusi, Seth Passingan, Andrew Richard, Gerhardt Siune, Zechariah Suii, Trevor Towati, Caleb Yalikiti, Final Year Students, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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3E: Tertiary education

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Professor Boe Lahui

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in higher education: Challenges and strategies
Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Senior Lecturer, David Mo, Lecturer, Richard Lan, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Evaluating students’ errors in academic writing for curriculum development
Dr Anna Joskin, Acting Dean for Research and Post Graduate Studies, University of Papua New Guinea
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Evaluating lecturers’ and learners’ perceptions and experiences towards Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) in UPNG
Anna Olga, Research Officer, Dr Boe Lahui-Ako, Executive Director, Jessica Wohiemani, A/Associate Director of Centre and Student Support, Ivy Pagolu, A/Associate Director of Programs and Production, UPNG Open College
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The challenges of teaching business courses using WEB 2.0 in Papua New Guinea universities
Kenneth Wak’nbi Tapungu, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea

3F: Development issues

MBA Suite

Chair: Professor Stephen Howes

The nexus between tourism and women’s empowerment: The context of the tourism industry in Papua New Guinea
Dr Albert Prabhakar Gudapati, Senior Lecturer, Economics Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Joyce Rayel, Senior Lecturer, Ronald Raka, Teaching Fellow, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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A study on tax knowledge and awareness of Papua New Guinea Salary Wages Tax (SWT) among the employees of The University of Papua New Guinea
Dr Suresh Babu Nagarajan, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Professor Lekshmi Narayana Pillai, Executive Dean, Benedicta Mellam, Lecturer in Accounting, Jack McDonald, Tutor in Business Management, Lucy Kerua, Tutor in Accounting, Kepi Yogomin Mato, Tutor in Accounting, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Afternoon Tea


Parallel Session 4


4A: Politics and governance*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Grant Walton

Fiscal decentralization and governance
Maholopa Laveil, FDC Pacific Fellow, Lowy Institute
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Updating ministerial durations and stability in PNG from 1972-2022
Dr Henry Ivarature, Deputy Director, Australia Pacific Security College, Australian National University
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Papua New Guinea’s Public Services Commission (PSC) since independence: sidelined or strengthened?
Dr Nematullah Bizhan, Lecturer, Stephen Howes, Professor of Economics, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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4B: Combating climate change

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Modowa T. Gumoi

Papua New Guinea’s Nationally Determined Contribution: Advancing sustainable development and climate resilience
Alfred Rungol

Use of ICT tools and technology in PNG to support climate change and environmental sustainability education
Arun Kumar Singh, Professor, Benson Mirou, Senior Lecturer, Sankwi Abuzo, Senior Lecturer, Yaling Tapo, DHoD, Peter Halebi, Senior Lecturer, PNG University of Technology
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4C: Banking and finance

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Panditha Bandara

A study on quality of corporate boards of banking and finance sector in Papua New Guinea
Professor Lekshmi N. Pillai, Executive Dean, Suresh Babu Nagarajan, Senior Lecturer - Accounting Division, Benedicta Gabonen Mellam, Lecturer - Accounting Division, Patricia Angopa, Head and Lecturer of Banking and Finance - Accounting Division, School of Business and Public Policy, The University of Papua New Guinea
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Determinants of commercial bank interest rate spread in PNG: An empirical analysis
Jamie Sali, Research Analyst, Mark Ofoi, Senior Analyst, Jechonia Hamua, Research Analyst, Economics Department, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Determinants of excess liquidity in the banking system of PNG
Thomas Wangi, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute

Examining challenges and strategies for enhancing the robustness of the PNG Stock Market
David Mo, Lecturer, Patricia Angopa, Head and Lecturer of Banking and Finance–Accounting Division, Sharon Niaga, Lecturer, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea

4D: Gender and leadership

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Joyce Rayel

Women media leaders as drivers for change
Joy Eggins, Project Manager of Media Development Initiative, Josh Barlow, Research Officer, Gaius Sabumei, PNG Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, Prashanth Pillay, Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, Lachlan Leeds, Research Assistant, ABC International Development
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Empowerment through the GEDSI policy: Evaluations of the implications of GoPNG GEDSI (Gender Equity, Disability and Social Inclusion) policy on students and staff of Divine Word University, Madang Campus
Calista Hamadi, Gender Equity Promotional, Papua New Guinea Business Coalition for Women
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Factors affecting female leaderships within the rural health care facilities in South Bougainville, AROB, PNG
Emelda Ariku, Graduate Researcher, Divine Word University
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4E: Agriculture and food security

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

The role of green manures in sustaining soil health and crop productivity in PNG – A review
Paula Kaupa, PhD Candidate, Rajashekhar Rao BK, Associate Professor, PNG University of Technology
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Development of a seasonal farm advisory in Papua New Guinea for climate-smart agriculture
Ruth Baiga, Natural Research Management Scientist, National Agriculture Research Institute; Dr Rachel Friedman, Postdoctoral Fellow, and Dr Steven Crimp, Research Fellow, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy, and Disaster Solutions; Mauro Okrupa, Research Associate, Alex Galus, Johannes Pakatul, HRC Research Development Coordinator, and Laurie Fooks, Program Director, National Agriculture Research Institute
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Equitable agricultural extension through institutional youth engagement in Papua New Guinea: A case study in Kokopo District, East New Britain Province.
Donald Kanini, Masters Candidate, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Papua New Guinea
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4F: Urban and rural development

MBA Suite

Chair: Mr Vincent Malaibe

Assessment of surface runoff on different surfaces (pervious and impervious surfaces) within the urban region. (A case study of Lae City)
Runitha Nickson, Postgraduate Student, Tingneyuc Sekac, Senior Lecturer and Research Coordinator, Sujoy Kumar Jana, Associate Professor, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
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Use of multicriteria decision approach to identify an alternative solid waste dump site around Lae City
Den Einstein, Masters Candidate, PNG University of Technology, Dr Sailesh Samanta, Associate Professor, PNG University of Technology
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An analysis of social cultural trends and the growth of Chinese business: A case of Goroka urban and peri-urban area in Eastern Highland Province
Johnson Ahupa, Senior Tutor, University of Goroka
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Closing Session*


Concluding remarks

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea; Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Update dinner (by invitation only)

SBPP Foyer

2022 PNG Update: pathways to development amid COVID-19 and beyond PNG’s 10th election

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

The 2022 PNG Update was held in person at the University of Papua New Guinea Waigani campus on 20–21 October.

Funding support was provided by the PNG-Australia Partnership, with assistance for travel from The Asia Foundation.

» download the full conference program and abstracts

*Session was livestreamed via the UPNG Facebook page.

Day one – Thursday 20 October

Welcome remarks and opening plenary*


Opening prayer, national anthem and national pledge
Rev. Koloma Makewin, Chaplain, UPNG

Welcome remarks
Robert Igara, Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

Opening address
The Honourable James Marape MP, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea
» read speech

Book launch: Papua New Guinea Government, Economy and Society
Various book co-authors

Plenary session*


Inaugural address
His Excellency Mr Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to PNG

Plenary address
Optimal macro-policy and the resource project cycle: how should Papua New Guinea set policy for Papua LNG?
Camilo Alvarez, Assistant Professor, Martin Davies, Associate Professor of Economics, Washington and Lee University, Marcel Schroder, Asian Development Bank
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Parallel Session 1


1A: Panel: Bringing global climate science home*

Mahealani Delaney, Program Coordinator and masters student, Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, Australian National University

Communicating climate science with rural households
Dr Lilly Sar, Director for the Centre for Social and Creative Media, University of Goroka
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IPCC 6 assessment report: small islands
Dr Johanna Nalau, Senior Lecturer and Adaptation Science Research Theme Leader, Cities Research Institute, Griffith University
» watch presentation

1B: Economic issues

Savings behaviour in Papua New Guinea
Niels-Hugo Blunch, Professor of Economics, Martin Davies, Associate Professor of Economics, Washington and Lee University
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Impact of anti-money laundering in PNG: the courts and the unbanked
Michael Kabuni, PhD Candidate, Australian National University
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Investment agreements and the regulatory chill: an analysis on impact of investor-state arbitrations towards sustainable development
Joshua Kaile, Chevening Scholarship Alumni (2017)
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Mobile internet pricing in Papua New Guinea
Dr Amanda Watson, Research Fellow, Department of Pacific Affairs, Australian National University, Picky Airi, Director, Centre for Learning and Teaching, Divine Word University, Moses Sakai, Tutor, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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1C: Education policy

Reviewing the quality of basic education in the Momase region of Papua New Guinea: East Sepik and Morobe provinces
Dr Kilala Devette-Chee, Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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Skilled workforce development challenges and TVET strategies
Richard Lan, Lecturer, Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Executive Dean, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Francis Hualupmomi, Acting Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology
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The implementation status of the Sustainable Development Goal 4 in Papua New Guinea: the gap analysis
Peter Michael Magury, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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An overview of development, delivery and challenges of agriculture teaching and learning pedagogy through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) in Papua New Guinea
Peter Mwayawa, Director, Milne Bay University Centre, University of Papua New Guinea Open College, Roma Tuidam, Provincial Education Advisor, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea
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1D: Health

Using big data to improve health services in PNG
Maryanne Bagore, Lecturer, Divine Word University
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Evaluating and selecting key health indicators in PNG: a theoretical insight
Dr Alfred Faiteli, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Esther Lavu, Freelance Researcher and Consultant, Lina Bade, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea
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Assessment of the PNG Provincial Health Authority health system reform implementation from 2009 through 2019: achievements, challenges, and potential ways forward – senior executive health managers’ perspectives
Dr Hewali Hamiya, Master of Public Health Student, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Tabian Ambang and Professor Georgia S Guldan, Division of Public Health, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea
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1E: Tourism

Impediments in developing domestic tourism: perceptions of Papua New Guineans
Ronald Raka, Tutor, Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of Division, Tourism and Hospitality Management, University of Papua New Guinea
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Socio-economic impacts of COVID-19 on tourism and hospitality businesses in Madang, PNG
Allan Sumb, Lecturer, Divine Word University
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A few critical perspectives concerning the managing of the Kokoda Trail tourism activity: is there a need for a paradigm shift?
Kyline Koroka, LLB Graduate, Shahar Shalom Yadin, LLB Honours graduate, University of Papua New Guinea
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Parallel session 2


2A: COVID-19*

Factors affecting COVID-19 vaccination: a PNG perspective
Jack Assa, Lecturer, Moses Sakai, Tutor, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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How can the pandemic centre in PNG effectively communicate information about a pandemic to the public?
Thomas Hukahu, Journalist and private researcher, The Post-Courier
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30-day morbidity & mortality of surgical patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection: a prospective observational study at Port Moresby General Hospital, Papua New Guinea
Titus Pakop, Masters candidate, Ikau Kevau, Professor, Kennedy James, Surgeon, School of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea
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2B: Macroeconomics

Real wages growth in Papua New Guinea over three decades
Niels-Hugo Blunch, Professor of Economics, Martin Davies, Associate Professor of Economics, Washington and Lee University
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Anomalies in calculation of key macroeconomic variables and with modelling, planning and budgeting in Papua New Guinea
Modowa T Gumoi, Lecturer in Economics, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Foreign capital inflows and monetary sterilisation in Papua New Guinea
Thomas Wangi, PhD Candidate, Australian National University

2C: Tertiary education

Student’s perception of blended learning: UPNG experience
Panditha Bandara, Senior Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Topological methods in the study of climate change
Lakoa Fitina, Professor, University of Papua New Guinea, Jeffery Ambelye, Lecturer, Jimmy Keake, Lecturer, University of Goroka
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Understanding higher reform in PNG: a political economy perspective
Dr Francis Hualupmomi, Acting Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Research, Science & Technology
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Staffs’ and students’ perspectives on disability support services for students attending the University of Papua New Guinea
Dunstan Lawihin, Lecturer in Social Work, University of Papua New Guinea, Franklyn Lawihin, Social Work Student, University of Papua New Guinea
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2D: Corruption and policing

Bridging PNG’s integrity Gap: agency-level anti-corruption strategies
Yuambari Haihuie, Deputy Director Partnerships & Policy, Transparency International Papua New Guinea
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Police, politics, and issues of brutality in PNG
Okole Midelit, Teaching Fellow, University of Papua New Guinea
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What is the future of capital punishment in Papua New Guinea?
Moses Sakai, Tutor, University of Papua New Guinea
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Helping or hypocritical? Australia’s role in Papua New Guinean corruption
Grant Walton, Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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2E: Climate change

Land ownership and climate change issues in PNG: perception vs reality, Rapatona communities, Manus Province
Dr Alfred Faiteli, University of Papua New Guinea
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Climate change variability and sea level rise a challenge to PNG and Pacific Islands in the next 100 years
Chalapan Kaluwin, Professor, Centre for Climate Change and Sustainable Development, Moyep Kilepak, Physics Discipline Leader, School of Natural and Physical Science, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Impacts of climate change and environmental sustainability and its impediments on maritime provinces of PNG
Peter Mwayawa, Director, Milne Bay University Centre, University of Papua New Guinea Open College, Roma Tuidam, Provincial, Education Advisor
» view presentation

Rethinking climate change and environment conservation implementation in Papua New Guinea
Tanya Zeriga, Lead Researcher, Morobe Menggeyao Consulting Services
» view presentation

Day two – Friday 21 October

Plenary session*


Opening prayer, national anthem and national pledge
Rev. Koloma Makewin, Chaplain, UPNG

Prof Helen Sullivan, Dean, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific

Professor Frank Griffin, Vice Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

Revisiting the Morauta reforms: modernising PNG’s Central Banking Act
Robert Igara, Chair, Independent Advisory Group on the Central Banking Act
» read speech

Plenary Session: Chinese investment in PNG*


Chinese companies in PNG
Anthea Mulakala, Senior Director – International Development Cooperation, Huiyuan Liu, Consultant, The Asia Foundation, Douveri Henao, Founder & CEO Legacy Group Limited, Flora Carruthers, Senior Researcher, Institute of National Affairs (INA), Chey Scovell, Managing Director, Sapience Ltd, PNG Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Manufacturers Council of PNG
» view presentation

Parallel session 3


3A: 2022 elections*

Assessing the openness of election data in the PNG 2022 national general elections
Russel (Jr) Kitau, Tutor, Political Science Department, Olivia Pamu, Political science honours student, Minetta Kakarere, Political science tutor, Midelit Okole, Political Science teaching fellow, Russel Yangin, Political science lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea, Geejay Milli, PhD Candidate, Michael Kabuni, PhD Candidate, Australian National University
» view presentation

Women’s political participation and temporary special measures – a brief update post-2022
Geejay Milli, PhD Candidate, Australian National University
» view presentation

Political party presence in 2022 general election
Russel Yangin, Lecturer in Politics, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

3B: Gender, family and sexual violence

Some preliminary finding on impact of gender based violence on women in Hula community, Central Province
Aiga Ian, Daniel Ayius and Donald Kanini, Postgraduate honours degree students, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Papua New Guinea, Bradley Sinde, Postgraduate honours degree student, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Factors that instigated intimate partner violence in the National Capital District of Papua New Guinea Minetta Daniella Kakarere, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Negligence of children in the midst of family and sexual violence
Dora Kuir-Ayius, Lecturer in social work, School of Humanities & Social Science, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

The role of community-based arts in supporting survivors of gender-based violence in Papua New Guinea
Sophie Naime, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology
» view presentation

3C: Regional development and security

PNG voices: perspectives on Australia and the world
Leonie Baptiste, Lecturer, Divine Word University (Madang Campus), Dr Londari Yamarakz, Head of Economics, PNG University of Technology; Lemuel Dom
» view presentation

Security for the future: translating visions into PNG realities
Henry Ivarature, Pacific Fellow, Australian National University, Professor Meg Keen, Director, Lowy Institute
» view presentation

The cost of bride price: a security perspective on the effects of bride price on Papua New Guinean women
Mariel Verroya, PhD Candidate, Griffith University
» view presentation

3D: Public sector and governance

Information management in the public sector organisation in PNG: challenges and strategies
Raymond John, Lecturer, Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Executive Dean (Academic), Wasita Pomel, Tutor, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

The effectiveness of training and development activities as part of HRD initiatives: the case study of PNG Power Limited
Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Executive Dean (Academic), Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of Division, Tourism and Hospitality Management, Dr Lawrence Sause, Deputy Executive Dean (Resources & Planning), School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Islands within ports of governmentality: indigenous self-governance
Adam Vai Delaney, PhD Candidate, Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research, Australian National University
» read presentation

The ‘Great Reset’ through development of the Melanesian jurisprudence (Underlying Law)
Xavier Winnia, Director, Constitutional and Law Reform Commission, Dr Mange Matui, Secretary, Constitutional and Law Reform Commission
» view presentation

3E: Urban and rural development

Public transport system challenges and strategies: case study of city of Port Moresby
David Mo, Lecturer, Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Executive Dean, Jollanda Mathew, Lecturer, McDonald Jack, Tutor, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

State should lead social mapping and landowner identification in petroleum development
Dr Kevin Pamba, Senior Lecturer, Department of Governance and Leadership, Divine Word University
» view presentation

An investigation of the impacts of COVID-19 on livelihoods, food security and poverty in urban squatter settlements: a case in Point of Port Moresby and Lae City
Dr Londari Yamarak, PNG University of Technology, Harry Gimiseve, Sam Gonano
» view presentation

Parallel session 4


4A: Politics and electoral systems in PNG*

PNG politics: what to expect in the next five years
Michael Kabuni, PhD Candidate, Australian National University
» view presentation

Revisiting temporary special measures for PNG women
Geejay Milli, PhD Candidate, Theresa Meki, Pacific Research Fellow, Australian National University
» view presentation

Does DSIP money help MPs win re-election?
Terence Wood, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University, Maholopa Laveil, Lecturer in economics, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

What has limited preferential voting changed in Papua New Guinea?
Terence Wood, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Michael Kabuni, PhD Candidate, Australian National University, Maholopa Laveil, Lecturer in economics, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

4B: Bougainville

Inclusive peace: the role of women in the PNG-Bougainville post-referendum consultations
Danny Agon and Vanua Koloa, Assistant researchers, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Supervision and management reform in secondary schools in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea
Joy Asiure, Lecturer and Assistant Director, Center for Educational Research, University of Goroka
» view presentation

Lessons learnt from Bougainville for autonomy implementation in Papua New Guinea
John Watmelik, Acting Director, Planning, Autonomous Bougainville Government Administration
» view presentation

4C: Women in the workforce

Determinants of under-representation of women on public and private sector boards in Papua New Guinea
Alphonse Kona, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea

The challenges of sustainability faced by PNG women SME operators amidst the perceived cultural norms and values
Evelyn Kua, Head of Division, Business Management, David Mo, Lecturer, Richard Lan, Lecturer, Jack McDonald, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Women vendors’ agency and conflict management: experiences of Awagasi Market women vendors in Lae, Papua New Guinea
Wilma Molus Langa, PhD Candidate, Verena Thomas, Associate Professor, Jackie Kauli, Queensland University of Technology, Laurie Buys, Australian Catholic University
» view presentation

Women empowerment through employment – a study of the status of women employees in Port Moresby, PNG
Dr Albert Prabhakar Gudapati, Head of Division, Economics, Benedicta Gabonen Mellam, Lecturer in Accounting, Wasita Pomel, Teaching Fellow in Business Management, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

4D: Agriculture and food security

Economic tripartite partnership: smallholder empowerment in PNG
Wilson Go, Senior Lecturer, Divine Word University
» view presentation

Climate change mitigation via coffee carbon sequestration and trade: prospect for improving livelihoods of PNG coffee farmers
Mawe Gonapa, PhD Candidate, Dr Steven Crimp, Research Fellow (Principal Supervisor), Institute for Climate, Energy & Disaster Solutions, Australian National University
» view presentation

Tackling Food Security Issues through smallholder rice farming in Trobriand Islands
Niyawa John, BAH Candidate and Temporary Tutor, Dr Linus Digim’rina, Lecturer and Head of Strand, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation

Gender mainstreaming and empowerment in agriculture food systems in Papua New Guinea
John Simango, Executive Director, Alma Lance, Gender Mainstreaming Manager, Ruthy Kusak, Agribusiness Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Grow PNG Ltd
» view presentation

Closing Session*


Concluding remarks
Professor Lekshmi N. Pillai, Executive Dean, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Grant Walton, Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

In 2021 the PNG Update was replaced by a series of ANU-UPNG seminars delivered on campus and online.

See the full list of seminars, with access to presentations and papers, on the ANU-UPNG seminar series page.

Go to the Events page to see upcoming seminars.

2020 PNG Update

The 2020 PNG Update was cancelled due to the COVID19 outbreak.

2019 PNG Update - “Development and Diversity”

The annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the 2019 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on 8-9 August 2019.
View program and abstracts
View Facebook streams

UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy and ANU’s Development Policy Centre would like to acknowledge the generous funding support from The University of Papua New Guinea, The Australian National University, and the Australian Aid Program.

The Update is free to all members of the public, and no registration is required.

To make inquiries about this or future Updates, please contact Mr Rohan Fox at ANU’s Development Policy Centre ( or Dr Albert Prabhakar at UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy (

Day one – Thursday 8 Aug 2019

Welcome remarks and opening plenary

Welcome Remarks
Mr Gabriel Pepson, UPNG Council Member and former Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Inaugural address
His Excellency Mr Bruce Davis, Australian High Commissioner to PNG
» download speech [PDF]

Opening address
The Honourable Mr James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea
» download speech [PDF]

Plenary Session

» watch Facebook stream of session

Plenary address on the economy
The Honourable Mr Patrick Pruaitch, Opposition leader of Papua New Guinea
» download speech [PDF]

ANU-UPNG PNG economic survey 2018-2019
Bao Nguyen, Dek Sum, Maholopa Laveil, Rohan Fox and Stephen Howes
» download presentation [PDF]

Parallel Session 1

1A. Infrastructure and energy

» watch Facebook stream of session

The electrification of Papua New Guinea
Cassian Drew
» download presentation [PDF]

Bridging the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in Papua New Guinea
Sarah O’Dowd
» download presentation [PDF]

Renewable energy development constraints in PNG: an institutional perspective
Kenneth Tame
» download presentation [PDF]

1B. Management

The empowerment of principals as instructional leaders in PNG
Boe Lahui-Ako
» download presentation [PDF]

Gendered roles, impacts and benefits of local businesses based on customary land in Papua New Guinea
Hennah Steven
» download presentation [PDF]

Entrepreneurship education, innovation and capacity-building to reduce unemployment and improve rural livelihoods in PNG
Ramakrishna Akkinapally
» download presentation [PDF]

Corporate governance and gender diversity in PNG’s corporate boards
Alphonse Kona
» download presentation [PDF]

1C. Security and Gender

Family protection orders as a response to domestic and family violence: a pilot study in Lae
Lindy Kanan, Judy Putt, Theresa Phillips, Davida Thomas, Anna Raymond and Pious Tapil
» download presentation [PDF]

Networked security: PNG’s expanding private security industry
Sinclair Dinnen and Grant Walton
» download presentation [PDF]

Marital violence in PNG: a theological critique and response
Maxon Mani
» download presentation [PDF]

Being a ‘good man’ in the security industry
Stephanie Lusby
» download presentation [PDF]

1D. Education

Tuition fee free policy, output and quality: the way forward on lifting standards and quality in education in PNG
Kilala Devette-Chee
» download presentation [PDF]

Papua New Guinea education budget analysis, 2012-2018
Peter Magury
» download presentation [PDF]

Better governance in education and the TFF
Priscilla Pius
» download presentation [PDF]

Causes of cheating in exams and implications for grade 12 examinations
Peter Kaiyeke
» download presentation [PDF]

1E. Regional development

Evaluating welfare effects of non-farm enterprises on rural households in Papua New Guinea
Gracie Rosenbach
» download presentation [PDF]

Mining booms and poverty alleviation: a provincial level analysis
Sanja Pepae, Budy Resosudarmo and Rus’an Nasrudin
» download presentation [PDF]

PNG riding or sinking from the resource boom? Evidence from sectoral and geographical employment
Dek Sum and Bao Nguyen
» download presentation [PDF]

Bougainville: tax revenue challenges
Nelson Atip Nema
» download presentation [PDF]

Parallel Session 2

2A. Macroeconomic issues

» view Facebook stream of session

Estimating excess liquidity demand in PNG
Meson Tumsok
» download presentation [PDF]

Impacts of interest rates on economic growth in PNG
Charles Wapinen
» download presentation [PDF]

Does the PNG government get its fair share from the resource sector? Theoretical determinants
Martin Davies and Marcel Schroder
» download presentation [PDF]

Does the PNG government get its fair share from the resource sector? Evidence from a new database
Martin Davies and Marcel Schroder
» download presentation [PDF]

2B. A role for the private sector in delivering off-grid energy solutions in Papua New Guinea

Subrata Barman, Carolyn Blacklock, Mark Baker and Lesieli Taviri
» download presentation [PDF]

2C. Health

Strengthening nursing and midwifery in PNG
Michele Rumsey, Mary Kilio, Nina Joseph, Amanda Neill and Christine Catling
» download presentation [PDF]

Provincial health authority reform
Phillippe Allen
» download presentation [PDF]

Road traffic injuries at the orthopaedic unit, POMGEN, a 4 year review
Henao Asa
» download presentation [PDF]

Macro determinants of morality in PNG
Manoj Pandey
» download presentation [PDF]

2D. Randomised Control Trials

How to measure the impact of the Port Moresby Urban Youth Employment Project?
Francesca Drapuluvik and Mathias Liu
» download presentation [PDF]

Taking financial access to remote and insecure areas: impacts of a comprehensive financial inclusion intervention in PNG
Christopher Hoy
» download presentation [PDF]

Can SMS’s improve PNG tax compliance?
Luke McKenzie, Christopher Hoy and Mathias Sinning
» download presentation [PDF]

2E. Violence and the community

Understanding “sanguma” for Enga’s development
Philip Gibbs and William Kipongi
» download presentation [PDF]

Local learning: Guna-Goreku Stretim Hauslain Association
Leah Dama, Noah Mawe and Elai Soutai
» download presentation [PDF]

Application of the death penalty in PNG: will it reduce escalating law and order problems or not?
Gary Sali
» download presentation [PDF]

Sorcery: an important law and order concern for PNG
Albert Ayius
» download presentation [PDF]

Day two - Friday 9 August 2019

Plenary Session: Keynotes

» view Facebook stream of session

Mr Hohora Suve, Chairman-CEO, PNG National Economic and Fiscal Commission
» download presentation [PDF]
» download paper [PDF]

Professor Frank Griffin, Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

The Honourable Mr Richard Maru, Minister for Planning
» download presentation [PDF]

Plenary Session: ANU-UPNG research showcase

» view Facebook stream of session

Men and women’s perspectives on options to address family and sexual violence in Lae
Dora Kuir-Ayius, Joshua Goa, Mary Aisi, Miranda Forsyth and Michelle Rooney
» download presentation [PDF]

The 2017 elections: were they different?
Terence Wood and Maholopa Laveil
» download presentation [PDF]

Parallel Session 3

3A. Mining and development case studies

» view Facebook stream of session

Mining and Poverty in Papua New Guinea: Case Studies at Ok Tedi and Porgera
Londari Yamarak and Kevin Parton
» download presentation [PDF]

Gutpla sindaun at Wafi-Golpu
Charles Roche, Walim Nawasio, Sindana Howard and Wafi and Waut
» download presentation [PDF]

Frieda river mine awareness as captured from students’ lenses
Michael Dipson Ban, Abisah Allingham, Adrian Taranu and Anna Joskin
» download presentation [PDF]

A recipe for conflict? Case study of full scale social mapping in Purari
Yvonne Hani
» download presentation [PDF]

3B. Education and WASH

Barriers to girls’ education, and quality education
Delisha Koime Liri
» download presentation [PDF]

Female tertiary students’ views of the empowerment effects of sex education
Rhonda Clement
» download presentation [PDF]

Where water and toilet access is limited, how does government decide on the most important place to work?
Navara Kiene
» download presentation [PDF]

3C. Panel – Debating “good governance” in Papua New Guinea

Osborne Sanida, Dulciana Somare-Brash and Janet Rangou
» download presentation [PDF]

3D. Housing and urban development

Economic analysis of house rent and demand for housing attributes in formal and informal built areas of Port Moresby
Eugene Ezebilo
» download presentation [PDF]

Employer-provided housing assistance in Papua New Guinea: empirical analysis and policy implications
Francis Odhuno, Ken Devos and Mehmet Ozmen
» download presentation [PDF]

Upgrading unsustainable urban development: focusing on the Port Moresby context
Mary Walta
» download presentation [PDF]

Moving onwards: female migrants, gender issues and sustainable development in PNG
Alfred Faiteli
» download presentation [PDF]

3E. Mobile and digital

SIM card registration in PNG
Amanda Watson
» download presentation [PDF]

Using digital technology in professional development In Papua New Guinea: a case study
Russel Kitau and Luke Matson
» download presentation [PDF]

Factors that can influence adoption of e-health and e-education systems in Papua New Guinea
Martin Daniel
» download presentation [PDF]

Parallel Session 4

4A. Gender and society

» view Facebook stream of session

PNG women in media
Joys Eggins, Prashanth Pillay and Vipul Khosla
» download presentation [PDF]

Male roles and responsibilities in the promotion of gender equality in a changing world
Joelson Anere
» download presentation [PDF]
» download paper [PDF]
» download blog [Docx]

The plight and political controversies surrounding women in Papua New Guinea politics
Russel Yangin
» download presentation [PDF]

Using women’s sport to address gender issues in PNG
Joanna Lester and Cathy Neap
» download presentation [PDF]

4B. Development Issues

Madang’s plans to boost its share in Australia’s seasonal worker scheme
Natasha Turia-Moka
» download presentation [PDF]

Land as assemblage: conceptual insights into land debates and policy in PNG Glenn Banks, Regina Scheyvens, Litea Meo-Sewabu, Hennah Steven and Suliasi Vunibola
» download presentation [PDF]

Reframing Discourse in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health and Wellbeing
Mary-Jane Heron
» download presentation [PDF]

Tourism in remote territories in PNG: a case of Morobe province
Joyce Rayel, Renee Laino and Kipa Kamuna
» download presentation [PDF]

4C. Government and governance

Controversies on the doctrine of separation of powers in PNG: a need for reconceptualization?
Bal Kama
» download presentation [PDF]

Understanding and responding to corruption in PNG’s public service
Grant Walton
» download presentation [PDF]

The Bougainville Referendum Research Project – an update
Martha Waim
» download presentation [PDF]

The limitations of the Organic Law on the integrity of political parties and candidates
Michael Kabuni
» download presentation [PDF]

4D. Rural and sustainable development

Subsistence farmers’ resilience in rice cultivation: Case study for informal production and marketing of rice in Pindiu, Morobe
Lewis Iwong
» download presentation [PDF]

Making agriculture commercial in PNG
Wilson Thompson Orlegge
» download presentation [PDF]
» download paper [PDF]

Lost in paradise; where is StaRS?
David Mowbray
» download presentation [PDF]

Challenges of developing human capital for PNG’s sustainable development
Olive Baloiloi
» download presentation [PDF]

4E. Ideas for universities

The use of peer feedback in business English context
Helen Setu
» download presentation [PDF]

Re-thinking classroom practices with the ‘Kibung framework’
Anna Joskin
» download presentation [PDF]

Connecting graduates to jobs: towards a national graduate employment strategy
John Kamasua
» download presentation [PDF]

A preliminary report of gender, religion, across regions - academic performance among undergraduate students studying at UPNG
Leo Marai, Jack Assa, Gordon Montoru, Albert Ayius, Kale Asali and Moses Sakai
» download presentation [PDF]

Closing Session: concluding remarks

» view Facebook stream of session

Dr Lawrence Sause, Deputy Executive Dean, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea

Prof. Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU

The Honourable Mr James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

PNG Update – “PNG in the year of APEC”

The annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the 2018 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on 14-15 June 2018. Following the success of the 2017 Update, speakers presented in four parallel sessions at venues across the University of Papua New Guinea.

View program
View program and abstracts
View Facebook streams
UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy and ANU’s Development Policy Centre would like to acknowledge the generous funding support from The University of Papua New Guinea, The Australian National University, and the Australian Aid Program.

The Update is free to all members of the public, and no registration is required.

To make inquiries about this or future Updates, please contact Mr Rohan Fox at ANU’s Development Policy Centre ( or Dr Albert Prabhakar at UPNG’s School of Business and Public Policy (

In November 2018 the Development Policy Centre released a publication featuring four of the keynote addresses from the 2018 PNG Update, entitled ‘2018 PNG Update: PNG in the year of APEC’.

» download full PDF
» download Article 1: ‘Inaugural Address’ - Mr Charles Abel, Treasurer and Deputy Prime Minister
» download Article 2: ‘PNG’s Economy’ - Mr Ian Ling-Stuckey – Shadow Minister for Treasury and Finance
» download Article 3: ‘2018 PNG Economic Survey’ - Bao Nguyen, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox, Dek Sum and Stephen Howes
» download Article 4: ‘Leadership and the future’ - Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General to the Pacific Islands Forum

Day one – Thursday 14 June 2018

Plenary Session 1: Opening addresses

Mr Vincent Malaibe, Acting Vice Chancellor, The University of Papua New Guinea

Inaugural address
Mr Charles Abel, Treasurer and Deputy Prime Minister
» listen to the podcast
» download speech [PDF]

Opening address
Sir Charles Lepani, Chairman of the APEC 2018 Coordinating Authority – “PNG in the year of APEC”
» listen to the speech
» download presentation [PPT]

Plenary Session 2: Economic developments

PNG’s economy
Mr Ian Ling-Stuckey – Shadow Minister for Treasury and Finance
» listen to the podcast
» download speech and presentation [PDF]

ANU-UPNG PNG economic survey 2017-2018
Bao Nguyen, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox, Dek Sum and Stephen Howes
» download presentation [PPT]
» download paper [PDF]

Parallel Session 1

1A. Land and development

Accessibility of customary land for residential property development in Papua New Guinea: challenges and prospects
Thomas Wangi
» download presentation [PPT]

National sustainable land use policy
Angela Mageto
» download presentation [PPT]

Accessing customary land for national projects in PNG
Michael Agum
» download presentation [PPT]

1B. Exchange rate issues, trade, and the macroeconomy

The effects of real exchange rate and external shocks on Papua New Guinea’s trade balance
Bao Nguyen and Dek Sum
» download presentation [PDF]

A new policy framework for resource-rich developing countries: can an export boom be contractionary?
Martin Davies
» download presentation [PDF]

Food inflation and its impact on the economy of Papua New Guinea
Stanis Hulahau
» download presentation [PPT]

Determinants of the effectiveness of macro-prudential policy in the Asia-Pacific: take away lessons for PNG
Marcel Schroder
» download presentation [PPT]

1C. Security and employment

Ethics and methods in researching gender based violence
Michelle Rooney

What is the benefit of a comprehensive active labour market program? Evidence from PNG
Christopher Hoy

How is Australia’s Seasonal Workers Program performing and what PNG can do to lift its numbers?
Richard Curtain
» download presentation [PPT]

1D. Health programs and performance

Donor funding to the PNG health sector: how much, where it comes from and where is it spent?
Kevin Ali
» download presentation [PPT]

Implementation planning of the National Health Plan in a decentralized health system in Madang province, Papua New Guinea
Tabian Ambang
» download presentation [PPT]

A multi-disciplinary analysis of service access, community resilience and maternal mortality in Gulf Province
Jennifer Litau
» download presentation [PPT]

Public service motivation and brain drain in Papua New Guinea’s public sector: a case of PNG’s national health department
Alphonse Kona
» download presentation [PPT]

Parallel Session 2

2A. Governance and development I

Citizens’ perceptions of patron-client politics on corruption within the civil service and governance system in PNG
Teddy Edwards Winn
» download presentation [PPT]

The wrong way to close a funding gap: anti-corruption and the 2018 PNG budget
Grant Walton
» download presentation [PPT]

Independence of the governance and managerial functions of the state-owned enterprise in Papua New Guinea
Livai Kuaken

Trade, livelihoods and development in Papua New Guinea’s South Fly region
Mark Moran

2B. Agriculture, fisheries and tourism

Climate change: impact on Papua New Guinea agriculture
Mike Bourke
» download presentation [PPT]

The 2018 earthquake in Papua New Guinea: were lessons learned from the 2015-16 drought?
Brendan Jinks

Post-Brexit impact on PNG’s canned tuna industry exports to the UK Michael Kabuni
» download presentation [PPT]

Visitors’ perceptions of safety and security issues in Madang Province, PNG
Allan Sumb
» download presentation [PPT]

2C. Port Moresby studies

A community-initiated pilot program using sport to address non-communicable diseases, anti-social behaviour and social inequality
Sofia Bartlett, Tahina Booth and Kina Mala » download presentation [PDF]

Service characteristics and regulatory oversight of public transport in Port Moresby
Jack Assa, Elton Powe and Oliver Page » download presentation [PDF]

Preferences and willingness to pay for recreation in Port Moresby Nature Park: an application of the choice experiment approach
Eugine Ezebilo » download presentation [PPT]

2D. Digital technology

» listen to the podcast

Market fee payment through custom-made software: the findings of a pilot
Nisa Fachry, Amanda Watson and Christina Cheong » download presentation [PPT]

Electronic government: factors that influence adoption by agencies in Papua New Guinea
Daniel Martin
» download presentation [PPT]

Decisions and behaviour: lessons from a Goilala ICT project
Paul Kaita
» download presentation [PPT]

Film night – Viewing of My Father, My Country, Q&A following with Dame Meg Taylor

Day two – Friday 15 June 2018

Plenary Session 3: Leadership and the future

Dame Meg Taylor, Secretary General to the Pacific Islands Forum » download speech [PDF]

Plenary Session 4: ANU-UPNG research showcase

» listen to the podcast

Health phone services in Papua New Guinea
Amanda Watson and Ralph Kaule » download presentation [PPT]

Emmanuel Gorea, Lawrence Sause and Lhawang Ugyel » download presentation [PPT]

Family and sexual violence– impacts on education
Dora Kuir-Ayius and Michelle Rooney » download presentation [PPT]

Infant industry protection in PNG: case-studies
Maholopa Laveil and Rohan Fox

Health expenditure performance in Papua New Guinea
Colin Wiltshire, Amanda Watson, Denise Lokinap and Tatia Currie » download presentation [PPT]

Parallel Session 3

3A. Housing

Potential public-private partnership strategy for promoting effective housing delivery
Eugine Ezebilo
» download presentation [PDF]

Public perceptions about housing benefit tax in Papua New Guinea
Francis Odhuno, Ken Devos, Mehmet Ozmen and Thomas Wangi
» download presentation [PPT]

Trunk infrastructure is necessary for large-scale housing developments: lessons from the Duran Farm Housing Project
Logea Nao
» download presentation [PPT]

Exploring affordable housing: case study of informal rental housing in Ensisi, NCD
Lewis Iwong

3B. Governance and development II

» listen to the podcast

Cultivating a participatory approach to governance in Papua New Guinea
Paul Kelly and Dorothy Luana
» download presentation [PDF]

Understanding youth perceptions of governance: need for space, engagement and participation
Barbra Thomas » download presentation [PDF]

The deep determinants of district development in PNG
Terence Wood
» download presentation [PPT]

Governance reform, leadership and support in PNG: evidence from experiments
Fiona Yap and Anthony Swan
» download presentation [PPT]

3C. Microfinance and financial inclusion

Improving rates of female financial inclusion at the household level
Rohan Fox and Christopher Hoy » download presentation [PPT]

Achieving effective financial inclusion for women in PNG
Robyn Cornford

Performance of microfinance institutions in Papua New Guinea
Muneer Babu Mancheri
» download presentation [PPT]

Financial Inclusion in Papua New Guinea: a lender but not a borrower be!
Martin Davies

3D. Public health

Rampant and neglected: malignant mouth cancer and dental disease: their burdens and ultralow cost solutions for PNG
Barry Reed » download speech [PDF]
» download presentation [PDF]

Public-private partnerships: important for addressing development issues in Papua New Guinea
Peter Siba

Integrating formal and informal institutions: The Bougainville healthy communities program
Lhawang Ugyel

Parallel Session 4

4A. Politics and elections

What are some lessons that we can learn from experiences of women in the 2017 National Elections? Sarah Kaut-Nasengom

The role of the judiciary in the post-election era Bal Kama
» download presentation [PPT]

Promoting equality and political participation through APEC
Geejay Milli
» download presentation [PPT]

Institutionalization of politics in service delivery
Stephen Pokawin » download presentation [PPT]

Papua New Guinea elections embedded in its political culture: a narrative of the 2017 general election
Russel Yangin

4B. Resource projects: revenue and land

Resource revenues, transparency and development: Using EITI to promote more sustainable development in Papua New Guinea
Glenn Banks and Martyn Namorong » download presentation [PPT]

Application of community mapping in mine impacted communities in Papua New Guinea: the case of Mt Kare gold project
Kenneth Cornilius
» download presentation [PPT]

Resource revenues in PNG: why so low?
Stephen Howes
» download presentation [PPT]

4C. Education and performance

Discussion on sustainability of tuition fee-free education policy in Papua New Guinea
Andrew Julius

Roller-coaster: the challenge of using teaching and learning as an opportunity for teacher professional development
Russel Kitau
» download presentation [PPT]

Cushioning state funding declines of universities
Aivat Epeli

Regional influences on the anthropometric and performance characteristics in PNG: a work in progress
Kieran Sciberras

4D. Sustainable development

Making the best use of the SDG’s in PNG
Kia-Henry Nema

Eco-centric and strong sustainability strategies for sustainable, broad-based and inclusive development in PNG
David Mowbray » download presentation [PDF]

The population and development dichotomy: where does PNG fit in?
Alfred Faiteli

Closing Session: concluding remarks

Prof. Lekshmi Pillai, Dean SBPP UPNG
Prof. Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU

PNG Update – PNG: after the elections

The annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG. Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the 2017 PNG Update was in held in Port Moresby on 10-11 August 2017, at the Main Lecture Theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea.

View program

View information about poster presentations

The University of Papua New Guinea and The Australian National University would like to acknowledge the generous funding support for this Update from the Australian Aid Program and the Asian Development Bank.

[Video is available for some plenary (and MLT) sessions, as indicated below. NB this is unedited video feed livestreamed by UPNG ICT to the UPNG facebook site on 10-11 August 2017. Start time(s) for presentations are indicated in hours:minutes:seconds.]

Presentations - Day 1 (10 August 2017)

Plenary Session 1: Opening and keynote

Welcome [video 02:20]
Mr Vincent Malaibe, Acting Vice Chancellor, The University of Papua New Guinea

Inaugural Address [video 10:00]
Her Excellency Ms Catherine Ebert-Gray, US Ambassador to PNG, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu*
»read speech [PDF]

Keynote: Strengthening governance systems and processes [video 00:00]
Dr Eric Kwa, Secretary, Constitutional and Law Reform Commission
»read speech [PDF]
»download slides [PDF]

Plenary Session 2: Economic developments

PNG economic outlook [video 01:16:00]
Mr Dairi Vele, Secretary of the Treasury
»download slides [PDF]

PNG economic survey 2016-17 [video 01:51:00]
Marcel Schröder, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox and Stephen Howes
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 1a – Elections, parliament and participation

Coalition for the 10th Parliament: will political parties form coalitions based on party policies? [video 03:44:00]
Michael Kabuni
»download slides [PDF]

Look back to look forward: strengthening parliament [no video feed]
James MacPherson

The political economy of Papua New Guinea’s electoral quality [video 00:00]
Terence Wood
»download slides [PDF]

Preparing for the Bougainville Referendum in 2019: key areas for consideration in the implementation of the Bougainville Peace Agreement [video 05:45]
Thomas Webster

Following the PNG elections in Oro Province [cancelled]
Theresa Meki
[General Q&A, video 19:00]

Parallel Session 1b – Macroeconomic challenges

Financial development and economic growth nexus: the case of Pacific Melanesian countries
Solomon Awili
»download slides [PDF]

The PNG economy on facts & figures – a look into tax revenue
Nelson Nema
»download slides [PDF]

Balance of payments of Papua New Guinea: a trend analysis
D. Harinarayana, A. Prabhakar
»download slides [PDF]

Analysis of recent shocks and macroeconomic policies
Martin Davies and Marcel Schröder »download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 1c – Health service delivery

Health service delivery on Karkar island, Madang province, Papua New Guinea
Elly Kale
»download slides [PDF]

A study explaining the health status of settlement and non-settlement residents of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Sarah Kaut-Nasengom

Fruits of mining turning sour on Misima: where is resilience?
Dora Kuir-Ayius
»download slides [PDF]

Health phone services in Papua New Guinea: preliminary findings [cancelled]
Amanda Watson and Ralph Kaule

Parallel Session 1d – Housing and shelter

Dynamics of housing price in Port Moresby: issues and policy options
Eugene Ezebilo
»download slides [PDF]

Housing and shelter sector: a need for review
Wilson Thompson Orlegge
»download slides [PDF]

Housing allowance for public servants in Papua New Guinea: does it meet housing affordability criteria?
Thomas Wangi and Eugene Ezebilo
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 2a – Education policy: implementation and outcomes

Quality of education in Papua New Guinea: the evidence and the issues [cancelled]
Kilala Devette-Chee

Policy and implementation as seen through a reform curriculum case study [video 01:23:30]
Anna Joskin
»download slides[PDF]

Accessibility to higher education for more Papuan New Guinea women [video 01:39:00]
Martha Kull
»download slides [PDF]

Moving forward; policy recommendation and implementation strategy in education sector after elections [video 02:00:00]
Jamie Sali, Martha Waim, Daphney Kollin

Parallel Session 2b – Decentralisation in practice

What makes a successful decentralisation policy? Assessing DDA in PNG
Chris Banga
»download slides [PDF]

Implementation of District Services Improvement Program (DSIP)
Moses Miapa
»download slides [PDF]

Human Resource Development impediments in the Local Level Governments: the cause of poor service delivery in PNG
Peter Kanaparo
»download slides [PDF]

Management of non-national roads in PNG
Matthew Dornan, Ron Sofe, Chris Banga and Carmen Voigt-Graf
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 2c – Private sector development

Sources of information for agricultural development in Papua New Guinea
R.M. (Mike) Bourke
»download slides [PDF]

New extension approach for rural economic empowerment
Mawe Gonapa
»download slides [PDF]

Adaptation of Papua New Guinea’s agriculture sector to climate change: are we ready?
Maureen Thomas and Eugene Ezebilo
»download slides [PDF]

New Zealand travellers’ perceptions of safety and security issues in PNG
Allan Sumb
»download slides [PDF]

Sport as a robust form of ecotourism development: examples from water - based sport tourism activities
Tairu Zainab
»download slides [PDF]
»download paper [PDF]

Parallel Session 2d – Community development

What processes retard human development at community or village in PNG? [cancelled]
Imelda Ambelye

Human development opportunities for Manam islanders
Philip Gibbs
»download slides[40MB]

Community development lessons for localising Sustainable Development Goals
Kia-Henry Nema
»download slides [PDF]

Binz Ice Ambra Association – a model to empower village women at the grass roots level in Papua New Guinea
Raymond John
»download slides [PDF]

Presentations - Day 2 (11 August 2017)

Plenary Session 3: Development challenges

Keynote: Priorities for the new Government [video]
Mr Roy Trivedy, UN Country Representative for Papua New Guinea
»read speaking notes [PDF]
»download slides [PDF]

Keynote: Reimagining the future by reflecting on the past [video]
Dr Fiona Hukula, Senior Researcher, PNG National Research Institute
»read speaking notes [PDF]

Keynote: Challenges of the ‘youth bulge’ in PNG [video]
Lachlan McPhee (Oaktree Foundation), Barbara Thomas (The Voice Inc.)
»download slides [PDF]
»download report [PDF]
»download executive summary [PDF]

Plenary Session 4: ANU-UPNG partnership research

Health expenditure and performance in Papua New Guinea [cancelled]
Amanda Watson, Colin Wiltshire, Denise Lokinap, Tatia Currie

District Development Authorities in PNG: 2017 and beyond [video]
Lawrence Sause, Lhawang Ugyel, Emmanuel Gorea and Albert Ayius
»download slides [PDF]

The challenges of free education in Papua New Guinea [video]
Grant Walton, Tara Davda and Peter Kanaparo
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 3a – Family and sexual violence

Urban services in addressing family and sexual violence (FSV) in Lae [video]
Mary Aisi
»download slides [PDF]

Understanding and responding to sorcery accusation-related violence [video]
Miranda Forsyth and Fiona Hukula
»download slides [PDF]

Transferring the Aboriginal Australian family wellbeing empowerment program from a Papua New Guinea university context to broader community settings: a feasibility study [video]
Russel Kitau, Mary Whiteside, Irina Kinchin, Goru Hane-Nou and Komla Tsey
»download slides [PDF]

Engendering security and Social safety in a Settlement in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea [video]
Michelle Rooney
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 3b – Transparency, corruption, governance

Recent history of corruption in Papua New Guinea: analysis of the outstanding cases of corruption by Transparency International PNG [including the launch of the TIPNG report ‘Lest we forget’]
Yuambari Haihuie
»download slides [PDF]

Promises, promises: a decade of allocations for and spending on anti-corruption in Papua New Guinea [including the launch of Devpolicy Discussion Paper #60]
Grant Walton and Husnia Hushang
»download slides [PDF]

Strengthening State and Society responses to corruption in Papua New Guinea
Caryn Peiffer and Grant Walton
»download slides [PDF]

The Rise and Rise of Private Security
Sinclair Dinnen
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 3c – SMEs

Are there gender differences in perceived obstacles to operation and expansion of SMEs in Papua New Guinea: evidence from a survey
Francis Odhuno, Vinod Mishra and Russell Smyth
»download slides [PDF]

Major challenges facing small and medium scale entrepreneurs in Papua New Guinea and solutions for mitigating challenges and developing young entrepreneurs era in PNG
Lekshmi Narayana Pillai, N. Suresh Babu and David Mo
»download slides [PDF]

Papua New Guinea financial institutions and small and medium enterprise training
Kiyotsugu Yoshihara
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 3d – Social health initiatives

The proactive effect of positive youth development (the 5C’s) that assist youths/adolescents in developing resilience towards illegal drugs
Norris Wangina
»download slides [PDF]
»download slides [PDF]

Relationship between health and education outcome in four provinces in Papua New Guinea
Lulu Abraham
»download slides [PDF]
»download table [PDF]

Broad and inclusive partnerships: how to harness the untapped potential of sports federations to effect social change and health in PNG
Lua Rikis, Stephanie Franet and Leentje Be’Soer
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 4a – Leadership and the future

The importance of policy alignment and execution: a study on the national public service ethics and values-based executive leadership & management capability framework [video]
Albert Ayius
»download slides [PDF]

Youth leadership and spaces for participation [video]
Serena Sumanop
»download slides [PDF]

The value of building equitable peer partnerships: experiences from Oaktree and The Voice Inc. [video]
Lachlan McPhee, Barbra Thomas
»download slides [PDF]

Non-citizen technical advisers in Papua New Guinea [cancelled]
Joachim Luma, Carmen Voigt-Graf
»download slides[PDF]

Parallel Session 4b – Embedded practice, innovation and change

PNG’s culture and implications for public policy
Leo Marai and Lhawang Ugyel
»download slides [PDF]

Understanding dynamics of the informal economy: provision of services for open markets in Port Moresby
Lewis Iwong, Elizabeth Kopel
»download slides [PDF]

Adoption of e-government services in Papua New Guinea
Martin Daniel
»download slides [PDF]

Informal economy voice strategy 2018-2022
Busa Jeremiah Wenogo
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 4c – Skills, labour, migration and trade

Promoting skills formation through public investment projects [unable to attend]
Richard Curtain
»download slides [PDF]

The migration-development nexus and Papua New Guinea
Craig Bui Mana
»download slides [PDF]
»download paper [PDF]

The state of trade in PNG: A cross-sectional analysis
Rohan Fox
»download slides [PDF]

Demographic changes and PNG’s labour market developments: challenges and prospects
Manoj Pandey
»download slides [PDF]

Parallel Session 4d – Teaching and learning

Situational analysis of universal basic education main indicators of Gulf, Hela, and Southern Highlands Provinces
Kilala Devette-Chee and Peter Michael
»download slides [PDF]

The impacts of cheating in national examination on grade 12 students’ approach to learning [cancelled]
Peter Paul Kaiyeke

E-Learning for UPNG: an identification of current faculty challenges in delivering e-Learning courses to ODL learners
Kipli Joan Minol, Judith Nukuitu
»download slides [PDF]

Perspectives of quality education in Papua New Guinea
Patricia Paraide
»download slides [PDF]

Closing Session: concluding remarks

Prof. Lekshmi Pillai, Dean SBPP UPNG
Prof. Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre, ANU

After dinner speaker - Prof. Michael Wesley, Dean, ANU College of Asia and the Pacific
»read speaking notes

PNG Update: sustaining development beyond the resources boom

The annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG. Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the ANU Development Policy Centre, the 2016 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on 3-4 November 2016, at the Main Lecture Theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea.

» view program
» view program with abstracts

The University of Papua New Guinea and The Australian National University would like to acknowledge the generous funding support for this Update from the Australian Aid Program and the Asian Development Bank.

Presentations - Day 1 (3 November 2016)

Plenary session 1

Prof. Albert Mellam, Vice Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

Inaugural address
His Excellency Bruce Davis, Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea
» view speech

Opening address
The Hon Charles Abel, Minister for National Planning

» Listen to podcast

Plenary session 2

Keynote address 1 – Women in leadership
Prof. Betty Lovai, Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science, UPNG
» download PDF
» listen to podcast

Keynote address 2 - Superannuation fund in PNG: past, present and future
Mr Garry Tunstall, CEO Numbawan Super Fund
» view presentation

Keynote address 3 – Public sector financial management reforms in PNG
Dr Ken Ngangan, Secretary of the Department of Finance

Parallel Session 1a – Macroeconomic issues

PNG’s macroeconomic outlook
Yurendra Basnett, ADB Country Economist
» view presentation

Financial markets and macroeconomic drivers of the PNG economy
Nathan Wingti, Kina Bank
» view presentation

After Papua New Guinea’s resource boom: Is the Kina overvalued?
Rohan Fox and Marcel Schröder, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

PNG’s resource boom: a fiscal retrospective
Stephen Howes and Rohan Fox, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

Parallel Session 1b – Education

Attitudes towards the use of Tok Pisin and vernacular languages in bilingual education programs in Papua New Guinea
Kilala Devette-Chee, NRI
» view presentation

Improving quality education in a world obsessed with student numbers: evidence from Papua New Guinea
Anthony Swan and Grant Walton, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

Distance education and human resource development in Papua New Guinea
D. Harinarayana, A. Prabhakar, S. Venumadhav, UPNG
» view presentation

Economics of development: a case study of education of the Pilitu people of Goilala
Paul Kaita, Bank of PNG

Parallel Session 1c – Sustainability and development

StaRs – Papua New Guinea’s National Strategy for Responsible Sustainable development
Misty Baloiloi, Environmental Science and Geography, UPNG
» view presentation
» view paper

Unfolding PNG sustainable development through 164 ILGs in forestry area, April Salumei in East Sepik Province – case study
Chalapan Kaluwin, Environmental Science and Geography, UPNG

The history of sustainable development in Papua New Guinea: changes, challenges and lessons learned from 1975 to 2016 and beyond
David Mowbray, Environmental Science and Geography, UPNG
»view presentation
»view paper

The role of conflict management skills in sustainable development in PNG
Pochon Lili, Stephen Oli, Olive Vakaloloma Baloiloi and Richard McKellar, Environmental Science and Geography, UPNG
» view presentation
» view paper

Relating the concepts of sustainable development to the extraction of non-renewable resources for development purposes in Papua New Guinea
Mr Walhos Palisa, Environmental Science and Geography, UPNG

Parallel Session 2a – Urban spaces

Urban life, internal migration and development: The need to readdress internal migration as a positive nexus for growth and development in PNG
Hennah Steven, Pacific Adventist University (PAU)
» view presentation
» view paper

Forms of family housing strategies in the city: considerations for public policy
Michelle Rooney, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation

Child labour, a hallmark of urban poverty: labouring children living in Goroka
Johnson Ahupa, University of Goroka
» view paper

“Voice Mechanism” concepts for the informal economy participants
Busa Wenogo, CIMCPNG

Parallel Session 2b – Public-private partnership in health

A model for improving health service delivery in Papua New Guinea: the experience from the CMCA Middle and South Fly Health Program
Emma Field, Runk, Louis Samiak, Dominica Abo, Mafu Vila, Sally Nathan, Alex Rosewell and Georgina Dove, Abt Associates
» view presentation

District hospital strengthening through a public-private partnership in North Fly District, Western Province
Graeme Hill, Veitania Lepani and Georgina Dove, Abt
» view presentation

Hela Provincial Hospital: an innovative model of a public private partnership
Ingrid Glastonbury, Oilsearch Foundation
» view presentation

Parallel Session 2c – Development strategies

PNG’s MDG experience: lessons learnt for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Kia-Henry Nema, United Nations (PNG)
» view presentation

Paradox of ‘Resource Boom’ in PNG: strategies for development based on the experiences of other countries
Subba Rao, Albert Mellam, P. Manohar, Ani Rova, UPNG
» view presentation

Political economy drivers of decentralisation in PNG: comparative case studies from three DDAs
Colin Wiltshire, State, Society and Governance in Melanesia Project, ANU
» view presentation

Presentations - Day 2 (4 November 2016)

Plenary Session 3: ANU-UPNG Research Showcase

PNG Economic Survey 2015-16
Manoj Pandey, Nelson Nema, Rohan Fox, Stephen Howes, ANU-UPNG partnership team
» view presentation

Unintended consequences of PNG’s tuition-free education policy
Grant Walton, Peter Kanaparo, Tara Davda, ANU-UPNG partnership team
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Plenary Session 4: Impact of 2015-16 drought and frosts

Impacts of the 2015-16 drought and frosts: an overview
Mike Bourke, ANU
» view presentation

The impact of the 2015-16 El Niño on high altitude places in Hela and Enga provinces
James Komengi, Uniting Church and Brendan Jinks, ANU
» view presentation

Changing Gender Norms in Emergencies: A Livelihoods Case Study
Blossum Gilmore, CARE PNG
» view presentation

The International System in Papua New Guinea’s El Niño Response
Gerard Ng, UNDP PNG
» view presentation

Lessons from the 2015-16 drought to improve future disaster management
Matthew Kanua, Independent Consultant
» view presentation

Parallel Session 3a – Gender

Significance of addressing violence against girls in schools and its impacts on the implementation of Universal Basic Education Policy in PNG
Pes Wilson, Divine Word University (DWU)
» view presentation

Are gender based violence victims afraid or ashamed to get assistance?
Lalen Simeon, Hennah Steven, Pacific Adventist University (PAU)

PNG formal education system disempowers young women and promotes inequality in villages
Imelda Ambelye, Unitech/JCU
» view presentation

Parallel Session 3b – Private sector development (1)

Oil Search strategy to support the PNG Government’s domestic power sector objectives
Phil Caldwell, Oil Search Power Holdings
» view presentation

The Limitations of the PNG-EU interim Economic Partnership
Michael Kabuni, SBPP, UPNG
» view presentation

Peering and content delivery to reduce internet transport cost drivers for PNG
Reeves Papaol, Pacific Adventist University (PAU)

Parallel Session 3c – Roads and infrastructure

Provincial road management in Papua New Guinea
Matthew Dornan, ANU; Ronald Sofe, Chris Banga and Carmen Voigt-Graf, NRI
» view presentation

Impact of road upgrading and maintenance on household welfare in PNG
MP Pradhan, Free University (Amsterdam) and University of Amsterdam
» view presentation

Poor project performance impedes development in PNG: a comparative analysis of 3 case studies
Albert Tobe, DWU

Parallel Session 4a – Local impact

Sustaining community through the FIFO transition at Ok Tedi mine: development, maintenance, and staged closure in the North Fly
Phillipa Jenkins, ANU
» view presentation

Poverty, wealth and mining: development on the Watut River
Charles Roche, Murdoch University

Oil palm and the politics of rural development in East Sepik Province
Elai Soutai, student, UPNG

Understanding the lives of the local people along the Kokoda trail: preliminary observations of livelihood and development activity
Vanessa Uiari, DWU/ECU
» view presentation

Parallel Session 4b –Health and education

Women and health in Papua New Guinea: determinants influencing demand and delivery of health care services
Ellen Kulumbu, ANU
» view presentation

Examining the role of holistic education as a tool for human resource development for Papua New Guinea
Anna Joskin, SBPP, UPNG

Social Protection Index 2012 - PNG
Thomas Wangi, NRI
» view presentation

Parallel Session 4c – Private sector development (2)
The impact of the LNG project on employment and skills development
Carmen Voigt-Graf, ANU-NRI
» view presentation

Valuing biodiversity – a strategy for social equity in Papua New Guinea
Clement Malau, DWU
» view presentation

Gambling tourism in PNG - a grace or a curse? Implications of the proposed casino hotel as perceived by the community
Joyce Jazmin Rayel, P. Manohar, Imelda Atu, Ronald Raka, SBPP-UPNG
» view presentation

Industrial policy: lessons of industrial centre development in Papua New Guinea (late addition)
Mark.G Baiai, Lekshmi N. Pillai, N. Suresh Babu and Ronald Raka, SBPP-UPNG
» view presentation

PNG Update: development challenges in the LNG era

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business Administration and the ANU Development Policy Centre, the 2015 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on 18-19 June 2015, at the Main Lecture Theatre at the University of Papua New Guinea.

» view updated program
» view published program and abstracts
» view flyer

In brief

The 2015 PNG Update, by Jonathan Pryke on June 26, 2015.

The PNG Update is generously supported by the University of Papua New Guinea, the Australian National University, the Australian Aid Program and the Asian Development Bank.

Presentations - Day 1

Professor Albert Mellam, Vice Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea
Professor Veronica Taylor, Dean, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University
» listen to podcast

Inaugural Address
Her Excellency Deborah Stokes, Australian High Commissioner to Papua New Guinea
» read speech
» listen to podcast

Opening address
The Hon James Marape, Finance Minister, Government of Papua New Guinea
» listen to podcast

Keynote address 1
Lessons from reform in Africa and Asia
Jim Adams, Former Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific, World Bank
» read speech
» read blog: Capacity building: how to do better
» read blog: Capacity building: important but unsuccessful
» read blog: Policy choices matter, even for the resource-rich
» read blog: Private sector reservations and policies
» listen to podcast

Keynote address 2
Dr Gae Kauzi, Assistant Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Keynote address 3
Survey of recent developments
Michael Cornish, Rohan Fox, Win Nicholas, Albert Prabhakar and Ani Rova, Economics Division, UPNG and Stephen Howes, Development Policy Centre, ANU
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Parallel Session 1 – Migration: domestic and international
Internal migration in PNG
Anthony Swan & Futua Singirok
» view presentation

Booming international arrivals in PNG’s booming economy
Carmen Voigt-Graf, NRI & ANU
» view presentation

Impacts of migration on the livelihoods of urban settlers: a case of Port Moresby
Londari Yamarak, The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
» view presentation
» view paper

Parallel Session 1 – Gender
The government of PNG for prevention of gender violence and promotion of gender equality through policy development and implementation
Glenn Davies and Tau Geno–Hoire, The Economic & Public Sector Program (PNGEPSP)
» view presentation
» view paper

Social and gender issues in growing economy
Luwi James, Yunami Land Consultants

Parallel Session 1 – Politics and Decentralization
The challenge of doing development differently in PNG: Towards a politically informed approach to decentralisation reform
David Ayres and Ravu Varanagi, Provincial & Local-level Governments Program (PLGP)
» view presentation

The role of strategic governance and decentralised government in the LNG era
Denise Lokinap, UPNG and Julie Airi, The Papua New Guinea National Aids Council Secretariat

Peace in Bougainville, the past, the present, the prospects
Lawrence Sause, UPNG and Satish Chand, UNSW

Patterns of politics in PNG
Terence Wood, ANU
» view presentation

Parallel Session 2 – Macroeconomic issues
Aid to Papua New Guinea
Matthew Dornan, ANU
» view presentation

Pathways away from crisis
Paul Flanagan, ANU
» view presentation

Natural resource extraction and Dutch Disease: application to PNG
Maria Kanari, Jan Gottschalk and Nikhil Vellodi. Bank of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation
» view paper

The establishment of the Sovereign Wealth Fund of Papua New Guinea: a case study analysis on the threats and opportunities to the governance and institutional framework
Sent Moke, UPNG
» view presentation

Parallel Session 2 – Mining and development
Mining in PNG: lessons from the Watut River
Charles Roche and Gavin Mudd, Murdoch University
A need for local content & local participation policy in the oil & gas industry in Papua New Guinea
Bill Rua and Catherine M. Rua, InfoDev Consultancy Services

Contrasting development approach, context and outcomes in LNG and non-LNG districts
Priscilla Pius, CARE International in PNG
» view presentation
» view paper

The multiplier effects of mining development in PNG and its leakages within the economy
Sydor Utaeo, Morobe Mining Joint Ventures

Parallel Session 2 – Agricultural development
Agriculture in PNG: a case of cocoa production in the midst of a mineral resource boom
James Aipa, Ereman Valvalu, Ray Roberts, Michael Ambrose, Mangupe Sombo and Kusie Aipa, PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment

Agriculture research and development challenges for facilitating broad economic development in the LNG era
Ramakrishna Akinappally, National Agricultural Research Institute (NARI)

Smallholder agriculture to facilitate broad economic development
Alan R. Quartermain, The University of Goroka
» view presentation
» view paper

Presentations - Day 2

Keynote address 1
Mr Michael Uiari, General Manager, Oil Search Limited
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Keynote address 2
From wealth to wellbeing: translating resource revenue into sustainable human development
Dr Glenn Banks, Associate Professor, Massey University and lead author UNDP Papua New Guinea National Human Development Report 2014
» view presentation
» listen to podcast

Parallel Session 3 – Education and human development
Needs theory and employee performance: a case study of employed PNG university graduates
Paul Kaita and Don David, Bank of Papua New Guinea
» view presentation
» view paper

Teaching sustainable development at the University of Papua New Guinea
Chalapan Kaluwin and David Mowbray, UPNG
» view presentation
» view paper

Enhancing sector governance of tertiary education in PNG
Lisa Larry & David Kavanamur, Department of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology; Jeanette Baird, University of Melbourne; Kaye Eldridge, University of Queensland

Parallel Session 3 – Private sector development
Visual marketing through photographic images of Papua New Guinea: measuring its effectiveness in enticing potential international visitors
Alphonse Angi Hayabe, Joyce Rayel and Evelyn Kua, UPNG
» view presentation

The Highlands Highway: linchpin to PNG’s development
Christopher Edmonds & Yurenda Basnett, Asian Development Bank
» view presentation

The Pacific Marine Industrial Zone and villages
Patrick Matbob and Patrick Gesch, Divine Word University
» view presentation
» view paper

Understanding cooperative societies in PNG: A case study of MUSANAT cooperative in Madang district
Allan Wahwah, MUSANAT Cooperative Society

Parallel Session 3 – Agriculture and forests
REDD++ governance in Papua New Guinea
Sophie Pascoe, Australian Volunteer for International Development
» view presentation
» view paper

Balancing economic growth and natural resource management
Sarah N. Stocks, Brian Bean, and Peter Stephen, USAID, Lowering Emissions in Asia’s Forests Program (LEAF)
» view presentation

Would the controversial transgenic crops be beneficial to the economy of PNG? Review of current trends and future implications
Suri T. Taisa and Michael Kukne, PNG University of Natural Resources and Environment
» view presentation
» view paper

Parallel Session 4 – Public-private partnerships
The United Church as a service deliverer: can it do more? Profiling the United Church in a PNG islands community
Patrick Kaiku, UPNG

Public-private partnerships in education
Thomas Pillar, Asia Pacific Institute

GoPNG – International NGO partnerships: a case study of CARE International in PNG
Joy Marie Waffi, Bennie Atigini, Helmtrude Sikas, Betty Hinamunimo, CARE International in PNG
» view presentation
» view paper

Parallel Session 4 – Land
Customary landowner identification counter studies and registration dilemma’s at pre-development stage within LNG impacted area’s by affected provincial government
Alexander Karahure, Western Provincial Administration, PNG Government
» view presentation

Special agricultural business leases: where are we at?
Lawrence Sause, UPNG
» view presentation

Melanesian land tenure and management system and its impact on agriculture productivity in PNG
Wilson Thompson, Farmers and Settlers Association Inc and Mawe Bacchi Gonapa, Department of Agriculture and Livestock
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Parallel Session 4 – Urban development
Urban public transport challenge in the LNG era: a case study of the Port Moresby urban public transport
Jack Assa, Clean Green Energy Ltd
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Opportunist sector in urban Goroka: a real development challenge
Johnson Ahupa, University of Goroka
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Long-term socioeconomic evaluation of the Mt. Hagen market redevelopment
Ben Mullen, University of Queensland; Hui-Shung Chang, University of New England; J. Anjen, PNG Coffee Industry Corporation; Lilly Be’Soer, Voice for Change, Jiwaka, PNG
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Parallel Session 5 – Corruption and governance
Governance and political economy of development: a case of PNG media supporting good governance
Nash Sorariba

Engaging PNG’s citizens in the fight against corruption: the impacts of education and institutional trust
Grant Walton, ANU & Caryn Peiffer, University of Birmingham
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Phones against corruption: preliminary findings of user experience research
Amanda Watson, The Economic & Public Sector Program (PNGEPSP); Tess Wingi and Marina Cvetanovska, Department of Finance; Tito Balboa and Sam Erepan, Provincial Capacity Building and Enhancement Programme (PCaB); Cameron Jackson, Mobimedia
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Parallel Session 5 – Development Issues
Analysis of asset ownership using 2009-2010 HIES dataset
Francis Odhuno, NRI
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Social infrastructure and economic development: regional disparities
Albert Prabhakar, Ani Ila Rova and George Unige, UPNG
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Balance of payments of Papua New Guinea: orange signals
Pulapa Subba Rao, Albert C. Mellam, John Raymond, B. Gabonen-Mellam, Joyce Rayel, and Peter Tulapi, UPNG
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Parallel Session 5 – IT and development
New communication technology, rural development, social networks and hybridity in PNG
Dora Kialo, The Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Role of ICT in human development challenges
Venu Madhav, William H Tapio and Pulapa Subba Rao, UPNG
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Status quo and emerging challenges in ICTs for PNG
Joseph Kim Suwamaru, Divine Word University
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PNG Update, 12 - 13 June 2014

Hosted by the University of Papua New Guinea School of Business and the Development Policy Centre, ANU, the 2014 PNG Update was held in Port Moresby on 12-13 June at the University of Papua New Guinea.

The Update discussed and debated the latest economic and social developments in PNG. This event was multidisciplinary in nature. The conference presented papers from academics and practitioners on the following topics:

  • PNG’s economic outlook
  • Strategies to convert the resource boom into development
  • Social issues in a booming economy
  • Facilitating broad economic development – agriculture, fisheries, tourism etc
  • SMEs and economic competitiveness

The Update was supported by the Asian Development Bank’s Pacific Economic Management Technical Assistance and Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies Society.

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Presentations - Day 1

PNG Update Inaugural Address
Mrs Margaret Adamson, Australia’s Deputy Head of Mission to Papua New Guinea
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PNG Update Keynote Address
The Hon Mr. Patrick Pruatich, Treasurer of the Government of Papua New Guinea
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PNG Economic Perspectives:Part 1
Mr Benny Popoitai, Acting Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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John Gibson, Waikato University
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Stephen Howes, Director, Development Policy Centre
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PNG Economic Perspectives:Part 2
Ivan Pomalu, Managing Director, Investment Promotion Authority, PNG
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Aaron Batten, Country Economist, PNG Resident Mission, ADB
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Yongzheng Yang, Resident Representative for Pacific Islands Countries, IMF
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From Resource boom to development: role of public sector
Changes in service delivery over the last decade
Andrew Anton Mako, NRI & Anthony Swan, Devpolicy, ANU
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Trends and changes of gross domestic product and budget expenditure of PNG: has economic development also has been taking place?
Gomi J.Gibe, Applied Economics, Department of Business Studies, PNG UNITECH
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Public sector pay scales: are PNG academics underpaid?
Thomas Wangi, UNPNG & Stephen Howes, ANU
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Capacity building through development cooperation strategy: an analysis of electoral partnership between the PNG Electoral Commission and the Electoral Support Program Phase 2 (2006-2010)
John Watmelik, Senior Research Officer, UNPNG
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Presentations - Day 2

Overcoming dutch disease: agriculture & tourism
A systematic bottom-up model is needed to revive the cocoa industry
Robert Atsir, RAFM Consultants
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Tourism in Papua New Guinea: its economic contribution for sustainable development
Joyce Rayel, Evelyn Kua, Lekshmi N.Pillai, Ponnusamy Mahonar, UNPNG
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Facilitating broad economic development - tourism
Angi Alphonse Hayabe, UNPNG
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Social Development
Income and livehood challenges in Port Moresby settlement
Michelle Rooney, Devpolicy, ANU
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Facilitating economic development through the use of mobile phones
Amanda H A Watson, PNG Economic and Public Sector Program
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Strategies for tertiary eduucation in PNG
David Kavanamur, Lonnie Baki and Jeanette Baird, Office of Higher Education, PNG
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Role of tertiary education for economic growth and sustainable development in Papua New Guinea
Ponnusamy Manohar, Lekshmi N. Pillai and Joyce Rayel, UNPNG
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SMEs and International competitiveness
Facilitating youth entrepreneurial spirit through entrepreneurship programs in Papua New Guinea
Peter Kanaparo and Joyce Rayel, UNPNG; Benedict Imbum, University of Western Sydney and Jerry Jacka, North Carolina University
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Beyond the build, rebuild paradigm:infraestructure maintenance reforms in the Pacific
Matthew Dornan, Development Policy Centre, ANU
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2013 Pacific and PNG Update - Day 2

The 2013 Pacific Update consisted of two days of panel discussions: day one on the Pacific; and day two on Papua New Guinea.

Day two of the 2013 Pacific and PNG Update commenced with a keynote address from Albert Mellam, Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea, followed by the PNG economic and political update, issues in public service delivery, economic policy challenges and finalizing the activities with the gender-based violence panel discussion.

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