PNG Budget Database

The PNG Budget Database has two components, national and provincial. Click on whichever tab you are interested in.

The PNG National Budget Database is an Excel spreadsheet that compiles information from PNG national government budgets from 1989 to 2024.

The PNG Provincial Budget Database is an Excel spreadsheet that compiles information about PNG provincial government revenue and expenditure from 2007 to 2022.

Both databases are kept as up to date as possible.

The database is designed to be used by any member of the public, government, NGO, media or researcher for their own analysis and comparisons over time.

For those who want to use the database in their work, please acknowledge the databases collectively as the Devpolicy PNG Budget Database, with the date accessed and the following URL:

If you have any queries or wish to provide feedback, please contact

The PNG National Budget Database is an Excel spreadsheet that compiles information from PNG national government budgets from 1989 to 2024.

The database has been compiled to be in the same format as the original budget documents and includes information about revenue, expenditure, GDP, inflation, finance and debt from Volume 1 of successive budgets.

The database is updated twice yearly, when the FBO (Final Budget Outcome) is released, and then at budget time.

The primary author of the database was Rohan Fox, but many people from the Development Policy Centre and UPNG have collaborated over several years and contributed many hours to produce the database. Our thanks to them all.

Download the PNG National Budget Database by clicking on the most recent version which is at the top of the list below. Previous versions are included below the most recent version. The most recent database uses data from the 2023 Final Budget Outcome.

PNG National Budget Database - 2023 Final Budget Outcome - released May 2024

Past budget databases, from most recent to least.

PNG National Budget Database - 2024 Budget - released November 2023

PNG Budget Information Database – 2022 Final Budget Outcome - released June 2023

PNG Budget Information Database - 2023 Budget - released February 2023

PNG Budget Information Database - 2021 Final Budget Outcome - released July 2022

PNG Budget Information Database - 2022 Budget - released November 2021

PNG Budget Information Database - 2020 Final Budget Outcome - released July 2021

PNG Budget Information Database - 2021 Budget - released November 2020

PNG Budget Information Database - 2019 Final Budget Outcome - released July 2020

PNG Budget Information Database - 2020 Budget - released November 2019

PNG Budget Information Database - 2018 Final Budget Outcome - released March 2019

PNG Budget Information Database - 2019 Budget - released November 2018

PNG Budget Information Database - 2017 Final Budget Outcome - released March 2018

PNG Budget Information Database - 2018 Budget - released November 2017

PNG Budget Information Database - 2016 Final Budget Outcome - released March 2017

PNG Budget Information Database - 2017 Budget - released November 2016

The PNG Provincial Budget Database is a spreadsheet containing historical and the most recently available provincial revenue and expenditure data.

The revenue data includes: Goods and Services Tax (GST); Bookmakers Tax; Own Source Revenue; Royalties; and Dividends. GST and Bookmakers Tax are collected by the Internal Revenue Commission (IRC), with 60% and 40% remitted to provinces respectively. Own Source revenue, royalties, and dividends are collected solely by the province.

Province expenditure by is broken into two parts: operational expenditure; and capital spending under national government's Public Investment Program (PIP). Operational expenditure is further broken up into staff salaries and service delivery costs (titled as Goods and Services by Treasury).

The Services Improvement Program (SIP) are constituency development funds (CDFs) given to each province (PSIP) and district (DSIP) member of parliament. SIP funds are contained in the province's PIP. Figures here are totals given to the province. All figures reported are in nominal Kina.

The Provincial Budget Database also lists budget quality scores produced by the National Economic and Fiscal Commission (NEFC) between 2010 and 2018. It also reports national government revenue and spending sourced from the National Budget Database, and PNG's CPI as reported by the Bank of PNG.

To access the Database, click on the link below. The most recent version of the Database includes 2023 data for province operational and capital spending, with province revenue yet to be released. More recent versions will be added over time.

The PNG Provincial Budget Database was created by Maholopa Laveil, Economics Lecturer at the University of Papua New Guinea. You can also read three blogs Maholopa wrote using this data on the Devpolicy Blog: here, here and here. You can also read the corresponding Lowy Institute Discussion Paper.

PNG Provincial Budget Database - released May 2024

Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team