Abstracts, presentations and papers

Opening address
Julie Bishop, Minister for Foreign Affairs
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Keynote address - Does aid really work?
Roger Riddell, Oxford Policy Management
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Panel 1a – Changing aid frameworks
Acton Theatre, 11.20am - 12:50pm

Financing global public goods
Robin Davies, ANU
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What should count as aid?
Jonathan Pickering, ANU
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The changing aid landscape in East Asia: the rise of Southern providers
Anthea Mulakala, The Asia Foundation
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Panel 1b – Fragile states, governance and aid I
Barton Theatre, 11.20am - 12:50pm

Suffer what they must? Fragile states and foreign aid reform
Jeni Whalan, UNSW
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The imperative to realign the rule of law to promote justice
Livingston Armytage, Centre for Judicial Studies
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In dire states: poor political governance in Western Melanesia and what it means for aid
Terence Wood, ANU
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Panel 2a – Humanitarian aid
Acton Theatre, 1.50 - 3.20pm

$8 billion in three years – what happened during the recovery phase in post-earthquake Haiti?
Katherine Gilbert, Monash University
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Does humanitarian aid crowd out development aid? A dynamic panel data analysis
Delwar Hossain, ANU
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Emerging forms of collaborative networks in post disaster humanitarian aid
Caroline Brassard, National University of Singapore
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Panel 2b – Scholarships, skills and labour mobility
Barton Theatre, 1.50 - 3.20pm

AusAID scholarships: an effective use of Australian aid?
Joel Negin, University of Sydney
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Skill development and regional mobility: lessons from the Australia-Pacific Technical College
Michael A. Clemens, Centre for Global Development; Colum Graham and Stephen Howes, ANU
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Using temporary migration schemes to build adaptive capacity in sending communities: a case of Vanuatu and New Zealand’s RSE scheme
Luke Craven, University of Sydney
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Panel 3a – Donor studies I
Acton Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

Morals or money? Public opinion and the Australian aid budget, 2000-2013
Joanna Williams, University of Sydney
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Forces and countervailing forces in the changing world of New Zealand aid
Joanna Spratt and Terence Wood, NZADDs and ANU
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Determinants of foreign aid allocation by small emerging donors: a case study of Thailand
Phakpoom Tippakoon, Thammasat University
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Panel 3b – International health: framing, financing and delivery
Barton Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

Framing health in the post-2015 development agenda: Multilateral development agencies in the first phase of consultation
Peter Hill and Claire Brolan, University of Queensland
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Health care financing in the Asia Pacific region
Jackie Mundy, Health Resource Facility for Australia’s aid program
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‘Invisible’ healthcare providers: not-for-profit, non-government hospitals and large clinics in developing countries
Belinda Anne Thompson, ANU
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Panel 3c – Disaster risk management and climate change adaptation
Brindabella Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

Pacific human security: EU-Pacific partnerships in disaster risk management
Genevieve Taylor, University of Canterbury
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Information in natural disasters – crisis, adaptation and communication
Anouk Ride, University of Queensland
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Walk the talk: mainstreaming climate change adaptation in to a multilateral development bank-funded project in Cambodia
Bunlong Leng, University of Melbourne
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Keynote address - Forests for climate and development: what can rich countries do?
Frances Seymour, Centre for Global Development
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Panel 4a – Fragile states, governance and aid II
Brindabella Theatre, 10.00 - 11.30am

Aid dependency and off-budget aid in Afghanistan: building and undermining the state
Nematullah Bizhan, ANU
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Do donors practice what they preach? The allocation of budget support by OECD-DAC donors
Susan Dodsworth, McGill University
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The impact of foreign aid from traditional donors on the quality of government in a one-party state: the case of Laos PDR
Pepe Khennavong, ANU
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Panel 4b – What aid works in health and education: country case studies
Acton Theatre, 10.00 - 11.30am

Different aid engagement, different health system outcomes: two decades of transition for the Central Asian Post-Soviet states
Anar Ulikpan, University of Queensland
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Delivery Units: can they catalyse sustained improvements in education service delivery?
Andy Brock, John Martin and Robin Todd, Cambridge Education
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Aid effectiveness and health sector development in Bangladesh
Franklyn Lisk, University of Warwick, and Md Rafi Hossain, Policy Research Institute of Bangladesh
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Has SWAP influenced aid flows and aid effectiveness?
Rohan Sweeney, Monash University
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Panel 4c – Donor studies II
Barton Theatre, 10.00 - 11.30am

How transparent Indian EXIM Bank lines of credit are and why
Pranay Sinha, University of Birmingham
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The commercial benefits for Japan of its aid to Asia
Sabit Otor, ANU
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Why countries offer foreign development assistance? The case of Latin America
Carmen Robledo, ANU
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Korea’s motivations of Official Development Assistance (ODA): aid allocation as a middle power?
Ji Hyun Kim, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, South Korea
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Panel 5a – Changing aid landscapes
Brindabella Theatre, 11.50 - 12.50am

The implications of the changing international aid regime for medium-sized traditional donors
Benjamin Day, ANU
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Busan and beyond: South Korea and the transition from aid effectiveness to development effectiveness
Eun Mee Kim, Ewha Womans University
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Panel 5b – Learning from history: lessons from aid to Asia
Acton Theatre, 11.50 - 12.50am

Institutional capacity building for poverty reduction through the implementation of World Bank projects in China
Enjiang Cheng and Xiaojun He, Zhejiang University
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The role of aid in the development of Korea and Taiwan
Steve Smith and Stephen Howes, ANU
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Plenary panel session - Making their mark: the BRICS and aid
Molonglo Theatre, 1.50 - 3.20pm

Regulating foreign aid through Acts – effects, impacts, and implications for China
Sun Tongquan & Zhou Taidong, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
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India’s geo-political interests and foreign aid: constraints to policy alignment
Rani Mullen, College of William and Mary
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Brazil’s international development cooperation: old and new motivations
Sean Burges, ANU
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Panel 6a – NGOs and aid effectiveness
Acton Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

The Value for Money agenda and NGOs
Patrick Kilby, ANU
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Toward better contracting for capacity building among NGOs in the aid channel
Elizabeth Crawford Spencer, Bond University
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Value for money – is it easier or harder than it looks?
Andrew Rowell, CARE Australia
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Panel 6b – Aiding health in the Pacific
Brindabella Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

Knowing that we know nothing: the Socratic paradox and health sector reform in Papua New Guinea
Benjamin Day, ANU and Luke Elich, Abt JTA
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Aid and the control of TB in PNG: is Australia’s assistance good policy
Hoa Nguyen and Tom Kompas, ANU

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Provision of appropriate regional public health goods in the Pacific after 2015
Ian Wanyeki, Arin Dutta and Farley Cleghorn, Futures GRM
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Panel 6c – From country X to country Y: aid case studies
Barton Theatre, 3.40 - 5.10pm

Chinese agricultural aid in Tanzania: reproduction of Chinese agricultural regime
Zhang Yue, China Agricultural University
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Aid effectiveness and public-private partnership: Thailand’s development assistance in Lao PRD and Cambodia
Dr Siriporn Wajjwalku, Thammasat University
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Active agents, passive recipients? negotiation of Chinese development assistance and concessional lending by Pacific Island governments
Matthew Dornan and Philippa Brant, ANU and the Lowy Institute
Denghua Zhang, ANU, was a discussant
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Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team