Presentations and papers

Watch the sessions from Molonglo Theatre on YouTube

Day zero

Pre-conference events

Publication launch: GovAsia: Resilient Civic Spaces in Low and Middle-Income Countries in South Asia
Chair: Dr Nicola Nixon, Senior Director, Governance, The Asia Foundation
» view presentation by Sumaya Saluja

Publication launch: Climate Risk and Water Security in the Indo-Pacific: Risks, Responses, and a Framework for Action
Chair: Sarah Ransom, General Manager, Australian Water Partnership
» view presentation

Publication launch: Revitalising Cambodia: Sustaining development after COVID-19
Chair: Dr Eng Netra, Director, Cambodia Development Resource Institute
» view presentation by Naron Veung and Chanmony Sean
» view presentation by Vutha Hing

Publication launch: 2022 State of the Humanitarian System
Chair: Dr Juliet Parker, Director, Active Learning Network for Accountability and Performance in Humanitarian Action
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Keynote address: Is there a role for aid in messy places?
Stefan Dercon, Professor of Economic Policy, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
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» watch the livestream replay

Chair: Rod Brazier, Acting Deputy Secretary, Development and Multilateral Group, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Day one

Conference introduction
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Welcome: Beth Orton, Manager, Development Policy Centre, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University

Opening remarks: David Arnold, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Asia Foundation

Opening address
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Hon Pat Conroy MP, Minister for International Development and the Pacific, Australian Government

Chair: Professor Helen Sullivan, Dean, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University

Panel 1a – Regional development and Australia’s interests
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Chair: William Cole, Senior Adviser, Program Strategy, The Asia Foundation

Allan Gyngell, National President, Australian Institute of International Affairs
Jacqui De Lacy, Managing Director, Abt Associates
Dr Jennifer Gordon, Honorary Professor, Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University
Richard Moore, Partner and Principal Strategist, Positive Influence

Panel 1b – The what, why and how of results-based financing: a DFAT perspective with a case study on Indonesia Roads Hibah (KIAT)
» watch recording

Chair: Andrew Egan, Assistant Secretary, Development Performance and Advisory Services Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Kirsten Hawke, Lead Design Specialist, Development Performance and Advisory Services Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
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Ian Anderson, Consultant
Sam Porter, Counsellor (Economic), Australian Embassy, Jakarta

Panel 1c – Behavioural science: approaches and impact in development programs
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Chair: Dr Rory Gallagher, Managing Director Asia Pacific, Behavioural Insights Team
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Hasrina Muliawan, Accountability and Learning Officer, Siap Siaga, Australia-Indonesia Partnership in Disaster Risk Management
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Amala Rahmah, Country Representative, Rutgers WPF Indonesia
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M. Ali Yusuf, Chair, Institute for Disaster Management and Climate Change (LPBI), Nahdlatul Ulama
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Panel 1d – Aid effectiveness: systems, complexity, and change

KUWTC: How monitoring, evaluation and learning approaches can keep up with the complexity of systems change initiatives?
Abigail Perriman, Evidence, Learning and Impact Specialist, Moonshot Global
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QualKit: creative and remote monitoring, evaluation and learning of gender equality and inclusion changes
Melita Grant, Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney, Stuart Raetz, Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, Water for Women Fund
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Learning from systems change approaches to address complex development issues
Denika Blacklock, Head of Knowledge, Performance and Learning, and Ancilla Bere, Provincial Coordinator, East Java, Australia Indonesia Partnership on Disaster Risk Management, Palladium
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Chair: Dr Alwyn Chilver, Director, Economic Growth, Palladium

Panel 1e – Climate risk integration: a new era for aid and development programming

Chair: Dr Keren Winterford, Research Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney

Dr Alison Baker, Fund Manager, Water for Women
Christine Lemau, Program Director, Adventist Development Relief Agency, Fiji
Dr Tazrina Chowdhury, Researcher, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
Simon Wilson, Climate Change Specialist, Australia Pacific Climate Partnership

Panel 1f – Private sector development: Pacific and donor perspectives

Partnering to enable Pacific trade
Andrew Piper, Team Leader PHAMA Plus DT-Global, Jenny Dunn, Director International Capacity Development, Australian Chief Plant Protection Office
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Business Link Pacific: localisation and new opportunities from the pandemic
Sandra Mendez, Impact and Communications Manager, and Steve Knapp, Director, Business Link Pacific
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The practice of public-private partnership in international aid through the ODA agency of Taiwan
Chien-Yao Tseng, Specialist, and Tsung-Hao Wang, Research Assistant, International Cooperation and Development Fund
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Chair: Simon Cramp, Director, Private Finance for Climate and Development, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

2022 Mitchell Oration
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Enough is enough: audaciously decolonising the development and humanitarian nexus
‘Ofakilevuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki, Director of the Women and Children Crisis Centre Tonga

Chair: Stephanie Copus-Campbell, Chair, Southern Highlands Provincial Health Authority Board, Papua New Guinea

Panel 2a – Governance and Asia’s climate and environmental challenges
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Chair: Kim DeRidder, Regional Director, Environment and Climate Action, The Asia Foundation

Nandita Baruah, Country Representative, India, The Asia Foundation
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Nguyen Tri Thanh, Program Specialist, Environment and Climate Change, Vietnam, The Asia Foundation
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Rahpriyanto Alam Surya Putra, Deputy Director, Environmental Governance Program, Indonesia, The Asia Foundation
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Winston Chow, Chief of Party, Mekong Safeguards Program, The Asia Foundation
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Panel 2b – Chinese development cooperation: trends and Implications

Chair: Professor Jane Golley, Arndt-Corden Department of Economics, Australian National University

Cheng Chwee Kuik, Professor in International Relations, Head, Centre for Asian Studies, Institute of Malaysian and International Studies, National University of Malaysia
Zha Daojiong, Professor of International Political Economy, School of International Studies, Peking University
Anthea Mulakala, Senior Director, International Development Cooperation, The Asia Foundation
Denghua Zhang, Research Fellow, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University
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Panel 2c – The lost years: remote learning, disrupted schooling and disability
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Chair: Setareki Macanawai, Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Disability Forum

Sereana Kunadua, Teaching Assistant, Lautoka School for Special Education, Fiji
Sri Sukarni, Chair, Himpunan Wanita Disabilitas (Women with Disability Group), Indonesia
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Ben Clare, Disability Education Specialist, Exemplar International

Panel 2d – Localisation in the Australian aid program: implementation perspectives

Chair: Andrew Egan, Assistant Secretary, Development Performance and Advisory Services Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
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Anna Winoto, Indonesia Country Representative and Strategic Adviser, Abt Associates
Fremden S. Yanhambath, Director, Vanuatu Skills Partnership
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Barbara Brezger, Director International Business Development, Moerk Water Solutions
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Ratna Kreshtiana, Partnerships Operations Manager, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice 2
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Dr Bernadette Whitelum, Director and Chief Executive Officer, Alinea Whitelum

Panel 2e – Gender and budget support in the Pacific

Chair: Sarah Goulding, Assistant Secretary, Gender Equality Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Mereseini Rakuita, Principal Strategic Lead, Pacific Women, Pacific Community
Bob Warner, Consultant
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Jane Bastin-Sikimeti, Director, Pacific Gender Section, Office of the Pacific, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Panel 2f – Inclusive development: states, sponsors and diversity

Citizen wellbeing in hybrid regimes
Dr Robert Hortle, Senior Consultant, Sustineo
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‘You can’t change the world, but you can change the life of this child’: child sponsorship and the tension between charity and justice
Dr Alana Moore, Visiting Fellow, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University
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“Leave no one behind” or respect national ownership? Conflicting development cooperation norms about LGBT+ rights in hostile environments
Professor Stephen Brown, School of International Development and Global Studies, University of Ottawa
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More than art and dance – opportunities for a First Nations approach to foreign policy
Alice Kemble, Community Development Lead, Equity Economics and Development Partners, Brian Stacey, Professor of Practice, First Nations Portfolio, Australian National University
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Chair: Jessica Mackenzie, Director, Policy and Advocacy, Australian Council for International Development

Panel 3a – Opportunities for feminist foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific
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Chair: Nandita Baruah, Country Representative, India, The Asia Foundation

His Excellency Eduardo Patricio Peña Haller, Ambassador of Mexico
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Ambika Vishwanath, Founder and Director, Kubernein Initiative, India
‘Ofakilevuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki, Director, Women and Children Crisis Centre Tonga
Dr Andreas Radtke, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany
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Bettina Baldeschi, Chief Executive Officer, International Women’s Development Agency

Panel 3b – Australian support for access to pandemic medicines
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Chair: Dr Belinda Townsend, Research Fellow, Australian National University

Associate Professor Deborah Gleeson, School of Psychology and Public Health, La Trobe University
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Brigitte Tenni, PhD candidate, La Trobe University and Senior Technical Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, University of Melbourne
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Dr Sun Kim, Director, Research Center on Global Solidarity, People’s Health Institute, Korea
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Panel 3c – Digital development: new frontiers, enduring barriers
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Reducing climate risks through innovative technologies that deliver multi-hazard early warning systems and community water supply monitoring and management
Craig McVeigh, Chief Executive Officer, Adam Smith, Chief Technical Officer, and Brandy Roberts, Business Development Manager, Similie
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Beyond sticky floors: understanding behavioural barriers in using digital tools among women necessity business owners in Indonesia
Rizqi Ashfina, Researcher – Social Systems, Lia Purnamasari, Design Researcher, and Maesy Angelina, Social Systems Lead, UN Global Pulse – Pulse Lab Jakarta
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Developing an international public good – the benefits and pitfalls
Dr Michael Nunan, Chief Executive Officer, Beyond Essential Systems
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Chair: Dr Adam Craig, Senior Lecturer, School of Public Health and Community Medicine, University of New South Wales

Panel 3d – Social protection in Southeast Asia and the Pacific

An unusual partnership: the pandemic, emergency aid and financial inclusion
Earla Kahlila C.Langit, Legal and policy adviser, The Philippines, Veron Requejo, Chief Legislative Officer, Senator Villanueva, Philippine Senate
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Social protection and perceptions of state legitimacy in Timor-Leste
Dr Kate Pruce, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
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The Fiji cash assistance program: social protection lessons from Fiji
Archie Law, Director of International Programs, Save the Children Australia
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Supporting a Pacific model of social protection for economic recovery and growth
Juliet Attenborough, Senior Social Protection Specialist, Partnerships for Social Protection
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Chair: Julianne Cowley, Assistant Secretary, Pacific Development Branch, Office of the Pacific, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Panel 3e – Are we there yet? Localisation, reform, and accountability in humanitarian action

Chair: Chris Roche, Professor of Development Practice, La Trobe University

Fiona Tarpey, PhD Candidate and Head of International Advocacy, Australian Red Cross
Shedrick Singip, Independent Consultant, Papua New Guinea
Dr Elisabeth Jackson, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University

Panel 3f – Health: investments, innovations and impact

Estimating the impact of child and maternal health investment options in the Asia-Pacific region
Dr Timothy Roberton, Associate Professor, and Dr Dani Barrington, Lecturer, University of Western Australia, Yvonne Tam, Senior Research Associate, Hannah Tong, Research Associate, and Dr Neff Walker, Senior Scientist, Johns Hopkins University

Public health law training programs: a powerful way to support sustainable development
Hayley Jones, Director, and Daiana Buresova, Regional Manager for the Pacific, McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer
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Evaluation of supportive supervision to improve the quality of primary health care in Kiribati, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
Katherine Gilbert, Head of Health Systems, and Alison Macintyre, Senior Technical Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, Dr Masoud Mohammednezhad, Lecturer, and Dr Gade Waqa, Lecturer, Fiji National University, Cormac Mercer, Technical Advisor, Fleur Smith, Senior Technical Advisor, and Clare Strachan, Principal Advisor, Nossal Institute for Global Health, Wendy Erasmus, Chief of Health, UNICEF Tanzania, Milysia Mereana Tubuna, Planning, Monitoring and Reporting Officer, UNICEF Pacific, Ali Safarnejad, Research and Evaluation Specialist, UNICEF Pacific and PNG
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» watch the recording

Chair: Camilla Burkot, Senior Technical Advisor, Global Health Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Day two

Panel 4a – Great Debate: ‘geopolitical competition is good for aid’
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Chair: Stephen Dziedzic, ABC News Foreign Affairs (Asia Pacific) reporter

Panel 4b – Monitoring, evaluation, and learning: portfolios, organisations and individuals
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Portfolios of development options: an approach to strategic ODA investments
Diastika Rahwidiati, Strategic Innovation Designer, Luca Gatti, Founder and Director, CHÔRA Foundation
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The big picture versus the nitty gritty: how portfolio-level impact measurement is integral to evidence-based decision making by funders
Courtney Roberts, Managing Director, Moonshot Global
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A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) of research for development effectiveness: evaluation insights and organisational lessons
Professor Jeroen van der Heijden, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand School of Regulation and Global Governance [online], Bethany Davies, Research Manager for Portfolio Planning and Impact Evaluation, Ruby AnnandJones, former Research Officer, and Kathryn Allan, former Research Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, and PhD Candidate, Australian National University, Nicola Vernon, independent researcher
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How international development volunteering shapes volunteers’ personal and professional trajectories: evidence from a longitudinal field study of Australian Volunteer Program participants
Dr Anthony Fee, Senior Lecturer, University of Technology Sydney
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Chair: Dr Cate Rogers, Assistant Secretary, Climate Resilience and Finance Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Panel 4c – Development architecture, concessional financing, and sustainability in an era of crises
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Chair: Jeff Singer, Senior Vice President, International Development, Nathan Associates

Andrew Oaeke, Secretary of Treasury, Government of Papua New Guinea
Dr Uzma Ashraf Barton, Principal Associate, Nathan Associates
Alicia Robinson-Morgan, Managing Director, Africa, US Millennium Challenge Corporation
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Timothy Robinson, Principal Economist, Nathan Associates

Panel 4d – Women’s economic empowerment in Southeast Asia

Models for women’s economic empowerment in Southeast Asia: lessons from seven years of Investing in Women
Andrew Rowell, Systems Strengthening Technical Lead, and Dr Julia Newton-Howes, Chief Executive Officer, Investing in Women
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Engaging with private sector for women’s economic empowerment: lessons learnt from Vietnam
Phuong Nguyen, PhD candidate, Massey University
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Supporting women to benefit from bilateral trade
Amanda Robbins, Managing Director, Equity Economics and Development Partners
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Chair: Dr Bernadette Whitelum, Chief Executive Officer, Alinea Whitelum

Panel 4e – Local leadership and change: perspectives from Indonesia and the Pacific

Chair: Joanne Choe, Head of Program Quality and Gender, DT-Global Asia Pacific

Dr Elisabeth Jackson, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University
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Dr Mema Motusaga, Chief Executive Officer, Ministry of Women, Community and Social Development, Government of Samoa
Dr Aidan Craney, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Human Security and Social Change, La Trobe University
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Dr Gordon Nanau, Senior Lecturer, Politics and International Affairs, University of the South Pacific
Marlene Delisa, Assistant Program Manager, Justice Accountability and Subnational Programs, Australian High Commission, Papua New Guinea
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Tony Hiriasia, PhD candidate, University of the South Pacific

Panel 4f – Pacific labour mobility: impact and inclusion

The long-term PALM scheme triple win during the COVID-19 pandemic
Carli Shilito, Assistant Secretary, Pacific Labour Policy and Engagement, Office of the Pacific, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
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Safety and wellbeing of Pacific workers in Australia
Lindy Kanan, Senior Research Officer, and Dr Judy Putt, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
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The gendered and social impacts of labour mobility in the Pacific
Dr Kirstie Petrou, Social Protection & Jobs Consultant, Ursula Casabonne, Consultant, Dr Dung Doan, Social Protection Economist, and Dr Matthew Dornan, Senior Economist, World Bank
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Labour mobility, community perceptions and gender norms
Dr Ryan Edwards, Deputy Director and Senior Policy Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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Chair: Dr Richard Curtain, Research Associate, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Panel 5a – The new debt crisis?
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Chair: Roland Rajah, Lead Economist and Director, Indo-Pacific Development Centre, Lowy Institute

Yolani Fernando, Chevening Scholar, Institute of Development Studies, UK
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Associate Professor Keith Barney, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
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Dr Neelesh Gounder, Senior Lecturer & Deputy Head (Research), School of Accounting Finance and Economics, University of the South Pacific
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Panel 5b – Disability inclusive development: new research and practice insights
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Mainstreaming disability issues in prison reform work: experiences and lessons-learned from the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice
Mohamad Doddy Kusadrianto, Director, Law Program, The Asia Foundation Indonesia, Eko Riyadi, Director, Center for Human Rights Studies of Islamic University of Indonesia
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The case for disability inclusion in economic development: value for money evaluation of gender and disability inclusive economic development project in Sri Lanka
Dr Saba Mebrahtu Habte, Evidence Building Advisor, Viktoria Midelauri, ANCP Disability Advisor, World Vision Australia Prabani Perera, Gender Equality and Social Inclusion Lead, World Vision Sri Lanka
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Rethinking disability data in humanitarian shelter response
Dr Alex Robinson, Head Disability Inclusion and Rehabilitation, Nossal Institute for Global Health, Leeanne Marshall, Shelter Lead, International Programs, Australian Red Cross
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Chair: Michaela Sargent, Chief Executive Officer, Exemplar International

Panel 5c – Food security and rural development
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The business of food security in Indonesia: working with the private sector to increase smallholder productivity
Nina Fitzsimons, Chief Executive Officer, Australia Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Incomes through Support for Markets in Agriculture
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Transforming agrifood systems to promote inclusion, women’s economic empowerment and climate resilience: evidence and lessons from the Asia-Pacific
Ellie Wong, Manager, Economic Empowerment team and Diana Johannis, Economic Development Advisor, World Vision Australia
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Participation and agency in school garden food security interventions: comparing case studies from Kenya and Papua New Guinea
Graham J. Walker and Amy Vos, Australian National University, Kenneth Monjero, Fun and Education Global Network, Trudie SikasIha, Morobe School Gardens Project, Robyn G. Alders, Honorary Professor, Australian National University
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Exploring the potential for carbon trading in Papua New Guinea’s smallholder coffee sector: institutional and governance considerations
Ellis Mackenzie, Research Consultant, Dr Matthew Allen, Principal Consultant (Research), and Isabel Bremner, Intern, Sustineo, Dr Rachel Friedman, Postdoctoral Fellow, and Dr Steven Crimp, Research Fellow, ANU Institute for Climate, Energy, and Disaster Solutions
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Chair: Dr Robert Hortle, Senior Consultant, Sustineo

Panel 5d – Gender equality as transformative development and humanitarian practice

Women’s rights in Timor-Leste after independence, including economic inequality, political representation, domestic violence, and autonomy
Berta Antonieta Tilman Pereira, Researcher, feminist, and activist, Timor-Leste

Walking our talk – journey towards gender justice
Anila Schroers, Strategic Lead Gender Justice, Oxfam Australia
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Gender equality as a transformative agenda
Dr Keren Winterford, Research Director, Jessica MacArthur, PhD Candidate, and Professor Juliet Willetts, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
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Women lead in emergencies
Sunita Maharjan, Gender and Protection Coordinator, CARE Bangladesh, Jill Aru, Program Manager Inclusive Governance, CARE International Vanuatu

Chair: Joanna Lindner-Pradela, Director, Knowledge Translation and Equality Insights, International Women’s Development Agency

Panel 5e – Issues in service delivery

Results-based financing in education for subnational government and school administrators: conceptual framework and practical recommendations
Dr Arushi Terway, Senior Lead Research Associate, Private Sector Approaches, NORRAG
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Upgrading informal settlements in Indonesia: using discrete choice experiments to understand resident priorities and taxpayer support
Dr Rohan Sweeney, Senior Research Fellow, Monash University, Jumriani Ansar, Assistant Professor, Universitas Hasanuddin
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COVID-19 and the risks and opportunities in addressing the Pacific region’s NCD burden through law: a spotlight on Fiji and Papua New Guinea
Daiana Buresova, Regional Manager for the Pacific, McCabe Centre for Law & Cancer
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Chair: Michael Wilson, Group Chief Executive Officer, e-Water Ltd

Panel 5f – Research, learning and development policy

Effective development policy for post-normal times
Dr Michael McAllum, Strategic Projects & Foresight Lead, CHÔRA Foundation, Adjunct Fellow, University of the Sunshine Coast
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Engagement with emerging donors amid changing development landscape: analysis and implications for Korea
Dr Jisun Song, Assistant Professor, Korea National Diplomatic Academy
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The influence of research on policy and programming: insights from bureaucrats and professionals in Australia’s international development sector
Ujjwal Krishna, PhD Candidate, and Chris Roche, Professor of Development Practice, La Trobe University
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Chair: Penny Morton, Assistant Secretary, Development Strategy Branch, Development Policy Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Panel 6a – Indigenous voices in development: current perspectives and future directions
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Chair: Jenna Hawes, Project Manager International Development, Ninti One

Tony Kiessler, Managing Director and Principal Consultant, Akaltye
Braiden Abala, Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Adviser, Partnerships for Infrastructure
Alice Tamang, Manager, Indigenous Programs, Australian Volunteers Program

Panel 6b – Aid, conflict transformation and peacebuilding in the Indo-Pacific
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Chair: Dr Tania Miletic, Senior Research Fellow and Assistant Director, Initiative for Peacebuilding, University of Melbourne

Nathan Shea, Assistant Director, Conflict and Fragility, The Asia Foundation
Ciaran O’Toole, Director, Southeast Asia and the Pacific Department, Conciliation Resources
Dr Siad Darwish, Senior Associate, CDA Collaborative Learning Projects

Panel 6c – How do we best serve the missing middle? Lessons from small business programs in Myanmar and Ghana
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Chair: Dr James Gordon, Research Fellow, College of Business and Economics, Australian National University

Clay O’Brien, Financial Inclusion Advisor, World Vision Australia
Arpita Pal Agrawal, Managing Director, M-CRIL
Vincent Potier, Evidence Building Advisor, World Vision Australia
Dr Matthew Gamser, Chief Executive Officer, SME Finance Forum, International Finance Corporation
Dr Jodi York, Principal, ImpactAbility Solutions, and Chief Impact Officer, Kilara Capital

Panel 6d – Ex-post evaluation and the aid effectiveness challenge: examples from rural development

Chair: Bethany Davies, Research Manager, Portfolio Planning and Impact Evaluation, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
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Professor Gill Westhorp, College of Indigenous Futures, Education and the Arts, Charles Darwin University
Dr Jennifer Gordon, Honorary Professor, Centre for Social Research and Methods, Australian National University
Dr Alex Peralta, Senior Lecturer, Centre for Global Food and Resources, University of Adelaide
Monica van Wensveen, Development Research Broker, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

Panel 6e – Infrastructure and gender equality: worlds apart or closer than we think?

Chair: Sarah Goulding, Assistant Secretary, Gender Equality Branch, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Dr Philip Martin, Director, Gender, Inclusion and Social Safeguards, Australian Infrastructure Financing Facility for the Pacific, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Natalia Beghin, Senior Consultant, Alinea Whitelum
Belinda Bayak Bush, Senior Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion Adviser, Economic and Social Infrastructure Program, DT-Global
Dr Pallavi Mandke, Technical Director and National Lead, Social Sustainability, GHD

Panel 6f – Education: inclusion, intersectionality and resilience

Universal secondary education, schooling, and women’s empowerment: evidence from Uganda
Douglas Kazibwe, PhD Candidate, Deakin University, Dr Jinhu Li, Senior Research Fellow, Australian National University
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Inclusion, intersectionality, and participation: a contextualised and sustainable model for gender, disability, and social inclusion in education in Kiribati
Tekaniri Kirata, Associate Lecturer Inclusive Education, Kiribati Teachers College, Nnenne Kanere, Inclusive Education Officer, Kiribati Ministry of Education, Teburantaake Kaei, Gender and Inclusion Officer, Dr Joanne Mosen, Disability Inclusion Advisor, and Dr Tanya Caufield, Gender and Social Inclusion Advisor, KEIP
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Building resilient education systems: evidence from large-scale randomised trials in five countries
Claire Cullen, University of Oxford/Youth Impact, Noam Angrist, University of Oxford/Youth Impact/ World Bank, Micheal Ainomugisha, Building Tomorrow, Saipramod Bathena, Alokit, Peter Bergman, University of Texas Austin, Colin Crossley, Thato Letsomo and Moitshepi Matsheng, Youth Impact, Rene Marlon Panti, Innovations for Poverty Action, Shwetlena Sabarwal, World Bank, Tim Sullivan, New Globe

Chair: Belynda McNaughton, Senior Advisor – Education, Development Performance and Advisory Services, Program Enabling Division, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Keynote panel: The state of Australian aid: transparency, public opinion, and a new international development policy
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Chair: Dr Cameron Hill, Senior Research Officer, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University

Huiyuan Liu, Research Officer, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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Dr Terence Wood, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, Australian National University
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Bridi Rice, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Development Intelligence Lab
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3MAP (3-minute aid pitch)
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Ashlee Betteridge, Better Things Consulting
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Lautoa Faletau, Deloitte
Neal Forster, Consultant
Bianca Gay, Catalpa International
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Clay O’Brien, Australian International Development Network/ Brightlight
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Raphaël Merx, Catalpa International
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Melody Zavala, The Asia Foundation
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Updated:  27 July 2024/Responsible Officer:  Devpolicy Admin/Page Contact:  CAP Web Team