2023 PNG Update: resilient and diverse development

Organised by the University of Papua New Guinea’s School of Business and Public Policy and the Australian National University’s Development Policy Centre, the annual PNG Update is the premier forum for the discussion of research and analysis relating to contemporary economic and public policy issues in PNG.

The 2023 PNG Update was held at the University of Papua New Guinea Waigani campus on 17–18 August.

» download the full conference program and abstracts

The Update is free for all presenters and attendees.

*Session was livestreamed via the UPNG Facebook page.

Day one – Thursday 17 August

Welcome remarks and opening plenary*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

Opening prayer, national anthem and national pledge
Rev. Koloma Makewin, Chaplain, University of Papua New Guinea

Welcome remarks
Professor Frank Griffin, Vice-Chancellor, University of Papua New Guinea

Opening address
The Honourable Mr James Marape, Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea

Reflections on UPNG-ANU Relationship
Professor Brian Schmidt, Vice-Chancellor, Australian National University

UPNG-ANU MoA Signing

Plenary address His Excellency Mr Jon Philp, Australian High Commissioner to PNG

Morning Tea


Plenary session*

11.00am- 12.30pm
New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Professor Leo Marai

Plenary address
Mr Jeffrey Yabom, Acting Assistant Governor on behalf of Elizabeth Genia, Acting Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Book launch: Collaboration and Public Policy
Professor Helen Sullivan, Dean College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University
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Parallel Session 1


1A: Economic issues*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Albert Prabhakar

Can the adjustment of average personal and company income tax rates sustain government revenue and taxpayers’ welfare?
Solomon Kasingu, Researcher, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Macroeconomic Impact of budget deficits in Papua New Guinea
Diana Tuam, Senior Analyst, and Mark Ofoi, Senior Analyst, Economics Department, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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An econometric analysis of the determinants of foreign exchange reservesin PNG
Dr Modowa Trevor Gumoi, Lecturer in Economics, Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Deputy Dean and Senior Lecturer in Business Management, and Masidah Tonaim, Tutor in Economics, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
How much is too much? Inflation-Growth Threshold for Papua New Guinea
Meson Tumsok, Senior Research Analyst, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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1B: Gender and society

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Anna Joskin

An investigation into factors influencing female student dropout in the rural primary schools in Southern Highlands Province of Papua New Guinea
Janet Niningi, Tutor, University of Goroka; Joy Asiure, Lecturer/Director - Centre for Educational Research, University of Goroka
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Access and Gender Equity in Papua New Guinea: Where is it getting better or worse for girls?
Peter Michael Magury, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute

Evaluation of characteristics of helpline users and emerging issues: A case study of Papua New Guinea
Thea Joy-Jarvis, Program Manager, ChildFund PNG; Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Director of Research, National Research Institute; Henry Gorea, Data officer, ChildFund PNG; Kinime Daniel, Helpline Manager, ChildFund PNG
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1C: Agricultural commodities

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Wilson Thompson

Determinants of coffee production in Papua New Guinea: Evidence from three coffee-producing provinces
Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Deputy Director for Research, Papua New Guinea National Research Institute
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Assessment of the impact of downstream processing of agricultural commodities on PNG’s economy: A case of cocoa
Kenneth Baliwasa, Tutor, UPNG School of Business and Public Policy
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Partnership models in the agriculture sector in PNG
Dr Elly Kinkin, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea; John Simango, CEO, Grow PNG
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1D: Culture and development

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Linus Digim’rina

AWAGASI: Our market stories: Using visual creative methods to understand market vendors’ perspectives
Wilma Langa, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology; Verena Thomas, Professor, Edith Cowan University; Jackie Kauli, Associate Professor, Queensland University of Technology; Laurie Buys, Professor, Australian Catholic University
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The presentation of academic identity at a Papua New Guinean University:Agency and liminality in postcolonial higher education
Peter Nasale, Lecturer, Western Pacific University; Jeanette Baird, Adjunct Professor, Divine Word University
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Samting i narakain: Reconceptualising change and resilience from the ground up
Glenn Banks, Professor, John Overton, Professor, Geography, Massey University; Gordon Nanau, Senior Lecturer, University of the South Pacific; Hennah Steven, Senior Lecturer, Clare Kokinai, Lecturer, Pacific Adventist University
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1E: Climate change impacts

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Dr Olive Bailoloi

Sustainable development through the blue economy in Papua New Guinea
Professor Chalapan Kaluwin, Discipline Head of Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, School of Natural and Physical Science, University of Papua New Guinea
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Climate Proofing Port Moresby’s Urban Development: Reducing the Impact of Urban Heat Island Effect
Samuel Awayang, Research Project Officer, Papua New Guinea National Research Institute

1F: Primary and secondary education

MBA Suite

Chair: Professor Boe Lahui

Impacts of population growth on enrolment and transition rates in primary and secondary schools in Papua New Guinea
Peter Michael Magury, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute; Esther Kabura, Graduate Analyst, Logohu Capital

Factors affecting the implementation of standard-based curriculum in Papua New Guinea: A case study of three selected primary schools in Jiwaka Province
Samuel Vue, Tutor, University of Goroka
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Improving mathematical learning in PNG secondary classrooms using the worked example based instructional strategy
Alice Napasu, Program Manager, Research and Postgraduate Studies, Pacific Adventist University; Dr Elisapesi Manson, Education Lecturer, School of Pacific Arts, Communication and Education, University of the South Pacific
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An investigation into factors affecting Grade 10 and 12 students’ mathematics performance in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
Jerome Oko, Campus Administrator, Divine Word University-Port Moresby Campus
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Afternoon Tea


Parallel Session 2


2A: Gender, family and sexual violence*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Dora Aiyus

The role of women in addressing gender-based and sorcery accusation-related violence in Milne Bay and Simbu Provinces of Papua New Guinea
Sophie Naime, PhD Candidate; Bomai Witne, PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology
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Addressing sorcery related violence through peacebuilding: The Yuri experience.
Bomai Witne, PhD student, Queensland University of Technology & University of Goroka
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Strategy for strengthening interventions to family violence using helplines in Papua New Guinea
Thea Joy-Jarvis, Program Manager, ChildFund PNG, Dr Eugene Ezebilo, Director of Research, PNG National Research Institute, Henry Gorea, Data officer, ChildFund PNG, Kinime Daniel, Helpline Manager, ChildFund PNG
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2B: Conflict dynamics in Papua New Guinea: Findings from a United States of Peace research project

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Gordon Peake

Findings from a United States of Peace research project
Camilla Pohle, Senior Program Specialist, Dr Gordon Peake, Senior Adviser, Zuabe Tinning, Program Manager, United States of Institute of Peace; Dennis Kuiai, Autonomous Bougainville Government; Dr Almah Tararia

2C: Public sector and governance

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Emmanuel Gorea

Analysis of ICT Competencies and Public Service Delivery: A Case of Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance (PILAG)
Erwin Rayel, ICT Manager, Benny Lip, Online Training Coordinator and Trainer, Phil Kuso, Training Designer and Quality Analyst, Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance; Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of Department, Tourism and Hospitality, University of Papua New Guinea
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Enhancing Governance, Rule of Law, Peace and Development in Papua New Guinea through Local Institutions: The (unrealised) potential of the local-level government and the village court
Kyline Koroka, Dr Julienne Kuman, Shahar Shalom Yadin, Consultant/Educator, Kingku Village of Peace
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Financing the development of customary land in Papua New Guinea: Challenges and prospects
Logea Nao, Research Fellow, Joecy Kabiu, Project Officer, Samuel Awayang, Project Officer, Lindsay Kutan, Program Leader and Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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2D: Agricultural policy

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

The limitations and opportunities on key agricultural commodities in the PNG economy
Germaine Vigil, Senior Public Servant, Joseph Malabag, Public Servant, Treasury Department

The establishment of Provincial Didiman Centres (PDC’s) as agricultural hubs in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
Johannes Pakatul, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI Highlands Regional Centre, Aiyura; Stanley Amben, Research and Development Coordinator, Okrupa Mauro, Research Associate, Jeremiah Ahizo, Livestock Scientist, Jonah Anton, Research Associate, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Laurie Fooks, Program Director, NARI Head Office, Bubia, Lae
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Identification and response to agricultural risks in the highlands of Papua New Guinea
Stanley Amben, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Johannes Pakatul, Research and Development Coordinator, NARI Highlands Regional Centre, Aiyura; Jonah Anton, Research Associate Jeremiah Ahizo, Livestock Scientist, NARI High Altitude Regional Centre, Tambul; Maima Sine; Laurie Fooks, Program Director, NARI Head Office, Bubia, Lae
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2E: Development and service delivery

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Professor Lekshmi N. Pillai

Health worker perceptions and attitudes to vaccines in PNG: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Josh Barlow, Research Officer, Caroline McGann, Project Director for the Media Development Initiative, Prashanth Pillay, Manager of Monitoring, Research and Evaluation, Lachlan Leeds, Research Assistant, Gaius Sabumei, PNG Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, ABC International Development
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Harnessing Facebook for online marketing in PNG: How does it transpire?
Geetha Rani Prakasam, ICCR Chair Professor, PNG University of Technology, Amanda Towi, Research Assistant and Tutor, PNG University of Technology
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Understanding domestic travel market in Papua New Guinea: An analysis of travel motivations, destination choice and tourism activities
Dr Joyce Jazmin Rayel, Head of Division and Senior Lecturer, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, Ronald Raka, Teaching Fellow, Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer, Tourism & Hospitality Management Division, School of Business & Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Grace Guaigu
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2F: Development and change

MBA Suite

Chair: Dr Suresh Babu

Analysis of the tourism supply components of Port Moresby as an urban tourism destination of Papua New Guinea
Jason Eki Kundi, Lecturer, Dr Joyce Rayel, Head of THM Division/Senior Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Analysis of smartphone usage among university students: Papua New Guinea experience
Panditha Bandara, Senior Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea
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Generative AI for education in Papua New Guinea: Opportunities and Challenges
Raymond Kamb John, Lecturer in HRM, University of Papua New Guinea



Day two – Friday 18 August

Plenary session*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Modowa T. Gumoi

Plenary address
Winnie Kiap CBE

Plenary address
The Honourable Kessy Sawang, Minister for Labour and Employment

Morning Tea


Plenary session: Panel – How rural and urban PNG people respond to major disasters*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Mike Bourke, Honorary Associate Professor, Australian National University
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Disruptions to supply chains and food supply in PNG caused by global issues
Matthew Kanua, Consultant
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Impact of the 2015-16 drought and 2018 earthquake on villagers in the remote Strickland Bosavi area of Western Province
Sally Lloyd, Director, Strickland Bosavi Foundation
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How communities responded to COVID-induced lockdowns in 2020
Brendan Jinks, Consultant; Dr Mike Bourke, Honorary Associate Professor, Australian National University
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Reducing the impact of tribal conflict in Hela Province
James Komengi, United Church, Hela Province, PNG
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Parallel Session 3


3A: Mining and development case studies

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Elly Kinkin

Estimating the impact of mining projects on local development in Papua New Guinea
Kelly Samof, Lecturer, Economics Department, University of Papua New Guinea

Indigenous people and the Mining Industry: A Case in Point of Papua New Guinea
Dr Londari Yamarak, Lecturer, PNG University of Technology; Kevin Parton, Professor, Charles Sturt University

Importance of National Oil and Gas Companies in Generating Sustainable Wealth For Papua New Guinea
Dr Glen Mola Pumuye, Research Assistant, Bond University
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3B: Panel – Review of the form and system of government: Election of the prime minister by the people

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.02)

Chair: Mr Patrick Kaiku

Michael Kabuni, PhD Student, Australian National University; Dr Mange Matui, Secretary, Xavier Winia, Deputy Director of Research, Constitutional Law Reform Commission of PNG; Russel Yangin, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea; Lucy Mathew, Constitutional Law Reform Commission

3C: Forestry and agriculture

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.07)

Chair: Professor Simon Saulei

Organic matter addition in composted mounds for sweet potato production can improve soil fertility and increase yield under climate change
Topas Peter, Masters Candidate, Patrick Michael, Associate Professor, Department of Agriculture, PNG University of Technology
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Drones and Deep Learning (AI): A new approach to monitoring forest plantation health in PNG
Russel Tarutia, Drone Specialist, DroneTree Mapping and Solutions
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Deforestation and forest degradation: increasing concerns in the Pomio District of East New Britain Province
Joecy Kabiu, Research Project Officer, PNG National Research Institute

3D: Crime and corruption

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Mr Albert Aiyus

Youth unemployment of Morata Informal settlement, Port Moresby
Julian Melpa, Research Officer, Dr Francis Odhuno, Senior Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute
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Abolition of the death penalty in Papua New Guinea: What’s the next step?
Moses Sakai, Researcher, Sharon Niaga, Lecturer, Rex Kupil, Lecturer, Kenneth Baliwasa, Tutor, University of Papua New Guinea
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City residents’ perceptions on crime and safety: A case of Port Moresby
Jack Assa, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea; Professor Leo Marai, Executive Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Papua New Guinea; Shane Amanu, Leanne-Marie Aneisia, Joe Frank, Joel Kumusi, Seth Passingan, Andrew Richard, Gerhardt Siune, Zechariah Suii, Trevor Towati, Caleb Yalikiti, Final Year Students, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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3E: Tertiary education

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

Chair: Professor Boe Lahui

Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in higher education: Challenges and strategies
Dr Ponnusamy Manohar, Senior Lecturer, David Mo, Lecturer, Richard Lan, Lecturer, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Evaluating students’ errors in academic writing for curriculum development
Dr Anna Joskin, Acting Dean for Research and Post Graduate Studies, University of Papua New Guinea
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Evaluating lecturers’ and learners’ perceptions and experiences towards Technology-Enabled Learning (TEL) in UPNG
Anna Olga, Research Officer, Dr Boe Lahui-Ako, Executive Director, Jessica Wohiemani, A/Associate Director of Centre and Student Support, Ivy Pagolu, A/Associate Director of Programs and Production, UPNG Open College
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The challenges of teaching business courses using WEB 2.0 in Papua New Guinea universities
Kenneth Wak’nbi Tapungu, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea

3F: Development issues

MBA Suite

Chair: Professor Stephen Howes

The nexus between tourism and women’s empowerment: The context of the tourism industry in Papua New Guinea
Dr Albert Prabhakar Gudapati, Senior Lecturer, Economics Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea, Dr Joyce Rayel, Senior Lecturer, Ronald Raka, Teaching Fellow, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, Tourism and Hospitality Management Division, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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A study on tax knowledge and awareness of Papua New Guinea Salary Wages Tax (SWT) among the employees of The University of Papua New Guinea
Dr Suresh Babu Nagarajan, Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Professor Lekshmi Narayana Pillai, Executive Dean, Benedicta Mellam, Lecturer in Accounting, Jack McDonald, Tutor in Business Management, Lucy Kerua, Tutor in Accounting, Kepi Yogomin Mato, Tutor in Accounting, School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea
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Afternoon Tea


Parallel Session 4


4A: Politics and governance*

New Lecture Theatre (NLT)

Chair: Dr Grant Walton

Fiscal decentralization and governance
Maholopa Laveil, FDC Pacific Fellow, Lowy Institute
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Updating ministerial durations and stability in PNG from 1972-2022
Dr Henry Ivarature, Deputy Director, Australia Pacific Security College, Australian National University
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Papua New Guinea’s Public Services Commission (PSC) since independence: sidelined or strengthened?
Dr Nematullah Bizhan, Lecturer, Stephen Howes, Professor of Economics, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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4B: Combating climate change

SBPP Lecture Theatre 1 (UG.02)

Chair: Dr Modowa T. Gumoi

Papua New Guinea’s Nationally Determined Contribution: Advancing sustainable development and climate resilience
Alfred Rungol

Use of ICT tools and technology in PNG to support climate change and environmental sustainability education
Arun Kumar Singh, Professor, Benson Mirou, Senior Lecturer, Sankwi Abuzo, Senior Lecturer, Yaling Tapo, DHoD, Peter Halebi, Senior Lecturer, PNG University of Technology
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4C: Banking and finance

SBPP Lecture Theatre 2 (UG.07)

Chair: Mr Panditha Bandara

A study on quality of corporate boards of banking and finance sector in Papua New Guinea
Professor Lekshmi N. Pillai, Executive Dean, Suresh Babu Nagarajan, Senior Lecturer - Accounting Division, Benedicta Gabonen Mellam, Lecturer - Accounting Division, Patricia Angopa, Head and Lecturer of Banking and Finance - Accounting Division, School of Business and Public Policy, The University of Papua New Guinea
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Determinants of commercial bank interest rate spread in PNG: An empirical analysis
Jamie Sali, Research Analyst, Mark Ofoi, Senior Analyst, Jechonia Hamua, Research Analyst, Economics Department, Bank of Papua New Guinea
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Determinants of excess liquidity in the banking system of PNG
Thomas Wangi, Research Fellow, PNG National Research Institute

Examining challenges and strategies for enhancing the robustness of the PNG Stock Market
David Mo, Lecturer, Patricia Angopa, Head and Lecturer of Banking and Finance–Accounting Division, Sharon Niaga, Lecturer, Imelda Atu, Lecturer, University of Papua New Guinea

4D: Gender and leadership

SBPP Tutorial Room 1 (LG.02)

Chair: Dr Joyce Rayel

Women media leaders as drivers for change
Joy Eggins, Project Manager of Media Development Initiative, Josh Barlow, Research Officer, Gaius Sabumei, PNG Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, Prashanth Pillay, Manager of Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, Lachlan Leeds, Research Assistant, ABC International Development
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Empowerment through the GEDSI policy: Evaluations of the implications of GoPNG GEDSI (Gender Equity, Disability and Social Inclusion) policy on students and staff of Divine Word University, Madang Campus
Calista Hamadi, Gender Equity Promotional, Papua New Guinea Business Coalition for Women
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Factors affecting female leaderships within the rural health care facilities in South Bougainville, AROB, PNG
Emelda Ariku, Graduate Researcher, Divine Word University
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4E: Agriculture and food security

SBPP Tutorial Room 3 (LG.04)

The role of green manures in sustaining soil health and crop productivity in PNG – A review
Paula Kaupa, PhD Candidate, Rajashekhar Rao BK, Associate Professor, PNG University of Technology
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Development of a seasonal farm advisory in Papua New Guinea for climate-smart agriculture
Ruth Baiga, Natural Research Management Scientist, National Agriculture Research Institute; Dr Rachel Friedman, Postdoctoral Fellow, and Dr Steven Crimp, Research Fellow, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy, and Disaster Solutions; Mauro Okrupa, Research Associate, Alex Galus, Johannes Pakatul, HRC Research Development Coordinator, and Laurie Fooks, Program Director, National Agriculture Research Institute
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Equitable agricultural extension through institutional youth engagement in Papua New Guinea: A case study in Kokopo District, East New Britain Province.
Donald Kanini, Masters Candidate, School of Humanities and Social Science, University of Papua New Guinea
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4F: Urban and rural development

MBA Suite

Chair: Mr Vincent Malaibe

Assessment of surface runoff on different surfaces (pervious and impervious surfaces) within the urban region. (A case study of Lae City)
Runitha Nickson, Postgraduate Student, Tingneyuc Sekac, Senior Lecturer and Research Coordinator, Sujoy Kumar Jana, Associate Professor, Papua New Guinea University of Technology
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Use of multicriteria decision approach to identify an alternative solid waste dump site around Lae City
Den Einstein, Masters Candidate, PNG University of Technology, Dr Sailesh Samanta, Associate Professor, PNG University of Technology
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An analysis of social cultural trends and the growth of Chinese business: A case of Goroka urban and peri-urban area in Eastern Highland Province
Johnson Ahupa, Senior Tutor, University of Goroka
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Closing Session*


Concluding remarks

Chair: Dr Ponnusamy Manohar

School of Business and Public Policy, University of Papua New Guinea; Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Update dinner (by invitation only)

SBPP Foyer

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team