Policy briefs

This list of policy briefs will not be maintained after April 2022. All Devpol policy briefs can be found on the Devpolicy Blog site.

PB 21 Prosecution of sorcery accusation related violence in PNG: What more is required?
Miranda Forsyth, August 2021
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PB 20 Helping APTC trades graduates to migrate to Australia under the TSS
Richard Curtain and Stephen Howes, February 2021
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PB 19 Free, open, merit-based selection for a president of an IFI: A rare case study
Bob McMullan, June 2017
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PB 18 Allocation priorities for Australia’s 2017 aid budget
Bob McMullan and Robin Davies, April 2017
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PB 17 Do anticorruption messages work? Emerging findings and their relevance for Papua New Guinea
Caryn Peiffer, January 2017
Note: this policy brief was jointly published with the Developmental Leadership Program
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PB 16 Measuring Australia’s foreign aid generosity, from Menzies to Turnbull
Robin Davies, February 2017
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PB 15 Communication post-integration: Reloading Australia’s efforts
Ashlee Betteridge, August 2016
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PB 14 Aid law: What is it good for?
Robin Davies and Camilla Burkot, June 2016
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PB 13 Aid’s new contours: An exploration of global aid flows in 2014
Robin Davies, April 2016
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PB 12 A global humanitarian fund: A policy proposal
Robin Davies, March 2016
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PB 11 Estimated impact of drought and frost on food supply in rural PNG in 2015
RM (Mike) Bourke, Bryant Allen and Michael Lowe, January 2016
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PB 10 Papua New Guinea’s vanishing LNG export boom
Paul Flanagan, December 2014
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PB 9 Political settlements: Old wine in new bottles?
Björn Dressel and Sinclair Dinnen, February 2014
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PB 8 A parliamentary committee on aid? Issues and options
Ashlee Betteridge and Stephen Howes, November 2013
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PB 7 Global aid in 2013: A pause before descending
Robin Davies and Michelle la O’, October 2013
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PB 6 Election 2013: Separated at birth?—How to tell Labor and the Coalition apart on aid and development
Robin Davies, August 2013
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PB 5 Transparency in extractive industries: What has been achieved, and what more can Australia do?
Michael Wulfsohn and Stephen Howes, May 2013
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PB 4 End of the aid boom? The impact of austerity on aid budgets
Kathryn Zealand and Stephen Howes, May 2012
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PB 3 Enhancing the capabilities of central finance agencies: A political economy perspective
Björn Dressel, January 2012
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PB 2 Medical supplies reform in Papua New Guinea: Some conceptual and historical lessons
Andrew McNee, May 2011
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PB 1 Patterns and trends in Australian aid
Stephen Howes and Matthew Morris, October 2010
» view publication [PDF, 546KB]

Updated:  8 September 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team