Call for papers and panels

The call for papers and panels for the 2023 Australasian AID Conference (AAC2023) has now closed.

The conference is multidisciplinary in nature, and examines topics related to aid and international development (the AID in the conference acronym). We welcome abstracts and panel proposals from academics and practitioners on the following topics:

  • Aid effectiveness, at both the micro and macro level
  • The political economy and politics of aid
  • Aid and security
  • Aid from non-traditional donors
  • Gender and aid/development
  • Aid and the private sector
  • Humanitarian aid
  • Aid evaluation
  • International public goods (climate change, global health, etc.)
  • Migration and international trade policy, from a development perspective
  • The architecture of international aid and development, including the G20, World Bank, and other international agencies
  • International development themes and trends
  • Aid management and development practice

Submissions are welcomed from academics, practitioners and students. The AAC is a research conference. Abstracts arguing for particular policy positions are welcome, but must be based on solid research. Abstracts outlining proposed research will not be accepted.

The main emphasis of AAC2023 is on in-person presentations. However, there will also be limited opportunities for online presentations and blended (in-person and online) sessions.


Abstracts should be no more than 300 words. Please submit an abstract and author details through the online submission form.


In addition to individual abstracts, organised panels of up to three presenters (plus a panel chair) are invited. Panel organisers have considerable flexibility, and can present a roundtable discussion rather than a series of papers if desired.

Panel proposals that include national experts (e.g., government, academic, civil society) as presenters and that have gender balance will be given preference in the selection process.

Panel proposals should be no more than 400 words. Please submit your panel proposal and panellists/presenters details through the online panel submission form.

Authors/submitters with papers/panels with an exclusively PNG/Pacific focus may be invited to submit them for the Pacific Update or PNG Update.


We also host book and report launches and other special events in the afternoon of Day Zero of the conference (Tuesday 5 December). If you want to submit a proposal for a launch, please do so using the panel submission form, and indicate the event type that you are proposing.

All speakers are required to purchase a ticket to attend the conference on Day One and Two (6 and 7 December). If the presenter or chair is ONLY attending their own session to present/chair, no registration is required. However, if they wish to attend any other conference program, they will then need to purchase a ticket. See registration information and fee details.

3MAP: the 3-minute aid pitch

At AAC2023, in the style of the 3-minute thesis competition, selected speakers will have three minutes to present their proposal, followed by audience questions and a vote to find our winner.

If you have an idea to improve Australian aid or development policy, we would like to hear from you. Submit a short paragraph (200 words max) outlining your idea to (with “3MAP pitch” in the subject line). We will then select a handful of the most promising ideas to be presented and debated at AAC2023. If you are selected to pitch, you will then receive a free two-day conference registration (dinner not included).

Watch the livestreamed recording of AAC2022 3MAP.

Funding for AAC presenters

The following opportunities to support presenters to attend AAC2023 are available:

Postgraduate students (all nationalities) based in Australia

We will cover domestic travel and accommodation costs for a limited number of PhD and post-graduate students who are accepted to present. Should your abstract and funding request be successful, we will arrange your accommodation (for two nights from 5–7 December in Canberra) and the most economic means of domestic transport to the conference. You will still be required to register to attend the conference at your own cost, and we recommend that you apply for funding from your university for this where possible.

Developing country presenters based overseas

We will waive registration fees for a limited number of presenters who are citizens of and will be travelling from a developing country to present at the conference. For these purposes, ‘developing country’ is defined using this list. We are NOT able to provide any support toward the cost of international travel or accommodation, and recommend that presenters based overseas seek support for this from their home institution. The conference dinner will not be included in the waiver.

Please note that you must request this funding via the form when submitting your abstract/panel proposal for consideration. Late requests will not be considered.

Due to limited resources, receipt of travel support and registration fee waivers cannot be guaranteed for all postgraduate students and developing country presenters who apply for it. In the case of us receiving more requests for this support than can be met from our budget, selection will be made by convenors based on the strength of the abstract.

If you have any questions, or if you do not receive an automated email confirming receipt of your abstract/panel proposal within one week of submission, please contact with “2023 Australian AID Conference” in the subject line.

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team