Abstracts, presentations and papers

Day one

Opening address
The Hon Senator Penny Wong, Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs
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Keynote address: The strugglers
Nancy Birdsall, President Emeritus, Center for Global Development
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Panel 1a – Launch of Inside the black box of political will
Inside the black box of political will: findings from 10 years of the Developmental Leadership Program
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David Hudson, Claire Mcloughlin and Heather Marquette, DFID/University of Birmingham, and Chris Roche, La Trobe University
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Contestation and consultation: the politics of Myanmar’s investment law reform
Niheer Dasandi, University of Birmingham
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Digital feminism in Fiji
Tait Brimacombe, La Trobe University
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A Pacific practitioner view on the politics of contestation
Anna Naupa, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia
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Panel 1b – Aid and health
Family planning in Timor-Leste: collaborative governance?
Belinda Lawton, ANU
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Addressing health outcomes in Papua New Guinea: lessons for donors
Michele Rumsey, Jodi Thiessen, Amanda Neill and Caroline Homer, WHO Collaborating Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Development, University of Technology Sydney

Health phone services in Papua New Guinea: lessons for donors
Amanda H A Watson, ANU, and Ralph Kaule, University of Papua New Guinea
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Panel 1c – Gender based violence and sorcery
Increased usage of GBV services in Sandaun and Western Highlands provinces in PNG following intervention
Mirriam Dogimab, William Yeka, Daniel Tesfaye and Ignatius Mogaba, FHI 360
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Security and sorcery: Pacific experience and international debates
Miranda Forsyth, ANU
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What we don’t hear: gender relations and development in Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
Kate Higgins, University of Queensland

The price we pay – can you ever cost violence against women?
Emma Tiaree, CARE
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Panel 1d – Aid for inclusive trade
Ravi Kewalram, DFAT

Cyn-Young Park, Asian Development Bank
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Steven Baker, AECOM
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Andy Hunter, World Vision Australia
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Panel 1e – Aid policy, research and effectiveness
So you want your research to influence change? Evidence-based insights for development actors to increase development impact
Joanne Crawford, RDI Network Steering Committee/International Women’s Development Agency, Juliet Willetts, RDI Network Steering Committee/Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Jane Hutchison, Murdoch University, and Debbie Muirhead, Consultant
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Partnering for more effective aid and development
Philippa Smales, RDI Network, and Keren Winterford, Institute for Sustianable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
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Entrepreneurs and aid policy change
Joanna Spratt and Benjamin Day, ANU
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Why do well-designed M&E systems seldom inform decision-making?
Damien Sweeney and Byron Pakula, Clear Horizon Consulting
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Panel 1f – Aid and education
The sustainability of benefits from educational development projects in Indonesia
Robert Cannon, Independent Consultant
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The Beacon School Initiative: a small-scale project for national education reform in Cambodia
Heidi Peterson and Christine Deng, Oaktree
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Aid and teachers in intercultural settings: struggles and strategies by the exchange teachers invited to South Korea
Su Bin (Sarah) Yeo, Global Education Cooperation, Seoul National University
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Panel 1g – Regional update: trends and issues in Asian development cooperation
Heejin Lee, Korean Association of International Development and Cooperation
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Anthea Mulakala, The Asia Foundation
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Tatsufumi Yamagata, Japan Society for International Development
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Yasuyuki Sawada, Asian Development Bank
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Plenary session: Civil society in Asian development cooperation
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Jin-kyung Kim, Program Specialist, Civil Society Cooperation Team, Korean International Cooperation Agency
Supriya Roychoudhury, Independent Analyst: Indian development cooperation
Takeshi Komino, General Secretary, Church World Service, Japan
Haoming Huang, Vice-President, China Association for Non-Profit Organisations

Panel 2a – Regional health security: what is Australia’s role?
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Robin Davies, DFAT
Barbara McPake, Nossal Institute for Global Health
Amanda McClelland, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies [via Skype]
Nicholas Thomson, Nossal Institute for Global Health

Panel 2b – Aid and governance
Land administration aid programs in Asia: success stories and lessons learned
Tony Burns and Daniel Paez, Land Equity International
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Policy execution – from theory to practice
Ben French, Oxford Policy Management
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Evaluating value for money in international development: the Pakistan sub-national governance program
Julian King, Julian King & Associated Ltd, and Stephanie Allan, Oxford Policy Management
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Are behavioural insights the ultimate isomorphic mimicry?
Cindy Wiryakusuma, NSW Department of Premier and Cabinet
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Panel 2c – Gender and politics in practice
Being the first
Ceridwen Spark, RMIT, and John Cox, La Trobe University
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‘The Waria of Banjamarsin’
Erman Rahman, Mark Koenig, Bryony Lau, Bambang Ertanto Cahyo Dewa, and Debra Ladner, The Asia Foundation
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The Pacific Leadership Program and CEDAW in Tonga
Mereani Rokotuibau, Pacific Leadership Program, and Deborah Rhodes, Independent Consultant
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From silos to synergy: learning from politically informed, gender aware programming
Helen Derbyshire, Consultant, Chris Roche, La Trobe University, Sam Gibson, Palladium, and David Hudson, University of Birmingham
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Panel 2d – Insights from Australia’s experiences in agricultural research for development
Dynamic impact assessment framewords and their role in changing development contexts
Andrew Alford, ACIAR
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Findings from an impact assessment into Australia’s investments in giant clam research in the Indo-Pacific
Federico Davila, Sustineo
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Factors influencing achievements and impact in collaborative research projects in the Asia-Pacific
Tony Bartlett, ACIAR
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Number, networks, and narratives: evaluating research for development projects over long-term timeframes
Lorrae van Kerkhoff, Fenner School of Environment and Society, ANU
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Panel 2e – The changing aid landscape
Australian and Chinese scholarships to Cambodia: who gets them and why?
Kongkea Chhoeun, ANU
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Moving away from aid? The case of Indonesia
Annalisa Prizzon, Overseas Development Institute
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Between gift-theory and development cooperation: the nature of Indonesian South-South cooperation
Miranda Tahalele, ANU

Panel 2f – Labour mobility
Trade, livelihoods and development in Papua New Guinea’s South Fly region: navigating regulatory regimes in the Torres Strait borderlands
Peter Chaudhry, Kevin Murphy, and Mark Moran, Institute for Social Science Research, University of Queensland

Timorese migrant workers in the Australian Seasonal Worker Programme
Ann Wigglesworth, Victoria University, and Abel Boavida dos Santos, National University of Timor Lorosa’e
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Australian Seasonal Worker Program: mapping remittances for East Timorese workers in Australian country towns
Annie Yuan Cih Wu, University of Sydney

Panel 2g – Language rights to meet the Sustainable Development Goals
Dimensions of language rights in the SDGs
Hilary Smith, ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
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The changing ecology of Australian languages
Jane Simpson, ARC Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language
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Multilingual education for ethnic minorities in Cambodia
Jan Noorlander, CARE International in Cambodia
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Leave no one behind: including the deaf community in the Sustainable Development Goals
Jen Blyth, CBM Australia

Day two

Panel 3a – Adaptive programming in theory and in practice
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Ben French, Oxford Policy Management
Graham Teskey, Abt Associates
Sakuntala Akmeemana, DFAT
Nicola Follis, Palladium

Panel 3b – Churches as agents of social change
Theology, the Pacific and climate change
Rev James Bhagwan, Fiji Methodist Church

The intersectionality of gender and disability and the cross-cutting impact of biblical equality theology
Naomi Navoce, UnitingWorld Pacific Office

Theological approach in practice – strategy, programming and learning
Bronwyn Fraser, UnitingWorld
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Panel 3c – Gender equity
No magic bullets: economic empowerment and gender equality in India
Annabel Dulhunty, UNSW

Gender equality and the high-level panel on water – research for influence
Melita Grant and Juliet Willetts, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, and Chelsea Huggett, WaterAid
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‘The Last Tabboo’: research on menstrual hygiene management in Solomon Islands, Fiji and Papua New Guinea
Yasmin Mohamed, Burnet Institute, Chelsea Huggett and Alison Macintyre, WaterAid, Donna McSkimming, International Women’s Development Agency, Dani Barrington, University of Leeds, and Kelly Durrant and Lisa Natoli, Burnet Institute
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Translating gender audit findings into practice
Alice Ridge, ACFID, and Juliet Hunt, Independent Consultant
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Panel 3d – Should Australian ODA re-engage in Africa?
Sally Moyle, CARE Australia

Fessehaie Abraham, ANU
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Jacqui de Lacy, Abt Associates
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Panel 3e – Climate change and the SDGs
Sustainability as usual? Deliberating towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Jonathan Pickering and John S. Dryzek, University of Canberra
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Big business, CSR and the SDGs: the arc of the deal
Jeremy Stringer, DFAT
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Vulnerability, good governance, or donor interests? The allocation of aid for climate change adaptation
Florian Weiler, University of Kent, Carola Klöck, University of Gottingen, and Matthew Dornan, ANU
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Panel 3f – Aid evaluations and critiques
Community driven development: practitioner perspectives on the possibilities and limits of the model
Bobby Anderson, Cardno Emerging Markets

Pull mechanisms for overcoming market failure in the agriculture sector
Tulika A. Narayan, Abt Associates, Tristan Armstrong, DFAT, and Denise Mainville, Denise Mainville Consulting
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Disbursement linked indicators: a new trend in World Bank lending?
Will Brehm, Waseda University

‘Beyond the project’: measuring NGO effectiveness at different scales
Jo Hall, ANU
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Panel 3g – Aid, politics and governance
Risk, politics and development: lessons from the UK’s democracy aid Susan Dodsworth and Nic Cheeseman, University of Birmingham
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Opening the black box: managing the aid policy process in Pakistan
Faheem J. Khan, National School of Public Policy, Pakistan [via Skype]
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Do anti-corruption messages motivate citizens to resist corruption? Insights from a social experiment
Caryn Peiffer, University of Bristol, and Grant Walton, ANU
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How does networked action contribute to change? Jayne Pilkinton, Oxfam
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Plenary session: 3MAP: the Three-Minute Aid Pitch
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Kate Sutton – Aussie rules for humanitarians
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David Hudson – Real politics
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Rosanna Duncan – Diversifying talent in aid
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Klara Henderson – Turning on health services remotely
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Barry Reed – Mouth cancer: late diagnosis, early death
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John Langmore – Invest in conflict prevention

Emily Dwyer – Let’s talk about sex
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Jonathan Pryke – Overhaul aid advocacy
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Clay O’Brien – IB4ID
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Therese Faulkner – Three aid messages
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Panel 4a – The aid apathy crisis: cutting through in a crowded media
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Jo Chandler, Journalist
Sam Bolitho, CARE Australia
Nick Danziger, Author, Photojournalist and Film-maker

Panel 4b – The future of multilateral development banking
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Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development
Susan Engel, University of Wollongong
Yasuyuki Sawada, Asian Development Bank

Panel 4c – LGBTIQ+ inclusion in humanitarian and development programs
LGBT exclusion in Indonesia and its economic effects
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Lee Badgett, University of Massachusetts Amherst [via Skype]
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Sexuality is the right to choose what gender you are: intersections of gender and sexuality within two development organisations
Gillian Fletcher, La Trobe University
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Why is it so hard for aid donors to respond to human rights violations? The politics of donor engagement with Uganda’s anti-homosexuality legislation
Niheer Dasandi, University of Birmingham
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Down by the river: gender and sexual minorities in disaster risk reduction and humanitarian response
Emily Dwyer, EdgeEffect, and Jovesa Saladolea, Oxfam Fiji
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Panel 4d – Engaging with Asia’s advanced middle income countries
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Michael Wilson, DFAT
Sam Chittick, The Asia Foundation
William Cole, The Asia Foundation

Panel 4e – The state of the NGO sector
Terence Wood, ANU
Marc Purcell, ACFID
Raewyn Lans, ACFID

Panel 4f – Aid in conflict
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in conflict-affected contexts: an alternative development partnership between and international non-governmental organisation and a non-state armed group in Shan State, Myanmar
Sharon Bell, Massey University
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The foreign aid and terrorism nexus: analysis the cost of (in)security in Somalia (2001-2016)
Yasmin Hassen, ANU

Rethinking aid to Palestine: towards fiscally sustainable governance
Anas Iqtait, ANU

Narratives of donor accountability: the case of donor support to Myanmar’s peace processes
Tamas Wells, University of Melbourne
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Panel 4g – Issues in humanitarian aid
Measuring the impact of localisation
Kate Sutton and Josie Flint, Humanitarian Advisory Group
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Going local: achieving a more appropriate and fit-for-purpose humanitarian ecosystem in the Pacific Peter Walton, Australian Red Cross, and Fine Tu’itupou Arnold, Cook Islands Red Cross
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» view Fine’s presentation

Plenary session: Health security and medical research
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Brendan Crabb, Director and CEO, Burnet Institute
Blair Exell, Acting Deputy Secretary and Ambassador for Regional Health Security, DFAT
Mary Moran, Executive Director, Policy Cures

Panel 5a – Anti-corruption and development assistance at a crossroads
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Curbing corruption in development aid-funded procurement
Olli Hellmann and Elizabeth David-Barrett, University of Sussex, and Mihaly Fazekas and Lili Márk, Central European University
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Decentralisation, multilevel governance and corruption
Hamish Nixon, Abt Associates, Alina Rocha Menocal, Overseas Development Institute, and Paul Smoke, New York University

‘Islands of integrity’: understanding the politics of corruption reduction Heather Marquette, DFID/University of Birmingham, Caryn Peiffer, University of Bristol, and Rosita Armytage, University of Birmingham
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Implications from the research for development policy and practice
Kristian Futol, DFAT

Panel 5b – Working with national NGOs
Shamima Ali, Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre

Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Oil Search Foundation

Juliet Hunt, Independent Consultant
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Heni Meke, Anglicare PNG
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Panel 5c – Getting to gender transformation in Ethiopia’s agricultural sector
What three different quantitative surveys tell us about gender
Kristie Drucza, CIMMYT, and Dagmawit Greif, Giessen University
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Doing gender: gender audits, gender mainstreaming and agricultural research
Lemlem Abebe, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research
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Studying gender norms
Mulunesh Tsegaye, CIMMYT
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Failing to learn or learning to fail? A meta-analysis of gender and agriculture program evaluations and what we have learnt about gender practice in Ethiopia
Emily Springer, University of Minnesota, and Kristie Drucza, CIMMYT
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Panel 5d – Joint funding mechanisms for humanitarian response
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Peter Walton, Australian Red Cross

Jamie Isbister, DFAT

Manisha Thomas, Emergency Appeals Alliance

Melissa Gill, The Behaviour Architects
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Marc Purcell, ACFID
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Panel 5e – Aid and aid workers
Putting public support for Australian aid into perspective
Chris Hoy, ANU
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Does the geographical distribution of Australian aid make sense?
Helen Ware, University of New England
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Aid worker mental health: explorations of aid worker wellbeing and development of an online intervention
Tarli Young, University of Queensland
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Panel 5g – Thinking politically and working differently: DFAT skills programs in the Pacific
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Fremden Yanhambath, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
’Uhila Moe Langi Fasi, Tonga Skills
Anna Gibert, Vanuatu Skills Partnership and Tonga Skills
Anthony Bailey, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
Christelle Thieffry, Australian High Commission in Vanuatu

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team