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Ana Manero

Post-doc Research Fellow

Contact details

Room: +61 2 6125 0574


Manero A. (2023). A case for protecting the value of 'surfing ecosystems'. npj Ocean Sustainability, 2(1), 6. 

Grafton, R. Q., Manero, A., Chu, L., & Wyrwoll, P. (2023). The price and value of water: An economic review. Cambridge Prisms: Water, 1, e3, Article e3. 

Bates, W. B., Chu, L., Claire, H., Colloff, M. J., Cotton, R., Davies, R., Larsen, L., Loughrey, G., Manero, A., Marshall, V., Martin, S., Nguyen, N.-M., Nikolakis, W., Poelina, A., Schulz, D., Taylor, K. S., Williams, J., Wyrwoll, P., & Grafton, R. Q. (2023). A tale of two rivers - Baaka and Martuwarra, Australia: Shared voices and art towards water justice. The Anthropocene Review, 0(0), 20530196231186962.

Manero, A., Taylor, K., Nikolakis, W., Adamowicz, W., Marshall, V., Spencer-Cotton, A., Nguyen, M., & Grafton, Q. (2022). A systematic literature review of non-market valuation of Indigenous peoples’ values: Current knowledge, best-practice and framing questions for future research. Ecosystem Services54, 1-18. 

Wyrwoll, P., Manero, A., Taylor, K., Rose, E., & Grafton, Q. (2022). Measuring the gaps in drinking water quality and policy across regional and remote Australia. n p j Clean Water5(1). 

Kragt. M. E., & Manero, A. (2021a). Identifying industry practice, barriers, and opportunities for mine rehabilitation completion criteria in western Australia. Journal of Environmental Management, 287, 112258.  

Kragt, M. E., & Manero, A. (2021b). A survey dataset to identify industry practices and challenges for mine rehabilitation completion criteria in Western Australia. Data in Brief, 36. 

Manero, A., Standish, R., & Young, R. (2021). Mine completion criteria defined by best-practice: A global meta-analysis and Western Australian case studies. Journal of Environmental Management, 282, 111912. 

Manero, A., & Wheeler, S. A. (2021). Perceptions of Tanzanian smallholder irrigators on impact pathways between water equity and socioeconomic inequalities. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 1-28. 

Thompson, S. E., Shanafield, M., Manero, A., & Claydon, G. (2021a). When Urban Stormwater Meets High Groundwater. Managing the challenge by shifting to a minimal fill development - Part 1. Water e-Journal, 6(1). 

Thompson, S. E., Shanafield, M., Manero, A., & Claydon, G. (2021b). When Urban Stormwater Meets High Groundwater. Managing the challenge by shifting to a minimal fill development - Part 2. Water e-Journal, 6(1). 

Claydon, G., Thompson, S., Shanafield, M., & Manero, A. (2020). Guiding urban water management in areas that experience high seasonal groundwater: Expert Panel report. Cooperative Research Centre for Water Sensitive Cities. (CRCWSC). 

Kragt, M., Manero, A., Hawkins, J., & Lison, C. (2020). A review of mine rehabilitation condition setting in Western Australia. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute (WABSI)  

Manero, A., Kragt, M., Standish, R., Miller, B., Jasper, D., Boggs, G., & Young, R. (2020). A framework for developing completion criteria for mine closure and rehabilitation. Journal of Environmental Management, 273, 111078. 

Manero, A., Bjornlund, H., Wheeler, S., Zuo, A., Mdemu, M., Van Rooyen, A., & Chilundo, M. (2020). Growth and inequality at the micro scale: an empirical analysis of farm incomes within smallholder irrigation systems in Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Mozambique. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 36(sup1), S224-S245. 

Grafton, R. Q., Garrick, D., Manero, A., & Do, T. N. (2019). The Water Governance Reform Framework: Overview and Applications to Australia, Mexico, Tanzania, USA and Vietnam. Water, 11(1), 137. 

Kragt, M., Lison, C., Manero, A., & Hawkins, J. (2019). Mine site rehabilitation conditions in Western Australia. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mine Closure   

Manero, A., Wheeler, S. A., Zuo, A., & Mdemu, M. (2019). Exploring the Head Versus Tail‐End Dichotomy on Yield and Farm Incomes in Smallholder Irrigation Schemes in Tanzania. Water Resources Research, 55(5), 4322-4342. 

Young, R., Manero, A., Miller, B., Kragt, M., Standish, R. J., Jasper, D., & Boggs, G. (2019). A framework for developing mine-site completion criteria in Western Australia. Project Report. The Western Australian Biodiversity Science Institute. 

Manero, A. (2018). Water distribution within smallholder irrigation schemes in Tanzania and its implications for economic inequality Australian National University]. Canberra, Australia. 

Manero, A. (2017a). Income inequality within smallholder irrigation schemes in Sub-Saharan Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 33(5), 770-787. 

Manero, A. (2017b). The limitations of negative incomes in the Gini coefficient decomposition by source. Applied Economics Letters, 24(14), 977-981.  

Manero, A., Dalzell, S., & Macfarlane, D. (2012). Coal seam gas and food production: a symbiotic relationship?–A Santos GLNG case study Irrigation Australia, Adelaide, Australia. 

Manero, A. (2008). Comparative water management practices in California and Spain UPC-BarcelonaTech]. Barcelona, Spain.⅙053 F


Manero, A, Nikolakis, W., Grafton, Q. (2021). Non-market valuation of Indigenous ecosystem values: a systematic literature review and knowledge gap analysis. Contributed paper prepared for presentation at the 65th at the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) Annual Conference, Online 9-12 February 2021 

Manero, A., Bjornlund, H., Mdemu, M., Pittock, J. (2019). A framework for the definition of irrigation water equity and its application in small-scale schemes in Tanzania. Contributed paper at the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) conference, Melbourne, 13-15 February 2019,. 

Anderson, G., Manero, A., & Bjornlund, H. (2019). Equality of Opportunity in Food Security and Basic Household Incomes on Sub Saharan Africa Agricultural Irrigation Schemes Special IARIW-World Bank Conference “New Approaches to Defining and Measuring Poverty in a Growing World”, Washington, DC. 21 April 2019  

Manero, A.; Wheeler, S.; Zuo, A. (2018) “The effect of water supply on irrigation households’ incomes and yields: a case study of two Tanzanian smallholder irrigation schemes”. Selected paper at the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) conference, Adelaide, 6-9 February 2018. 

Manero, A. 2016 “Uneven Irrigation and economic inequalities: exploring the connection”. (2016). Proceedings of the 2nd World Irrigation Forum, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 6-8 November 2016. 

Manero, A.; Isdory, D.; Bjornlund, H. 2016. “Why equity of irrigation water supply matters for economic equality?” Proceedings of the 4th African Regional Conference on Irrigation and Drainage, Cairo, Egypt, 27 April, 2016 

Manero, A; Dalzell, S.; Macfarlane, D. 2012. “Coal Seam Gas and agriculture: a symbiotic relationship? – A Santos GLNG case study”. Proceedings of Irrigation Australia conference, Adelaide, 26 June 2012. 

Manero, A. 2010. “Best Practice in California and Spain and its potential application in Australia”. Proceedings of AWA Ozwater ’10 conference, Brisbane, 8-10 March 2010. 


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